Keeping Notes

Keeping notes on Hive so this is a shortish one.

To those who have the case files:

I'm here to stay. On the Hive Blockchain, that is. You're the only community I've found who are even willing to have a conversation like this. And you have my full support in return.

If I don't comment (I'll always be commenting and curating so check comments as my presence here, please) for more than 3 days, please release the Affidavits here on Hive in my stead.

Please remove my and all my personal contacts/family members' names to protect their privacy. Including that of the person who started the fight, please. And my was to be life-partner (Husband - yes, we were engaged despite my aversion to marriage. That's how much I loved the man! He was set on making things formal.)

You can decide whether to include officials' names or not. I'd suggest that they were lied to and not trained well enough to deal with the case, however. And that the workload they're trying to deal with results in dangerously bad service.

Having said that, I went on to do pro-Bono support for survivors and have heard some terrifying accounts of misdirected social services and police corruption and brutality.

To the point that an ex-wife of a police officer, who laid a charge of domestic violence against her husband, had a gun waved in her face, at her front door, by a few police colleagues of her ex-husband and was told she would be shot and killed if she continued the case against him.

This is by police officers themselves.

This isn't just my story. And, I'll say this again, I've heard far, FAR worse.

This is also not some kind of witch hunt or revenge against the person who started this mess.

We both behaved badly, at times, and we've both gone on to learn a bit and get over ourselves a bit more. They have, however, continued to hold me captive and under their thumb. Also facilitated by government parties.

My point is that, if services were working as they are meant to and those officials and authorities were held accountable for their behavior, this case would have been nipped in the bud at the first false allegation...

and none of this would have happened.

The case was that clear cut and THAT clearly rubbish. And every authority figure involved would have seen this if they'd taken the time to investigate and do the jobs assigned to them.

Legal protocol was ignored. Corruption was ignored. Criminal behavior was ignored. Human Rights violations were committed by the very officials bound to ensure the citizens of this country are protected. Sometimes by magistrates themselves. It goes on.

While I don't resent the mistakes we human beings make, if the very systems in place that are supposed to hold human beings accountable for their mistakes protect said individuals instead of holding them accountable...


we all know the outcome of this, these days.

I simply asked the government to fix their errors, by the way. Nothing more than this. No punishment for anyone involved. I only wanted my family back. And some help to rebuild what I've lost while trying to save it.

And now let's get back to Pippin and Nugget's magical adventures and making some art.

Featured image my own.

Working on my phone so please forgive typos etc. if any.

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