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Peer Reviewed Study Confirms Covid Injection Weakens Immune System, Produces Covid Symptoms - Negatively Influences Recipients 'In A Way As If They Experienced Infection'

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Evidence that the experimental injections being forced on the entire global population are weakening, diminishing and effectively destroying the immune system and causing autoimmune disease in recipients continues to stack up. Recently added to the large and fast growing body of evidence indicating the jabs are negatively impacting the human immune system is the peer reviewed paper, Comprehensive investigations revealed consistent pathophysiological alterations after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines, published in the medical journal Cell Discovery on October 26, 2021.

The research findings "revealed consistent alterations in gene expression of many different immune cell types," most notably including a "reduction of CD8+ T cells" in healthy 'vaccine' recipients following injection, which signals a diminishing of cellular immunity in the vaccinated, with the study authors also noting "consistent alterations in hemoglobin A1c, serum sodium and potassium levels, coagulation profiles, and renal functions in healthy volunteers after vaccination."

CD8 T cells are an integral, vital component of the innate human immune system, and the reduction of cellular immunity in the vaccinated has already led to a sharp rise in disease as previously reported by Dr. Ryan Cole, ranging from an observed “20 times increase of endometrial cancers” in 2021 over what is typically seen on an annual basis to a rise in melanomas and a "huge uptick" in HPV when “looking at the cervical biopsies of women.”

“Post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells, in your CD8 cells,” Dr. Cole explained in a presentation made this summer. “We're literally weakening the immune status of these [vaccinated] individuals,” he said. According to Dr. Cole, this is the only explanation for such a sharp and sudden rise in these particular diseases since the vaccination campaign was launched at the beginning of the year.

Now, peer-reviewed scientific research has confirmed that this is exactly what is taking place, that these experimental injections are indeed causing a reduction of CD8 T cells in injection recipients.

Previously, Red Cross policies and news reports had already suggested that these injections were depleting or counteracting 'Covid-19'-specific antibodies in the naturally immune.

Additionally, lab results of pre-/post-injection immune system tests ordered by Dr. Nathan Thompson for one of his patients revealed in late September that the mRNA injections had significantly reduced practically all significant immune cells including both CD8 and CD4 cells as well as natural killer cells, indicative of a complete destruction of the body's immune system in at least some injection recipients, which explains why autoimmunity expressed through various autoimmune diseases has been known by the FDA to be an inherent risk of these shots since clinical trial data first became available before their authorization to the general public, and is now also one of the many commonly reported adverse reaction following injection.

Dr. Nate Thompson presents these lab test results in a heavily censored informative video which can be seen below:

This reality is now supported by peer-reviewed scientific literature, and these latest scientific findings also serve as additional confirmation of the findings of another study published as a pre-print in March indicating that the second dose of the Pfizer injection “results in a reduction of cellular immunity in recovered individuals,” causing “a contraction of the spike-specific T cell response” to Covid, findings which led the study authors to theorize “that the effector memory CD4+ T cells” in the naturally immune “may be prone to activation-induced cell death (AICD) after the second vaccination dose.”

It has since then continued to become increasingly clear that not only is this the case, but that these injections are adversely affecting the entire human immune system in this manner, after both the first and second jabs. This glaring reality can no longer be denied, as evidenced by the peer-reviewed research findings of the very same medical establishment backing the injection campaign. Under the subsection entitled "scRNA-seq revealed dramatic alterations in gene expression of almost all immune cells after vaccination," the study authors note that: "Cells (cell transcriptomes) from samples before and after vaccination were distinctly separated in the UMAP representation for both cohorts, which meant immunological features had changed quite drastically in almost all immune cell types detected, and consistently in all volunteers."

We observed decreases in contents of CD4+ regulatory T cells (CD4.Treg), CD8+ T cells (CD8.T), and proliferating CD8+ cells (CD8.Tprolif) after vaccination (Fig. 3e). Decreases in γδ-T cell (gd.T.Vd2) contents were also significant (Fig. 3e).

Interestingly, upon comparing and contrasting these "gene expression changes" with those observed in both Covid patients and a control group, the researchers found that "vaccination-induced changes in cell contents of all five different immune cell subtypes also changed in the same directions in COVID-19 patients as compared to controls, except for proliferating CD8+ T cells," which is not particularly surprising given the injections 'work' by inducing the creation of the toxic spike protein shown to be able to cause Covid-mimicking disease (or quite possibly 'Covid-19' itself...). Most noteworthy among the cell types that were upregulated following injection were those associated with “coagulation” and “inflammatory response,” which amounts to yet more additional scientific evidence explaining the well known and widely reported adverse reactions associated with inflammation including myocarditis (heart inflammation) and blood clotting (vaccine-induced thrombosis and thrombocytopenia, aka VITT), both of which are acknowledged adverse reactions associated with these experimental injections.

In regards to Covid-like disease being caused by these injections, the study authors make the shocking admission that vaccination affected recipients "in a way as if [they] experienced an infection."

Results indicated that vaccination, in addition to stimulating the generation of neutralizing antibodies, also influenced various health indicators including those related to diabetes, renal dysfunction, cholesterol metabolism, coagulation problems, electrolyte imbalance, in a way as if the volunteers experienced an infection.

Concerning the observed generation of neutralizing antibodies in recipients, the authors elsewhere note that these antibodies quickly dissipated, which can be added to the mountain of evidence demonstrating that any benefit these injections may provide is extremely short-lived, thus the public now being candidly told that perpetual 'boosters' every few months will be necessary.

Given that this comprehensive of a study on the effects of injection on the human immune system and associated gene alterations appears to be the first of its kind and "had not been performed for previous vaccine evaluations," one would hope such alarming results would get the attention of the 'vaccine' manufacturers and those pushing these injections on the global population and cause them to consider the demonstrable risks so clearly associated with these shots. Indeed, the study authors themselves conclude: "Our study postulates that it is imperative to consider the potential long-term impact of vaccination to certain medical conditions or to general human health."

The Big Pharma profiteers responsible for making these dangerous chemical concoctions and the psychopathic mandavaxx cultists attempting to force them into the arms of every man, woman and child on the face of the earth, on the other hand, don't appear to see such a consideration as imperative at all. And this should tell the public everything they need to know about those advancing this injection coercion campaign. In case people hadn't noticed yet, they don't care one bit about your health and safety, but only about how many injections they can pump into you and your kids.

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