October 7 & the Plot to Prevent Peace – At All Costs, Part 2: Intent to Commit Genocide, War Crimes & the Rampant Dehumanization at the Heart of the Battle Raging for Humanity's Soul

Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 14-47-45 Massive Anti-War Demonstration in London Against Israel's War on Gaza - World Today News.png
(source/credit: WTN)

War is a monster. War is the devil. It starts and it consumes, and it grows and it grows. And otherwise normal men become monsters, too. - Patrick Ness, The Knife of Never Letting Go

Once one assumes an attitude of intolerance, there is no knowing where it will take one. Intolerance, someone has said, is violence to the intellect, and hatred is violence to the heart. - Mahatma Ghandi

See part 1 of this series for additional background and details regarding this plot, this conspiracy, to prevent peace and perpetuate war at all costs - From a Senseless Slaughter to a Genocidal War, and the Rise of the Murderous Two-Headed Monster Behind it all

For as long as this genocidal war on Gaza has raged on since the single shocking and horrifying October 7 Hamas attack on Israeli territory triggered it; one must begin to wonder just how far humanity has fallen from our commonly held ideals of equality, justice, compassion, truth, freedom, and all that which gives us what we universally refer to as our humanity; given the sheer level and disturbing depth of gross inhumanity this war is reflecting.

The insanity rages on, even in the face of millions of dissenters of all types worldwide taking unprecedented stands against the unconscionable Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity being daily perpetrated collectively against the whole Palestinian population of the besieged and war-torn Gaza Strip for over 10 straight months now, systematically and indiscriminately. And these murderous imperial forces are carrying out this heinous crime against humanity blatantly and shamelessly so, no less; that the whole world can clearly see the depths of depravity those responsible for this ongoing massacre of innocents have sunk into.

The tragic reality of the war on Gaza was already blatantly obvious just two weeks into the war. It is now, over 300 days later, becoming frighteningly obvious that despite what western world leaders publicly claim, these leaders care absolutely nothing about humanity, and neither do they seek peace through a sustainable ceasefire; lest they would have pressured Israel into such an arrangement already.

Perhaps it ought to beg the question: Have we collectively really lost our humanity, or did we perhaps never truly have it to begin with? I would contend that the answer is indeed both; that a great many have lost a good bit of their humanity during this tragic saga, and that it is also at the same time but an intensified reflection of what inhumanity was already deeply buried within the collective consciousness before this war broke out.

Either way, it is awakening humanity in droves to the deception, corruption, injustice and blatant inhumanity of our western global power structures; the genocidal intentions of the extremist Zionist leaders currently in control of Israel, and the utter senselessness of this war. And as the slaughter rages on in plain sight for all to see, to this very day; even as our leaders continue to remain silent in the face of likely the most shockingly horrific injustice of the century perpetrated upon humanity; the truth continues to rise from the ashes of the ongoing destruction of Gaza, illuminating the depths of this darkness, that we might collectively confront it and cast it out from our midst, at last choosing a new and different path forward into the light of peace.

No justice, no peace, as the slaughter rages on

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." - Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham, Alabama jail, April 16, 1963

The people of the earth desperately want peace, as do the Palestinians, while at the same time there can be no peace without justice; and yet neither justice nor peace seem to be anywhere within sight in the land of Palestine, especially following recently unfolding events that only serve to widen and deepen this increasingly regional war.

Amid increased pressure for a ceasefire agreement by some US authorities, these very same US authorities hypocritically continue to voice unconditional support for Israel's war while simultaneously supplying it with the weapons needed to perpetuate this grievous assault upon humanity indefinitely. President Biden may give lip service to peace at times, painting himself as attempting to pressure Israel into a ceasefire while simultaneously reaffirming his staunch support for the regime responsible for waging the war in the first place, but talk is cheap and still the weapons shipments flow from here to there; the disastrous results of such policy impossible not to see.

Just over two weeks ago on early Saturday morning, Israeli forces yet again targeted another school housing Palestinian refugees in what locals described as a “horrific slaughter,” missiles striking the makeshift prayer hall during early morning prayers, murdering some 100 displaced refugees, including at least 11 children and six women, with dozens more injured. It is no wonder the world is horrified and humanity increasingly standing in opposition to the insanity this war has become, with massacres such as these the very reason why the indicted Netanyahu is facing possible arrest on behalf of the Hague for war crime charges filed by the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) earlier this year.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) can scream that the school was being used as a Hamas “command and control center” all they like, and that some 20 Hamas fighters were killed in the airstrikes and no one else, but it is plain for all to see that this is simply not true – as a brief look at the photo/video evidence and the voices of the eyewitnesses present would clearly indicate. If the absurd Israeli claim that practically every airstrike and bombing it carries out in Gaza precisely targets Hamas headquarters', outposts & depots were true, then with well over half of the Strip's infrastructure destroyed and over 40,000 killed – given Hamas' military wing was an estimated 27,000 strong before its deadly October 7 attack – then Hamas and its weapons depots should surely be in utter ruins, if not entirely eradicated by now. Yet somehow Israel has failed to achieve any of its stated military objectives in this war, while Hamas on the other hand now appears stronger than ever and has somehow managed to retain de-facto control of the majority of the besieged enclave, clearly neither destroyed nor disarmed; no doubt in large part due to its extensive underground tunnel systems which offer some protection from the enemy's airstrikes.

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Just days after the above-mentioned massacre widely condemned by world leaders globally, on August 14, an Israeli precision missile strike targeted a civilian apartment, murdering a mother and her two newborn twin babies, while the father was out of the house at the local health ministry receiving their birth certificates. They were among 23 Palestinians killed in the area during airstrikes carried out at the time. What the mainstream media failed to report, however, was that the murdered mother had been posting to social media, documenting and exposing Israeli snipers targeting children.
That she this strike targeted the apartment specifically to silence her is indeed quite likely; an official Israeli statement claimed the IDF was “unaware” of the incident.

Photo evidence reveals the precision nature of the airstrike, ruling out the possibility this was accidental, while the advanced targeting technology which Israel has, ensures they know exactly how many women and children are in any and all buildings they target before striking. IDF frequently boasts of their precision capabilities when it suites their narrative, and a 17 US Army Intelligence veteran speaking out on this murderous war campaign also confirms the same.


Second video clip from above plays below:

The dehumanizing, even genocidal statements of Israeli leaders and others throughout the war – combined with the testimony of defecting Israeli soldiers disgusted by the savagery of the war campaign and inhumanity of its military commanders - betray the true intentions of this relentless Israeli bombardment of the besieged civilian population of Gaza which has left the Strip in utter ruins; the whole of its people displaced, ravaged by famine and disease. Neither are these conditions accidental, but rather the direct result of an Israeli policy designed to punish an entire civilian population for the crimes of Hamas, also confirmed by the statements of its own leaders; out of sheer hatred of Palestinians it would seem, and certainly also as part of a longstanding plan to ethnically cleanse, forcibly displace, and then occupy and settle the Gaza Strip - a plan that is now being accomplished at an increasingly rapid rate in the occupied West Bank. Not to mention also being, obviously, for many of the soldiers involved carrying out this war campaign, an expression of Israel’s collective anger over its own humiliating failure to both prevent the October 7 Hamas operation and to even come close to destroying Hamas after 10 long months of futile war.

Intent to commit genocide, a consistent pattern of dehumanization & the rejection of peace threatening regional, world war: 'There will never be a peace plan':

At the very onset of this war, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced his decision to impose a complete and total siege of Gaza, blocking the entry of... everything – all food, water, aid, fuel and electricity – a war crime and grievous crime against humanity.

“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant says following an assessment at the IDF Southern Command in Beersheba. “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he adds.

Then, sure enough, Israel effectively blocked entry of all goods, including food, water, fuel, and desperately needed medical aid for some weeks; this a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, the announcement betraying Israel's intention to commit the heinous war crime of intentionally starving a civilian population, and likely a prime reason the Defense Minister is also charged alongside Netanyahu with war crimes and crimes against humanity in the ICC Prosecutor's application for the arrest warrants for them both.

Intent to commit genocide, war crimes & a pattern of dehumanization: In their own words

The Defense Minister's reference to Palestinians as “human animals” is nothing new for Israel, however, echoing numerous such dehumanizing statements that have been made over the years by various Israeli leaders, with PM Netanyahu himself in 2016 describing all of Israel's Arab neighbors as “wild beasts.” Other such dehumanizing statements made in recent years, all by ones who were, at the time the statement were made, Israeli government leaders, include the following:

“The souls of all Jews are higher than those of Christians, or Muslims or anybody else.”

Palestinians “are like grasshoppers compared to us.”

“The Palestinians are like crocodiles.”

Palestinians “are not human, they are beasts.”

“There are no innocent people in the Gaza Strip.”

“Palestinians are all enemy combatants. … The mothers' of the martyrs should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise more little snakes will be raised there.”

Israel is going to hurt Lebanese civilians to include kids of the families. … We did it then, we did it in the Gaza Strip, we are going to do it in any round of hostilities in the future.”

There will never be a peace plan with the Palestinians. I will do everything in my power to make sure the Palestinians never get a state. I've killed a lot of Arabs in my life, and there's no problem with that.”

(Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4)

It is now, more so than ever before, clearly the Zionist intention to never recognize the Palestinians as a people, never make peace with the Palestinians, and forever prevent the implementation of a two-state solution that perhaps at one time could have brought peace. This has been confirmed in numerous statements made on the Israeli side throughout the war. For example, Israeli Minister of Settlements and National Missions, Orit Strook, during a speech in the Knesset on February 19, said that “there is no such such thing as a Palestinian people” and that “there will never be a Palestinian state in the land of Israel.” By 'land of Israel', she means the entire historic land of Palestine, from the river to the sea, including the illegally occupied and settled West Bank and East Jerusalem, as well as the besieged and war-torn Gaza Strip.

We can also see how this dehumanizing and at times outright genocidal rhetoric is directly inherited from the violent supremacist Jewish Zionist settler movement which has now taken over the state of Israel, and in the process has turned it into a wholly state-sanctioned apartheid colonization project.

Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 22-06-00 ‘Palestinians are animals’ — Why many Jewish Israelis approve settler pogrom – Mondoweiss.png

This war is but a new phase of the ongoing implementation of this entirely illegal decades-long colonization program by the radical fundamentalist Jewish Zionist terrorists and war criminals who seem to be calling all the shots in Israel these days.

Alongside Gallant, in statements made in the immediate wake of the October 7 Hamas attack, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu mirrored the Defense Minister's sinister announcement, declaring: "We will destroy them and we will forcefully avenge this dark day that they have forced on the state of Israel and its citizens."

The ensuing Israeli military assault on Gaza has done just that, delivering on a promise made by a top Israeli General all the way back on Christmas Day of 2019, in which the military spokesman assured listeners that: “In the next war, we will forcefully strike within urban areas,” clarifying: "Electricity, fuel, infrastructure, we will strike."


This is that war, and sure enough the IDF has delivered well upon its promise, with an apocalyptic vengeance. During the opening salvo of the war, PM Netanyahu also said, of “that wicked city,” referring to Gaza, that “we will turn them into rubble,” adding: “I say to the residents of Gaza: leave now because we will operate forcefully everywhere."

Unfortunately for the two million unhappy Palestinians inhabiting the besieged Strip, they have absolutely nowhere to go, being prisoners under the illegal decades-long military siege of the enclave. No civilian corridor into either Israel or Egypt has ever been created since October 7, as the true Zionist intention appears not to be to protect and liberate the Palestinians in Gaza, but rather to subject them to a ruthless, relentless, indiscriminate military bombing campaign and ground assault. Netanyahu's empty words are not actually meant for Palestinian ears, mind you, but rather to paint the false picture in western minds that his inhumane assault on the entire population of Gaza is actually a heroic operation to free an oppressed civilian population from the authoritarian rule of Hamas, which, by calling on them to evacuate, leaves the impression among ignorant western audiences that these defenseless souls actually have anywhere left to go. They don't, they haven't for two decades, and that's a really big problem.

And, as I covered in part 1; just two weeks later, Netanyahu was making an open call to commit a genocide against the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip on live television.


It surely doesn't get more blatant that this, as they no longer even attempt to hide their crimes against humanity in plain sight...


Meanwhile, also during the opening salvo of the war, Israeli parliamentarian Revital "Tally" Gotliv went much further with her outright genocidal rhetoric, suggesting Israel carry out a nuclear strike and advocating for the flattening of the entire Gaza Strip.

"Jericho missile! Jericho missile! A strategic alert, before we consider introducing our forces. A doomsday weapon!" she wrote on X, adding that, "Only an explosion that shakes the Middle East will restore this country's dignity, strength, and security! It's time to kiss doomsday," before going on in a follow up post with this: "Shooting powerful missiles without limit. Not flattening a neighborhood. Crushing and flattening Gaza...Without mercy! Without mercy!"

Israel's Jericho missiles are “reportedly equipped with a 750 kg nuclear warhead,” and while the world thankfully has yet to witness a nuclear strike, Israel had, less than one month into the war, already “dropped more than 25,000 tons of explosives on the Gaza Strip since the start of its large-scale war on 7 October, equivalent to two nuclear bombs, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported. By now, the Zionist regime has shockingly dropped more tons of explosives on the besieged enclave than all of the major bombing campaigns of World War 2 combined. Meanwhile our American leaders continuing to openly fund, support and arm the Zionist war machine responsible for this senseless slaughter, ever lining the pockets of the gleeful arms manufacturers, both parties enabling the endless carnage.

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 01-07-22 Irene Bertoni (@IreneBertoni66) _ X.png

Not the only Israeli MP to advance the idea of nuking Gaza, Israeli Heritage Minister Amichay Eliyahu also “suggested that Israel drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza and said there were 'no uninvolved civilians' in the territory.” Still another Israeli MP, Deputy speaker of the Israeli Parliament Nissim Vaturi, writing on X, assured his audience that Israelis were united behind one common goal: “Erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth.”

Meanwhile, on October 11, former Israeli General Giora Eiland declared: “We must create an unprecedented humanitarian disaster in Gaza. The ultimate tool - damage to the water system,” belying the true genocidal intent of this savage war campaign. At the same time, an Israeli army official told Channel 13 News that “Gaza is going to be razed to the ground," and “will eventually” be reduced to “a city of tents.”

On October 13, Israeli President Isaac Herzog reiterated the Zionist position that would justify in its eyes a wholesale genocide of the entire Palestinian population of Gaza, putting the blame for the Hamas attack upon every man, woman and child living in Gaza, absurdly declaring that: "We are working, acting, militarily according to rules of international law, period, unequivocally. It's an entire nation out there that is responsible [for the October 7 attack]. It's not true, this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved, it's absolutely not true.”


It should be noted that before October 7 and the ensuing Israeli war on Gaza, Hamas support among Palestinians was at a dismal 26%; and yet since then, as the conflict rages on, that support has risen significantly. So to say that the entire ‘nation’ of Gaza was complicit and involved in that attack is an absurd lie, given some 75% of the Palestinians do not even support the extremist militant group controlling the besieged enclave; not to mention a practical impossibility that 2 million people were somehow involved in such an attack that only about 2,000 militants carried out, and during which time perhaps several dozen to several hundred civilians crossed into Israeli territory and engaged in some minor looting and vandalism. But as we can see, the number or absurdity of the lies being spewed by these murderous supremacists knows no bounds.

Nor did such genocidal rhetoric disappear once the war kicked off in full-swing. By January of this year, Deputy Speaker Vaturi was taking to the airwaves to reaffirm his initial call to “wipe Gaza off the face of the earth,” adding: “Gaza must be burned.” In the same radio interview he also said that “there are no innocents there,” before calling on the wholesale destruction of all remaining Palestinians in northern Gaza. “I have no mercy for those who are still there. We need to eliminate them,” he said. Just three days earlier the Minister of Finance, MP Bezalel Smotrich outrageously claimed that Gaza is filled with 2 million “Nazis,” that is, practically the entire population.

And just last week the same Smotrich was lamenting that the scruples of humanity, via increasing international pressure being put upon Israel to at least reign in its madness or better yet broker a ceasefire, would never permit the Zionist war machine to starve the entire besieged population, suggesting it would nevertheless be both “justified” and “moral” to commit such a monstrous crime against humanity. “No one in the world will allow us to starve 2 million people, even though it might be justified and moral in order to free the hostages,” Smotrich said, signaling to the world that perhaps an even more inhumane siege akin to the one initially imposed at the onset of the war may be right around the corner.

It should be noted that by starving Hamas out, Israel would also contribute to the starvation of the hostages, who are reliant upon their Hamas captors for their food, another sign these psychopaths are not prioritizing the health and safe return of the hostages, but rather their own personal, religious and political aims.

The “most moral army on earth” has delivered well on the maniacal promise of its overlords, successfully displacing an entire civilian population, flattening Gaza, starving its people, slaughtering its women and children; and, ironically, in the process of doing so has only served to strengthen Hamas as well as weaken itself to the point of nearing total societal breakdown and civil war.

Dehumanization & genocidal rhetoric spreads, poisoning an entire Israeli society, exposing Israeli prison system as torture camp network & threatening complete societal breakdown, civil war

Not unsurprisingly, this hate-induced rhetoric serving to dehumanize an entire people did not remain confined to the halls of the Knesset and the statements of far-right Israeli leaders, but has spread throughout the ranks of the whole Israeli right-wing and also trickled down into society to affect the psyche of all of Israel, infecting all those whose hearts and minds are not strong enough to resist the pervasive fear and hatred being spewed by those at the top of the pyramid of Zionist power. As reported by the AP last year, by mid-December, a number of videos and photos depicting Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip “acting maliciously” went viral on social media, sparking outrage among many, while reflecting the moral and spiritual toll this senseless war is taking on those sent out to do their master's bidding.

“The dehumanization from the top is very much sinking down to the soldiers,” said Dror Sadot, a spokeswoman for the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, which has long documented Israeli abuses against Palestinians.

From a video showing soldiers lighting fire to precious Palestinian food and water supplies in the back of a truck to another capturing soldiers decapitating plastic figurines in a toy store; from a photo of a soldier posing in front of a wall next to the spray-painted inscription, “instead of erasing graffiti, let’s erase Gaza,” to a video of a group of soldiers dancing hand-in-hand while singing a 'battle song' featuring the words, “Gaza we have come to conquer. … We know our slogan – there are no people who are uninvolved.” The fear, intense human suffering on both sides, and bitter hatred fueling this insanity is pervasive and is infecting the hearts and minds of many of those who were previously more reasonable and inclined towards some semblance of empathy and compassion for their fellows upon this planet, 'enemy' or not.

Ghassan Khatib, a former Palestinian-Israeli Cabinet minister and peace negotiator, explained how in his view this was the most divisive and polarized he had ever seen Israeli society, similar in many respects to the current highly polarized political environment in which we here in America now find ourselves.

“Previously, there are people that are interested in seeing from the two perspectives,” said Khatib, who teaches international relations at Beir Zeit University in the West Bank. “Now, each side is closed to its own narrative, its own information, rules, and perspective.”

Such close-mindedness inherent to such intense polarization is at the heart of this dehumanization campaign, which has led to otherwise well-intentioned people carrying out some of the most unthinkable atrocities against their fellow humans; their hearts utterly closed off to empathy and compassion, now filled instead with the very same poisonous fear and hatred which has led to the most tragic human rights abuses and genocides the world has ever known – from the well known genocidal Nazi war campaign to the lesser known but perhaps more savage 1994 Rwanda genocide, featuring neighbors viciously hacking defenseless neighbors to pieces with machetes – including countless women, children and even babies.

The results of this intentional corruption and degradation of the human soul by the dark side is perhaps most pronounced not in the flattening of Gaza, but back in Israel. As surfacing photos, videos and eyewitness testimony has come to reveal, the Israeli prison system has, since the beginning of the war, been turned into a de-facto torture chamber network, with the widespread and systematic daily abuse of the thousands of Palestinian prisoners being held without charges – including deprivation of food and water, humiliation, torture and rape – now the horrifying new normal for 'the only democracy in the Middle East'.

The graphic details of the reality of this situation, the daily reality for so many imprisoned Palestinians since the beginning of the war, will doubtlessly send chills of horror running down the spine of anyone who has any shred of humanity left within in them. That any human being on the planet in this modern age of 'civility' could support, let alone participate in such incomprehensible atrocities carried out against fellow defenseless humans, is both shocking and almost unbelievable; and yet this is exactly the unconscionable reality currently playing out in Israel at this very present moment in time.

The recent Israeli arrest of nine soldiers accused of gang-raping a Palestinian prisoner was met with massive riots on a scale similar to the American January 6 'uprising', with several Israeli MPs taking part; the angry mob storming two military facilities in an attempt to prevent the detention and questioning of the accused rapists. Despite video footage documenting the gang-rape being leaked to the public, Israeli authorities have subsequently released four of the apparent rapists, likely in an attempt to quell public outrage and avoid the possibility of a civil war; as there were calls from among the angry protesters, some armed, for an uprising if the arrested soldiers weren't released, and protests have since continued. The first of these men to be released, as I understand, then went public on social media, bragging about his actions and calling on Israelis to support the 'heroes'.


A number of Israeli leaders have since defended the soldiers' heinous crimes, denouncing their questioning by military prosecutors, while openly defending this institutionalized rape along with absolutely “everything” else being systematically done to these unfortunate Palestinian detainees in contravention of international law and accepted moral norms as completely “legitimate.” Instead of denying the atrocities being carried out in their prisons, a block of the Israeli right-wing is instead openly acknowledging, defending, and advocating for these crimes against humanity to continue 'in defense of Israel against the terrorists', while the apparent rapists have been called “heroes” by many.


All of this highlights the severe moral degradation and breakdown of society that all of this deep-rooted fear, dehumanization, bitter hatred, and desensitization of our very humanity rooted in the spirit of vengeance has brought about.

The disturbing effects of this global dehumanization campaign upon the hearts and minds of the masses can also be seen in the hate-filled rhetoric of Israelis and staunch supporters of Israel worldwide, parroted widely across social media platforms by countless social media accounts. Such comments disseminate not only a message of unquestionable support for and defense of Israel's war campaign, but also a pervasive message of bitter hatred, where the dehumanization of the 'enemy' by the rank-and-file among those caught in this Zionist cult mentality is pervasive. Such examples are too numerous to count, with a central theme of this dehumanization campaign consisting in calls – some direct and many others through graphic insinuations – to “exterminate the rats.”
Another major social media influencer who has advanced such dehumanization is 'Hillel Fuld' (X handle: “@HilzFuld”), a self-proclaimed “Proud Zionist/Jew,” who revels in the IDF humiliation of Palestinians being taken prisoner, calling them “small pathetic snakes,” admittedly despises “self-hating” anti-Zionist Jews more than “the enemy,” incessantly celebrates the deaths of those same enemies, and has referred to the entire Hamas leadership as “literal rats.”

At the same time, Hamas and its supporters also frequently celebrate the death of Israelis with equal fervor, demonstrating that the poison fueling this seemingly endless cycle of bloodshed has infected the hearts and minds of a great many souls on both sides of this conflict.

Other dehumanizing labels personally observed across social media posts given by the Zionist war supporters to their enemies include “desert vipers” and “weak weasels,” as well as “sewage rats,” “cowardly vermin,” and “cockroaches” which are “difficult to exterminate.” Let us not forget that during the Rwanda genocide, “cockroaches” was the chosen label given to the slaughtered Tutsi minority in the days leading up to and during the slaughter.

Whether such dehumanization is directed towards Hamas and Hezbollah specifically or Palestinians, Muslims and Arabs generally is often difficult to ascertain, considering the extremist Zionist viewpoint that no Palestinian in Gaza is innocent or uninvolved with Hamas military operations, apart perhaps from children four years of age and younger at least – as one Israeli official has argued. That such hatred is often directed towards all Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims, however, is seen in memes making such declarations as: “F#ck Palestine. F#ck Hamas. F#ck Islam,” and: “Burn them all.”

From Israeli leaders and policy makers to IDF soldiers and officers, former government officials, journalists and media personalities alike; the genocidal rhetoric, dehumanization, humiliation and calls for the forced displacement of and subsequent Jewish settlement of the entire Gaza Strip has been rampant throughout Israel throughout the war. As of mid-August, 500 such cases have been documented so far by the human rights organization Law for Palestine.

Even religious Jews themselves, when they condemn the murderous actions of the so-called Jewish State being carried out in their names, are not immune from such hatred and dehumanization. Inside Israeli territory, such dissent among citizens is often met with repression, though it is typically worse for Arab/Muslim Israelis who speak out than white/Jewish Israelis who speak out.

Miriam Margolyes, an elderly Australian Jew, upon condemnation of the Israeli war campaign in a video posted to X in April, was variously called a “senile bat,” a “Self hating Jew,” and a “clearly demented” and “helpless...propaganda tool.” Readers can judge for themselves whether her compassionate call for peace and condemnation of horrific crimes against humanity in the name of her religion – based upon her loyalty to the spiritually universal Golden Rule which lies at the heart of all the major religions – is actually reflective of a demented and propagandized mind, or in fact rather reflects the common sense, heartfelt reasoning of one of the countless sane and rational minds speaking to this conflict, whose voices appear strangely all too often ignored in the highly polarized establishment portrayal of this insanity.


It must also be pointed out that this rampant dehumanization is not only occurring among those falling for the Zionist war propaganda, but is equally present among Hamas propagandists and its loyal supporters, a point all too often invoked in defense of this very same dehumanization of those who are also dehumanizing them.

Meanwhile, here in the US, at least two American lawmakers have also suggested that Israel consider the nuclear option on Gaza. In March of this year, Congressman Tim Walberg (R-MI) not only advised that Israel should treat the Gaza Strip as the US so foolishly did with Japan's major civilian centers at the end of the second world war, but more shockingly also suggested our own military forces take the same approach in Ukraine, with the intent to “wipe out Russian forces.”

“We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid,” Walberg said at a town hall meeting in Dundee, south of Ann Arbor. “It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick,” he said.
Calling Israel “our greatest ally,” Walberg said that any moves to feed the starving population of Gaza would be a gift to “Iran and Russia” as well as “China.”
After proposing a “Nagasaki and Hiroshima” solution for Gaza, Walberg immediately added, “It should be the same in Ukraine,” declaring that the aim of the US should be to “wipe out Russian forces.” - WSWS

Similarly, Zionist war-hawk and senior Senator Lindsay Graham of SC twice in May of this year suggested Israel consider the nuclear option to end its war on Gaza, first at a congressional hearing and then in a television appearance on NBC's Meet the Press, in which he forcefully defended the US decision to drop the atom bombs on Japan's two major civilian centers as “the right thing to do.” Never mind that this blight in American history was one of the single most heinous and atrocious acts of evil perpetrated against humanity that the world has ever been unfortunate enough to witness; here we have a senior US lawmaker actually defending that despicable war crime and suggesting such an atrocity should be considered again in a heavily nuclear-armed world, and upon a defenseless civilian population no less!


In the immediate wake of the October 7 Hamas attack, in a FOX News interview, the unhinged SC senator had previously called on Israel to “level the [Gaza Strip],” echoing the rhetoric of his fellow haters of humanity over in Israel, declaring that: “We are fighting a religious war, and I am on Israel’s side. Israel needs to do whatever the hell it takes, level the place.”


Can such people not see that by stooping to the very same level of dehumanization as the 'genocidal enemy', that they have actually become a part of the very evil they at first set out to eradicate? A poignant admonition of Frederick Neitche certainly rings true, and humanity would be wise to reflect upon his words:

“He who fights with monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster, and if one gazes long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into him.”

Stay tuned for the third and final installment in this series, where I document the current, ongoing plot by Israel to prevent peace by hijacking the ceasefire negotiation process and fomenting more expansive regional war at the same time; as well the dark forces behind this murderous two-headed monster, the power of the light available to humanity, and the global resistance rising up in response to this madness, giving humanity hope and illuminating a clear path forward to peace.


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