

American analyst Randy Short analysis on the Boko Haram CIA ties in this video, which raised the Question, But why Nigeria? But of course, we got the Blood oil- Crude Oil amongst other things, right?

The CIA is like the fang of a snake that deposits the venom, the Head of the Snake is the United State. Past and present President in offices always have interest in a place somewhere on the Globe. President Obama was the architect of the Nigerian woes, but this article is not a direct attack on him, the focus is on the apex agency in the world like its counterpart MI6, its just a burden to find out why countries are thrown into unstable states of "decade long unrest", for so many people like me have no peaceful place to call home, we are not proud of it - for now!

So many conflicts have existed in the world, aside the Syrian War, Africa has the deadliest conflict in the world since the Second World War, Congo, Mozambique, Cameroon, Sudan, Somalia Nigeria all have tasted nasty civil wars and unrest, some of this evils are still raging on. Mineral resources made the west pollute Congo by powering warlords and kindling civil wars. The World powers that controls the mainstream media don't give a fuck so you can't hear much about it in the Headlines! That alone shows that military interventions are not intended to save lives but to make more money through Ammunition Supplies and funding those conflicts in these countries I have

"The objectives of the US military presence in Africa are well documented: counter Chinese influence and control strategic locations and natural resources including oil reserves"- Global Research

Libya and Gaddafi paid the price with blood when he sidetracked American oil interests, and we also saw how in Darfur Sudan where blood was spilled mainly because president El-Bashir also dare to conclude oil deals with the Chinese to the detriment of American companies.

Boko Haram another US clandestine operation

Boko Haram had committed so many evil, for those who do not know; these terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the mass murdering in the north-east Nigerian town of Baga Borno State Nigeria. Approximately, over 2,000 civilians were killed and 3,700 homes and business were destroyed in the 3 to 7 January 2015 attack on the town near Nigeria's border with Cameroon, as estimated by Amnesty International.


Boko Haram Leader Delivering a Speech like a president

To the World, Boko Haram is another terrorist group just like ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the rest. But to those who seek the truth, this is another head of a Snake called CIA- an Ultra Weapon by the New World Order to Control the affairs of the World. Thanks to Wikileaks, exposing the deeps diabolical atrocities have been made plain to the ordinary citizen knowledge, We have already been beguiled with several reports provided by the Wikileaks;

"Which identified the US embassy in Nigeria as a forward operating base for wide and far reaching acts of subversion against Nigeria which include but not limited to eavesdropping on Nigerian government communication, financial espionage on leading Nigerians, support and funding of subversive groups and insurgents, sponsoring of divisive propaganda among the disparate groups of Nigeria and the use of visa blackmail to induce and coerce high ranking Nigerians into acting in favor of US interests."-Source

The Western Powers have more schemes than meets the ordinary human eye, beyond what Wikileaks report exposed, many Africans and Nigerians might not know that;

"US embassy’s subversive activities in Nigeria fits into the long-term US government’s well-camouflaged policy of containment against Nigeria the ultimate goal of which is to eliminate Nigeria as a potential strategic rival to the US in the African continent."-Source

Eleven years ago, the CIA played god and predicted that in about 10 years, Nigeria would be shaken and somewhat destabilize, and cease to be a united country, or that it might simply become a “failed state.”

A lot of prominent Nigeria called it a hoax, the prediction was dismissed and tagged as mere Western opinion out of jealousy. Years after, everything came to pass even beyond our wildest dreams, North East Nigeria became "Hell's corridor" and there is a constant threat to millions of lives in neighboring and major cities of the Giant of Africa.


President Omar of Sudan stated that Isreali Mossad and American CIA are responsible for Boko Haram and its other evil outlets across the World.

"Omar al-Bashir was speaking exclusively to Euronews in the week that ISIL released a video purporting to show the execution of 21 Egyptian citizens - an act that spurred Egypt into launching airstrikes against ISIL targets in neighboring Libya."

The CIA had debunked several leaked secrets by WikiLeaks, but the World must know that there is more going on in these Agencies that meets the eye, even President Harry Truman who established The Central Intelligence Agency 69 years ago regretted doing so;

“For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive areas,” Truman wrote in the piece."

Fast forward to date, Nigeria is still struggling to recover from the losses and evil perpetrated by the "CIA" through Boko Haram. The prediction by the CIA of Nigeria to be disintegrated by 2015 failed, 2018 even with a thorn in the Flesh called Boko Haram, the country still remains.

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