'Undeniable Pattern of Fraud': MIT Analysis Shows 69,000 Trump Votes Flipped to Biden in Michigan Amidst Contradictory Fact-Checker 'Facts', Michigan Lawsuit With Dominion Whistleblower & More

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(Source: Black Box Voting)

When the Antrim County Elections Commissioner in Michigan announced that a "tabulating software glitch" had counted 6,000 Trump votes for Biden amidst a flurry of other statistical anomalies in Michigan and other swing states, observers began to speculate that that the "glitch" was actually a feature of this Dominion Voting Systems software being used in 47 additional Michigan counties. Considering the fact that hidden programs used to flip the vote for a chosen candidate have not only existed for decades, but are easy to both create (only 100 lines of code) and upload onto electronic voting machines while remaining virtually undetectable, such a scenario is entirely possible. And given that another glitch in another Michigan county resulting with the very same outcome in a County Commissioner race, erroneously flipping Republican votes to the Democrat opponent causing a now-reversed election upset, it does seem mighty coincidental that multiple such 'glitches' all causing 'errors' that flip R votes to D is certainly highly suspect. And let's not forget Dominion's ties to the Clinton Foundation and a number of other establishment Democrat insiders, posing a number of obvious conflicts of interest.


Since then, far more evidence has surfaced to support this theory, keeping the establishment fact-checkers busy dutifully attempting to debunk each and every piece of evidence rolling in. Probably the biggest smoking gun of all, however, at least for Michigan, is the critical analysis of all voting data in the state's four biggest counties, performed by MIT professor Dr. Shiva and his small team of experienced election investigators, which found a disturbing pattern of anomalies that can only be coherently explained by an algorithm used to flip Trump votes to Biden.

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There's a reason the media won't touch this analysis with a 10 foot pole, at least as far as I could find, because the data doesn't lie. And although the data may or may not accurately reflect the actual votes cast, it does reveal a pattern which constitutes hard evidence that around 69,000 votes were stolen from Trump and given to Biden. This coincidentally adds up to a total vote swing of approximately 138,000 votes, the same exact number as the late night Election Day vote dump of 100% Biden votes. Furthermore, one of the three counties where this apparent algorithmic vote flipping clearly took place is Oakland County, the same county where a software "glitch" was briefly responsible for causing an upset win by giving republican votes to the democratic opponent in the County Commissioner race, before the 'error' was identified and corrected.

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It is also important to note some inherent flaws and features of electronic voting machines and their software that Dr. Shiva discovered through a series of FOIA requests in his investigations of his own race following the 2000 elections, also summarized in this video presentation. For one thing, electronic counting machines count digital images of the submitted ballots, not the physical ballots themselves, and in many counties these digital images are then destroyed. But there is a far more relevant truth about electronic voting machines that should be deeply disturbing to anyone genuinely seeking free and fair elections, summarized by

Dr. Ayyadurai learned that in 2001, a weighted race feature was added to Global Election Systems (GEMS 1.18.1) voting systems. This feature allows elections to be skewed to one candidate or another based on the settings of the software. This is not a hack, but a built-in FEATURE of the software. Why this feature exists in US ballot tabulation machines has never been explained.

Not only does the software allow for the weighting of election outcomes, but the way votes are stored and counted is also problematic. The systems store the votes as fractional decimals instead of whole numbers. This means the machines can be set to tabulate half a vote, which makes no sense at all, yet that’s how they were designed.

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To fully understand the bombshell findings of this Michigan voting data analysis, I would highly recommend watching this in-depth presentation, but I will do my best to also briefly summarize below.


The graphs below reveal the impossible, the data being analyzed collected from every precint in the four most populated counties of Michigan, each blue dot representing a precinct. The horizontal red line in the middle represents the projected results of an election where all straight-party republicans also vote for Trump. Blue dots above the line show the average number of democrat voters diverging from their party to vote for Trump in a precinct, while blue dots below the red line represent the percentage of cases where straight-ticket republican voters diverged from the party in the presidential race alone to cast their vote for for someone besides Trump, predominantly Biden as third party candidates receive so few votes. The vertical axis represents the percentage of voters diverging from the anticipated straight-party ticket, while the horizontal axis represents the percentage of republican voters in a precinct.

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What the data shows for Oakland County is that there were actually a sizeable number of democrat voters who diverged from their party to cast a vote for Trump for president, with what looks like an average of about 7% of democrats voting for Trump, with anywhere from 2% to 20% higher than expected Trump support among precincts with 80% or more democratic voters. But then, starting from precincts with populations which are about 20% republican, a linear trend begins, where the more republican voters a precinct has, the more likely a republican candidate is to not vote for Trump. This is an impossibility; the curve is too perfect, proof that a mathematical algorithm is responsible. Because while it is certainly reasonable to suspect that a large number of republicans may choose to vote against Trump - after all, his isn't your typical republican, or even your typical politician for that matter - there is absolutely no way this would naturally occur in such a way to create such a curve. There is no plausible reason whatsoever than can explain why only those republicans in areas more heavily populated with republicans are so much more likely to vote for Biden than republicans living in areas populated with higher numbers of democrats, and not only that, but that this relationship is proportional. It simply isn't possible, especially taking into account that this linear relationship can be found in two of the other four most densely populated Michigan counties, creating the very same curve, starting at the very same 20% mark in each case!

Same thing in Macomb County, but with an even higher percentage of democrats voting for Trump for president. Most interesting is that this pattern holds true for both Election Day votes and early votes (mail-in votes), despite being told the mail-in voters are predominantly democrats, some 20% of whom apparently support Trump for president while at the very same time as many as 12% of republican voters in precincts that are overwhelmingly republican actually voted for Biden.

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Same pattern in Kent County, but with an even greater number of republicans voting against Trump.

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Despite the statistical improbability of such a pattern occurring, if one was to somehow argue this was a natural rather than an artificially induced pattern, one would expect to see the same pattern in all counties, or at least in all densely populated counties, in Michigan. Wayne County thus proves the fraud, not only showing a more random pattern as would be expected, but also completely devoid of any of the unusually high republican voter turnout for Biden in republican counties that were seen in the other three counties, and maintaining the higher turnout of democratic voters for Trump seen in the other three counties.

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So people can ignore the evidence all they want, but this data proves the fraud, that 69,000 or more votes were stolen from Trump and given to Biden in Michigan alone. But I suppose the fraud-deniers will nevertheless come up with a satisfactory explanation for the mindless programmed Trump-haters, and those that believe these vote patterns in Michigan were created naturally without electronic influence will probably have no problem also believing that for the first time in American history only one of the 17 "Bellwether Counties" which have a nearly 100% perfect track record of voting for the winning candidate somehow got it wrong...


But for the rest of us, it's becoming about as clear as it can get that this was a rigged election, a stolen election, and that what we are witnessing is the establishment selection of Biden as the next approved puppet of the Divided Police State of America in clear contravention of the will of the People. What this 'Bellwether' anomaly also indicates is that the fraud was not isolated to Michigan. After all, if Trump votes were flipped to Biden in Michigan by the same voting software being used in many states and counties across the country, there's probably a good chance the same type of vote flipping also took place elsewhere.

And sure enough indeed, it didn't take long after the initial reporting of the first vote-flipping 'glitch' in Antrim County Michigan before a more widespread pattern of this very same type of vote flipping began to emerge, with concerned citizens capturing footage from Election Night news counts in both Pennsylvania and Wisconsin showing similar cases of votes being flipped from Trump to Biden during updates, at least in the media counts, and in large amounts no less, of around 9,000 and 20,000 in these two cases.


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Rock County, Wisconsin:

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Our friendly fact-checkers over at PolitiFact have declared that this too, like nearly every single allegation of fraud being circulated, is not actually evidence of fraud and amounts to nothing but a simple error on the part of the media, not the vote counting software, in their fact-check of the Rock County anomaly. The official vote count put out by election officials was correct all along, they say, and it was the AP stream of data used by most mainstream outlets responsible for this vote flip anomaly. Despite having a "myriad checks and redundancies in place to ensure the integrity of the vote count reporting," the AP cites a "brief technical error" as responsible for "wrongly assigning the 37,133 total to Biden and the 46,649 total to President Trump," making the apparent vote flip nothing more than a correction of the error. And while this is certainly possible, it is hardly believable that a myriad of 'glitches' and 'errors' in the reported vote tallies would all end with the appearance of large chunks of votes being flipped from republicans to democrats, in every case, especially in light of the evidence reviewed above.

The establishment fact-checkers at the BBC likewise deemed the 138,000 Biden vote dump in Michigan to be a "data entry error," which they claim was "corrected," and yet this 'correction' never resulted in the data actually being corrected. No Biden votes were ever removed from the totals. Similar massive Biden vote dumps occurred in both Wisconsin and Georgia, two other major swing states, with some establishment lackeys giving even more bizarre explanation as to why Biden managed to get 100% of over 100,000+ ballots counted at once in Wisconsin and Michigan:

“Explanation is that DDHQ has funky data entry — juggling streams of numbers and sometimes entering one candidate at a time,” said the Cato Institute’s Ilya Shapiro on Twitter. “Question answered, thanks.”

Mystery solved with a simple explanation, the Washington Examiner informs us, no need to worry.

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Only one problem. Was it a "data entry error" or "funky data entry" methods?

  • Cato Institute fact-checker:
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  • BBC fact-check team:
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Was it a "simple error from a file created by the state" in need of correction, or "juggling streams of numbers...sometimes entering one candidate at a time" that needed no correction? Because it can't be both. Or maybe it was just "an apparent typo on a lone national media site," as USA initially reported, before updating their article to reflect the 'typo' originating from the county, not the media??? Or here's an idea, maybe the funky data entry method is the error! So many 'facts' to choose from when debunking those pesky 'baseless claims', it must be fun to be a fact-checker in times like these.

Seeing how the 'fact-checkers' can't even agree on what the 'facts' are, but only on what 'baseless claims' must be 'fact-checked', their plausible explanations regarding the media 'errors' noted above are certainly far from believable at face value. Especially in light of USA Today's initial 'media typo' that ended up turning into "a clerical error in Shiawassee County, Michigan, that caused an incorrect vote tally to be reported in government data." Yes, the media 'errors' above could in fact just as well turn out to be "an incorrect vote tally reported in government data," caused by a clerical 'error' or vote-flipping software used to rig the election.

So show us the data, the real time-stamped data straight from the voting machines, and turn over the electronic records to the public so they can be independently inspected and audited to verify there hasn't been any altering of the original data. Then give us a hand re-count, open to poll watchers who are allowed to stand close enough to actually see the ballots and the vote tallies and create a video record of the honest or dishonest recording of tallies. Until you do this, your claims and assurances are not believable, given your long track record of lying to the public and contradicting your own official narrative, dear establishment fact-checkers. So until you do this, it is you who appear to be the ones spewing "baseless claims" in a "torrent of falsehoods" to cover up the fraud of the decade, the steal of the century.

One Trump supporter decided to analyze the data reported from the vote counting machines to see if the Pennsylvania vote flip captured on live TV had indeed simply been a media reporting error or not. The investigation reportedly found that the media updates did indeed match the official vote count from the machine records. Obviously only one of these two potential scenarios can be the truth in this case. Either the official vote count was right all along, and instances of votes being flipped from Trump to Biden were corrections of media errors, or the anomalies weren't caused by media errors. This particular researcher decided to run a program to find if there were any other cases of vote flipping to be found in the voter machine records, and what he claims he found, if it holds up to scrutiny, certainly points towards the 'glitches' being on the voting machine software end. He alleges that his analysis found widespread vote flipping, with millions of votes that were stolen from Trump and given to Biden or simply deleted altogether.

The Gateway Pundit first picked up the story, in a November 10 article, "Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems", noting that:

In the piece the author claims his work is a full list of votes switched from Trump to Biden or votes erased by Dominion (the vote machines used in many states across the US).

(The author claims that his work has been verified but we have not verified the results so we currently are labeling his results “unaudited.”)

The original post with a full description of the methods of analysis and results can be found here: https://thedonald.win/p/11Q8O2wesk/happening-calling-every-pede-to-/

If these findings were to be confirmed as valid, it would be proof of widespread fraud, proof of election rigging, and proof of a stolen election, just as Trump has been claiming all along. We should be highly skeptical of the findings of this "unaudited" analysis for sure, but it seems at least worth looking into, and even without this 'evidence', there is already enough proof to demonstrate that the fraud was widespread enough to warrant further investigations and recounts. The NoQ Report has now also published an article covering this story, and claims to have verified some of the data, namely 17,407 Georgia votes flipped from Trump to Biden:

We are going through the data now, but everything we’ve combed through so far seems to check out. For example, in Georgia there appears to have been 17,407 votes switched. Biden is currently leading in Georgia by 14,148 votes.

Data deep dive on Dominion Voting Systems offers incontrovertible proof of election hack

Donald Trump has now also tweeted out these findings as well, no doubt keeping the fact-checkers busy. According to the OANN report referenced by Trump, 221,000 Trump votes were flipped to Biden in Pennsylvania, with states using Dominion software flipping a total of 435,000 Trump votes to Biden.

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In the end, this rabbit hole may not lead us to the silver bullet exposing this fraud, but I thought it worth mentioning here, and the case for a stolen election does not hinge on this one unverified report. There is, however, a great deal more entirely credible evidence coming to light as well, with the first Dominion Voting System whistleblower, Melissa Carone, going public on Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss the myriad of irregularities she witnessed firsthand at a Michigan vote counting center. This included tabulating machine errors responsible for counting votes twice being reported to upper management, to which the response was, "we are only here to assist with IT, not help them run elections." She was scheduled to be on Sean Hannity, but that interview was cancelled at the last minute, and she ended up on Lou Dobbs.

Carone is one of several witnesses who have signed sworn affidavits for an independent lawsuit filed in Michigan, and her statements of fact can be seen in the following document:

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The lawsuit makes some pretty serious allegations of fraud that go well beyond what Carone personally witnessed at the TCF Center in Detroit that night, much more than just programmed electronic vote flipping. As reported by The Federalist:

The Great Lakes Justice Center complaint provides “eyewitness accounts and direct evidence” that “approximately 40,000” unsecured, irregular ballots arrived in vehicles with out-of-state license plates at Detroit’s only vote-counting location, TCF Center, in the wee hours of the Nov. 4 morning during a shift change in election workers. Eyewitnesses signed affidavits saying that every one of this group of 40,000 ballots they saw “was counted orally and attributed only to Democratic candidates,” specifically Joe Biden.

Other eyewitnesses signed affidavits under penalty of perjury stating they saw multiple other piles of ballots, together additionally numbering in the tens of thousands, that were counted despite violating election law, sometimes at the direction of local election officials. This allegedly happened both before the election, during early voting, and during the election and subsequent vote count.


Poll challenger Daniel Gustafson signed an affidavit stating he “witnessed tens of thousands of ballots being delivered to the TCF Center that were not in any approved, sealed, or tamper-proof container…Large quantities of ballots were delivered to the TCF Center in what appeared to be mail bins with open tops. Contrary to law, these ballot bins and containers did not have lids, were not sealed, and did not have the capability of having a metal seal.”

Even the former Michigan Assistant Attorney General, Zachary Larsen, was among the witnesses, and "testified that at the convention center in downtown Detroit, election officials appeared to be processing a “majority” of mail-in ballots from ineligible voters that were not listed in the poll book of eligible voters, nor Larsen’s scanned list. Larsen confirmed in the affidavit that he had heard similar reports from other concerned poll challengers as well."

When Larsen tried to shift positions to get a better visual on the poll book on the computer screen and the mail-in envelopes to confirm his suspicions, he was “loudly and aggressively” scolded for not social distancing by standing at least six feet away from the election official.

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GLJC Michigan Lawsuit: https://greatlakesjc.org/wp-content/uploads/Complaint-Costantino-FINAL-With-Exhibits.pdf

Multiple Dominion whistleblowers have come forward, according to Rudy Giuliani, so time will tell if they bring any additional substantial evidence forward.

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Giuliani interview with Steve Bannon on Wednesday night discussing the lawsuits and breaking the news of Dominion people stepping forward to testify as witnesses of fraud:

It will be interesting to see if the Trump team has found anyone who's going to blow the whistle on any electronic vote rigging, something that someone within Dominion Voting Systems would surely be deeply involved with.

In another related development, Maricopa County AZ GOP Chair was forced to resign after failing to certify Dominion voting machines. Now why would these 'reliable' and 'secure' systems fail to be certified, unless they had some known issues, and why on earth would they be put to use before receiving proper certification of their accuracy?

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Also highly suspicious was the theft of a laptop and the memory sticks used to program Philadelphia's voting machines in September, in a crime where the only missing items were those used to program the voting machines.

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The implications are obvious, with Philadelphia being one of the major cities boasting widespread allegations of voter fraud, and Pennsylvania one of the key swing states, and one in which a vote flipping 'glitch' or 'media error' was caught on live TV no less.

Even more concerning was the use of the new, untested Silicon Valley AI signature-verification software in at least eight states for matching signatures on ballot envelopes with those in government databases, in order to determine "legal" votes. Relying on robots to verify signatures is questionable, particularly with almost zero human oversight with untested machinery, particularly when the manufacturer, Parascript, has a massive conflict of interest. As summarized by Whitney Webb in her expose: "Untested AI software was used to verify mail-in ballot signatures in highly contested localities like Clark County, Nevada. The company that produces it has close ties to Lockheed Martin and Microsoft and its founder has a bone to pick with Donald Trump."

In addition to Lockheed Martin, Parascript enjoys partnerships with other prominent companies with long-standing ties to US intelligence. For instance, Parascript is a partner of Hewlett-Packard, a company whose close ties to the CIA and its venture capital arm In-Q-Tel, particularly under the leadership of Carly Fiorina, is an open secret.

Parascript is also partnered with IBM. Just last year, the CIA hired IBM Federal vice president Juliane Gallina to serve as the intelligence agency’s chief information officer. In that position, Gallina oversees “the CIA’s modernization efforts as well as making better use of the massive amount of data it possesses.” In addition, IBM is a major corporation driving the push to create “smart cities” in the United States and globally, but to date they have focused much of their smart city efforts on China and have long-standing ties to China’s political and economic elites. In addition, IBM is one of the four sponsors of the Center for Presidential Transition, which issued a statement on Sunday (November 8) urging President Trump to concede to his rival Joe Biden. IBM had previously sponsored Biden’s cancer initiative for the Department of Veterans Affairs when he was vice president and, this election cycle, donated $640,801 to Biden, compared to $139,373 to Trump.

Parascript is also a Microsoft partner, and Microsoft executives have shown overwhelming support for Biden. But that's not all.

Currently, US election infrastructure is overseen by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), headed by Chris Krebs, who was a top Microsoft executive before taking on his current role. Under Krebs’s leadership, CISA’s 2020 election operations center includes representatives from major Silicon Valley companies, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as unspecified “election technology” companies. The center also works with the Center for Internet Security, which is funded by eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar’s Democracy Fund and has several members of the Obama administration’s cybersecurity team and/or National Security Council on its board. Microsoft directly partnered with the Center for Internet Security’s efforts related to the 2020 election this past June and IBM is also partnered with the center.

And so you have a web of connection between the company making the AI used to certify legal votes in numerous states and one key county in a key swing state, the agency overseeing election 'security', the military/intelligence community, and the Silicon Valley tech giants with a pro-Biden bias who were responsible for deciding what election news the public was allowed to see and what election news was censored in the weeks prior to, during and after the election. Microsoft is right in the middle of this web, and former Microsoft founder and CEO, Bill Gates, has been an open critic of Trump and an ardent supporter of the Orwellian Covid1984 measures backed by the Biden agenda.

But if you think any of this constitutes evidence of widespread fraud or a criminal conspiracy to steal the election, or you even think it raises red flags and questions that deserve to be answered, then you're the crazy one peddling "baseless claims," because election fraud is "extremely rare" in this country, and the 2020 elections were the "most secure" elections in American history! And as for that senile old man incapable of rallying more than a few dozen supporters at campaign events, well he somehow turned into the most popular presidential candidate in American history on Election Night, despite record number of minorities and democrats turning out to vote for Trump. The establishment puppets are digging their own grave. They will continue to repeat their mantra, "no evidence of fraud," but even repeating "no evidence of fraud" a thousand times a day won't make it any more true. It only destroys their credibility, as this claim is more laughable than the nonsensical claim that nonexistent Russian election interference was responsible for Trump's 2016 win.

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