Lebanon’s 9/11 & the Wave of Israeli Aggression Leading up to it | Beirut Explosion an Israeli False Flag Attack?


By deception, thou shalt do war.” - original Israeli Mossad motto

The US media has been all but ignoring the massive explosion in Beirut that sent shockwaves through Lebanon last week; blowing up the main Beirut port and thus cutting the nation’s main line of supply from the outside world, leaving a number of people without power, injuring thousands of civilians and killing over a hundred while damaging an incredible amount of infrastructure.


Compilation of video footage of the explosion and ensuing shockwave from a variety of different angles and brief discussion of the blast by High Impact Flix can be seen below:

I am referring to the blast as Lebanon’s 9/11 because of its catastrophic nature, the immense damage caused by it and because the official narrative, put forth immediately before any investigation into the cause could even be instigated, is as absolutely unbelievably ridiculous and implausible as the official 9/11 narrative: that this incredibly destructive and catastrophic explosion that pulverized buildings, created a large mushroom cloud and sent devastating shockwaves across the city a whopping dozen miles in each direction was somehow caused by nothing more than a fireworks warehouse fire. That was the claim by many western media outlets before the mainstream networks promptly dropped the story from front page news altogether.

And as Whitney notes, if you believe that story, you may also believe that the free-fall demolition-style collapse of building 7 into its own footprint on 9/11 immediately following the decision to “pull it” (according to owner Larry Silverstein), was caused by nothing more than a few isolated office fires.


Meanwhile Lebanese officials are likening the likely bomb blast to Hiroshima. And while there was indeed a smaller fire present before the blast (much like 9/11) and what appears to be a few fireworks blasting off in the seconds before the main explosions erupted, Lebanese authorities quickly concluded the blast was most definitely not caused by fireworks. Major General Abbas Aibrahim, chief of Lebanon’s internal security, promptly denied the claim that the main blast was caused by fireworks, telling Lebanese TV it would be “naive to describe such an explosion as due to fireworks,” and instead suggested the cause of the massive blast may have been confiscated “high explosive materials,” the Independent reported.

There was apparently a large amount of ammonium nitrate being stored at a warehouse in the area, which the Lebanese Prime Minister indicated was the likely cause of explosion, however the blast appears to have been far too large and destructive to have been caused by the detonation of this ammonium nitrate alone. Most recently, on Monday the Prime Minister gave a public speech announcing the resignation of his government, during which he repeatedly blamed the explosion on government corruption which he had been unable to root out. Many of the resigning officials had close ties to the West...

And while nobody yet knows for sure exactly what the cause was or just who if anyone was behind this devastating blast, there are more than a few indications all pointing in the very same direction, towards the Zionist entity of Israel as the likely culprit. Another huge similarity between the false flag attack of 9/11, and this event, is that the Zionist agenda for the region has everything to gain from this potential attack just as it did with 9/11.

Not surprisingly, Israel immediately denied responsibility; but it should be noted that it is standard operating procedure for the Israeli Occupation Forces to deny responsibility for attacks carried out against its neighbors, even in cases when it later turns around and proudly takes full responsibility for the attack(s). Lebanese government is at this time not pointing their fingers at Israel, which is quite understandable regardless of the true thoughts of its leaders; for even if they do strongly suspect Israel is responsible, to publicly point their fingers would necessitate a retaliation which they and their civilian population simply cannot at this time afford.


An open Lebanese attack on Israel would invite the full wrath and military might of the Zionist entitity which has already been preparing for a war on Lebanon for many months now, and would likely be followed by a military invasion by Israel, or at the least a series of intense and destructive attacks. Strategically speaking, even if Lebanese officials are or in the future become reasonably certain that Israel was behind the likely attack, better to just let it go, carry out a complete investigation to determine the cause and source for their own information, and let Hezbollah deal with Israel and any associated retaliation that might be sought after.

Hezbollah is after all the de facto army of the Lebanese people and the functioning military force used to confront and deter Israeli aggression against Lebanon. The Lebanese Army and its security forces are small in comparison, and totally lack an air force of any kind, necessitating the existence of Hezbollah’s massive arsenal of long range precision missiles stored in the north and its military presence at the southern border as its main defense mechanism.

Not to mention, Hezbollah is already coming under regular repeat attack by the Zionist war machine of late, is already due to retaliate for a recent Israeli attack on Syria that killed one of its members, and is inching closer and closer to all-out war against Israel; as Israel continues its increasingly intensified wave of unprovoked aggressions against both Hezbollah and Lebanon, against the Palestinians in occupied Palestine, against Syria, against Iraq, and against Iranian targets all throughout the region - with no end in sight.

There are many reasons to suspect that this explosion was an Israeli attack, not the least of which being Israel’s recent attacks on Lebanon in the days leading up to it, followed by PM Netanyahu’s threat to attack Lebanon made the day before this explosion rocked Beirut.


These most recent tensions between Hezbollah and Israel and Israeli attacks on Lebanon were sparked when the Israeli attack on a Syrian army post near the occupied Golan Heights killed a Hezbollah fighter, which immediately put Israel on high alert due to Hezbollah’s new policy of retaliating in equal force to every single Israeli attack killing any of its members, whether in Lebanon or in Syria.

Throughout the previous duration of the western proxy war on Syria, Hezbollah had not as a matter of policy retaliated against Israeli attacks which killed any members of its forces stationed outside of Lebanon. That all changed earlier this year when Hezbollah had enough of the continued unprovoked Zionist attacks on Syria which kept leaving its own fighters dead and an Israeli drone was also used to attack Lebanon, and announced the new policy at that time. This announcement was followed by a Hezbollah missile attack launched out of southern Lebanon, utilizing a handheld missile launcher used to launch a single guided missile targeting an Israeli military vehicle traveling near the northern Israeli ‘border’, which was completely destroyed, presumably along with its driver.

At that time, the Hezbollah announcement of its intent to retaliate had struck great fear into the Israeli forces, for they were not accustomed to Hezbollah retaliating for attacks carried out in Syria, and had been in a terrified state of high alert for a full week waiting for the attack which was slow to come, and one southern Zionist military post had even been completely abandoned in the panic, making it possible for an RT camera crew to film the empty building without interference! The Zionists had during this time sent several military vehicle decoys to drive along the border, but Hezbollah had not been fooled, and had patiently waited a full week for an Israeli military vehicle driven by an actual member of the IDF to come into range of the northern Lebanese border, before carrying out their retaliatory attack.

This operation showed great patience and willingness to wait for the right opportunity on the part of Hezbollah, and demonstrated its capabilities to accurately hit Israeli military targets from within Lebanon without the need to cross into Israeli territory even without using its long range missiles, and showed its commitment to carry through with retaliation when first attacked by Israel.

One reason Hezbollah strikes such fear into the Israeli military is that, being a highly sophisticated, extremely well-armed and formidable fighting force, it is also the only military force which has ever won a war against Israel, defeating the Zionists during the second Israeli war on Lebanon, forcing them to withdraw and seek a UN peace treaty to put an end to the conflict.

So now, whenever Hezbollah announces that an Israeli attack in Syria has killed one or more of its members, Israeli forces in the south are immediately put on high alert and remain in a state of great fear, panic and disarray until a retaliatory attack has been carried out and announced as completed by Hezbollah.

So when just such an Israeli attack on Syria which killed a Hezbollah fighter was carried out a week prior on Tuesday, July 21, Israel prepared for an imminent attack on its forces near the northern border, but the retaliation it was preparing to respond to was once again a not immediate. In the Israeli state of panic and confusion, they ended up bombing one of their own border posts, apparently mistakenly thinking it had come under attack by Hezbollah.

Then, blaming their own attack on Hezbollah, the Israeli forces ‘retalitated’ by opening fire, shelling southern Lebanese territory for over an hour. In the attack they successfully targeted a Lebanese civilian home, causing only material damage and injury to the occupants, and again failed to accurately target any members of Hezbollah. The unprovoked attack sparked return fire from Hezbollah, in what became the heaviest fighting between the sides in months.

Despite the whole incident being set off by Israeli incompetence and eagerness to preempt the anticipated Hezbollah retaliation, Netanyahu warned that the resistance group was “playing with fire” for defending itself from the Israeli aggression, and stated that “Hezbollah and Lebanon bear full responsibility for this incident,” despite there being no evidence that the alleged Hezbollah cross-border infiltration into Israel cited as the cause for Israeli fire ever took place.

Hezbollah’s retaliatory attack has yet to come, as the group made clear following the battle, and so Israel remained in an increasingly high state of alert and panic in the days preceding the Beirut blast.

“The answer to the martyrdom of [our] brother Ali Kamel Mohsen, in the vicinity of Damascus airport has not been given yet. Zionist occupiers must still wait for that answer and their punishment at the hands of the resistance forces,” Hezbollah said.

All this is only the immediate context of the possible Israeli attack on the Lebanese port in Beirut, and not even the complete immediate context at that.

In summary: On Tuesday, July 21, Israeli attacks on Syria killed one Hezbollah fighter and seven Syrian soldiers. Israel then used a failed cross-border ‘attack’ by Hezbollah which caused no deaths or injuries to the Israeli side one week later as the pretext to launch a large-scale shelling of southern Lebanese territory on Wednesday, July 29, which prompted Hezbollah to return fire. Netanyahu vowed to hold Hezbollah and Lebanon responsible for this ‘attack’ on Israel.

Israel then carried out unprovoked aerial attacks against targets in the Gaza Strip on Sunday night, August 2, and once again against targets in southern Syria near the occupied Golan Heights on Monday night, August 3. Then on Tuesday, August 4 Netanyahu once again threatened Hezbollah with military attacks, which was followed just hours later by the massive blast that rocked Beirut.

The attack on the Gaza Strip, like dozens of similar such attacks before it, was launched in supposed response to an alleged single rocket which was allegedly fired by Palestinian militants in the besieged enclave and then ‘intercepted’ by the Iron Dome (as opposed to landing in an empty field), causing no damage or injury. Like clockwork, single rockets continually falling in empty fields or sometimes intercepted, but always causing no damage or injury, are used time and time again as the pretext for precision Israeli airstrikes launched against pre-chosen Palestinian targets in Gaza.

As I have demonstrated in times past, there are many reasons to suspect that most, if not all such Palestinian ‘attacks’ of this style are either nonexistent hoaxes or false flags.

The most recent Israeli attack on Syria was supposedly launched in response to “four Arabs” allegedly planting explosives along the Golan Heights ‘border’ fence, although Israel has produced no evidence to support these claims. This is also a common Israeli tactic used to target Palestinians in Gaza - claim ‘terrorists’ are planting a bomb, target the ‘terrorists’ and any pre-chosen targets they desire, but without releasing any clear evidence of the ‘explosive device’ that was allegedly planted.

Israel said it struck a number of Syrian Arab Army targets in response to the attempted sabotage by the four unidentified Arabs because, as always, Israel holds the Syrian Army responsible for any alleged attacks or would-be attacks coming from Syrian territory, irregardless of the actual perpetrator(s), which could always include operatives of the Jihadi terrorists with which Syria is currently at war with.

In this case, Israel says it immediately killed the four so-called “terrorists” who had allegedly planted the supposed “explosives,” but nonetheless went on to carry out a wide scale attack against Syrian military targets in the area to punish the Syrian Army, as simply ‘defending their border’ by eliminating the ‘threat’ apparently wasn’t good enough. Such disproportionate ‘retaliation’ is still considered ‘self defense’ according to the Zionists, however. According to the IDF, “the targets of the airstrikes were observation posts, intelligence-gathering equipment, anti-aircraft batteries and command facilities at Syrian military bases.”

But, even if the “four Arabs” who allegedly approached the Golan fence were Hezbollah members or Palestinians or Syrian fighters authorized by the Syrian Army, they could well have been planting surveillance devices as opposed to explosives if they were planting anything at all. Hezbollah has planted numerous such devices along Lebanon’s southern border, so it isn’t out of the question that they would be doing the same in Syria along the Golan fence in an attempt to monitor IDF movements there, where Israeli attacks on Syria are frequently launched from.

In any event, it is extremely important to note that even if these Israeli claims are entirely accurate, this entire incident took place at the ‘border’ of the illegally occupied Syrian Golan Heights, and thus Israeli Occupation Forces have no right to be stationed there at all, and Syrian forces and their allies including Hezbollah have every right under international law to resist those illegal occupation forces with force. Meaning even if “four Arabs” in Syria were preparing to carry out an attack on Israeli forces in the Golan Heights, they had every legal right to do so, and Israel had no legal right of ‘defense’; for the UN and entire international community apart from the US recognizes Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights to be illegal, recognizing the Golan Heights to be sovereign Syrian territory; and therefore illegal occupation forces have no legal right to ‘defend’ their occupation of foreign lands, in this case sovereign Syrian territory, while those under occupation on the other hand have every legal right to resist the illegal foreign occupation.

Contrary to the Zionist claims, any Syrian attack on Israeli forces in the Golan Heights would be a legitimate act of self defense against an illegal occupation, while every single Israeli attack against Syria is an unprovoked act of aggression. The truth is that Israel has been at war with Syria for years now, and Syria just doesn’t have the means to openly declare war against Israel or fight back conventionally while it is at the same time busy fighting the remaining western-backed terrorist armies on its own soil and dealing with an illegal US occupation of its oil fields in the north while trying to rebuild its toppled infrastructure amidst crippling economic sanctions.

The Israeli view of the Syrian incident is apparently that the four “terrorists” allegedly planting “explosives” at the Golan fence were Hezbollah operatives, dispatched by the Syrian Army (and of course ultimately by Hezbollah leadership in Lebanon), as seen in the veiled threat to attack Lebanon Tweeted out by Netanyahu: “We hit a cell and now we hit the dispatchers. We will do whatever is necessary to defend [sic] ourselves. I suggest to all of them, including Hezbollah to consider this. These are not vain words; they have the weight of the State of Israel and the IDF behind them and this [threat] should be taken seriously.”


The next day, a massive [bomb?] blast rocked Beirut, conveniently targeting one location which had been previously identified by the IDF specifically as “missile conversion infrastructure” which was part of “Iranian and Hezbollah accurate missile project.”



Israel regularly identifies various targets in Beirut as Hezbollah infrastructure, as a part of its ongoing propaganda campaign against Lebanon and to create pretexts for any future attacks launched against Lebanon. The Lebanese civilian population and authorities generally discount these claims as laughable and totally false, knowing full well that Hezbollah has intentionally buried its entire arsenal of precision long-range missiles along the length of the northern border with Syria in this remote desert region far from the Israeli border and any populated civilian areas, specifically to deter Israeli attacks on the heavily populated civilian center of Beirut under the guise of targeting Hezbollah missile infrastructure.

Furthermore, the admission by Lebanese authorities that the location where the explosion took place housed “explosive devices,” suggests this was not a Hezbollah missile site but rather a Lebanese government facility which may have housed its own munitions. Regardless of what the site of the blast truly housed, it was not far from previously identified “Iranian and Hezbollah” target by the Israeli military. And Israel has on multiple occasions openly stated that it will not hesitate to target Iranian infrastructure anywhere and everywhere it so chooses.

Edit: At the time of initial writing, I was under the impression that the IDF-identified “site at the dock” was the very site of the explosion. As I have since discovered, it was nearby, about a mile away, within the 2-mile blast radius, but not the exact location of the port explosion by any means.

We must also keep in mind that Israel has over the course of the past two years been visibly ramping up its preparations to launch a war against Lebanon (and Iran).

Israeli officials have on previous occasions threatened that in any such future war, civilians and civilian infrastructure would be targeted.

Israel is going to hurt Lebanese civilians to include kids of the families. We went through a very long discussion, we did it then, we did it in the Gaza Strip, we are going to do it in any round of hostilities in the future.” - Israeli Defense Minister, May 5, 2015

“In the next war, we will forcefully strike within urban areas...we will strike the infrastructure of the host countries [Lebanon, Gaza, Syria] - fuel, electricity, infrastructure, we will strike.” - IDF Chief of General Staff, December 25, 2019


Now there are actually Zionists who are celebrating the immense level of civilian death and injury caused by the recent Beirut explosion, even including one party leader, who wrote in a Facebook post of the “joy” Israel felt over the destructive blast, seen as a ‘gift’ which was a “given by God.”


This reveals the true depths of the racist and supremacist Zionist ideology of extreme hatred so prevalent among right wing Israelis, who cheer on the death and suffering caused to the Lebanese civilian population, viewing such widespread pain and suffering as a gift sent from heaven.

There are clearly many Zionists who are indeed looking forward to the day when another war is declared, giving the IDF the opportunity to slaughter as many more Lebanese civilians including children as possible. Could it not be, then, that such a ‘gift’ was in reality bestowed upon them by their own military? Obviously for some, motivation to carry out such a devastating attack, not only for purposes of destroying “missile infrastructure,” but also to cause such devastation to the civilian population of Lebanon, was very clearly present.

The inflammatory and deeply disturbing Facebook post was quickly removed, but not before being screen-captured; thanks to The Last American Vagabond for the screenshot, a copy of the original post can be seen below:


Hezbollah was initially created in response to unchecked Israeli aggression in order to prevent Israeli invasion and subsequent occupation of Lebanon, and specifically to help protect the Lebanese civilians from Israeli aggression - which, as can be seen by the above quotes, is quite a necessary task.

It has throughout its existence done this job well, and has recently been preparing for a more open conflict with Israel, as the Zionists have been stepping up their pressure against Lebanon.

In the wider context of events leading up to the Beirut explosion, Israel has regularly carried out frequent attacks against Syria for nearly a decade now, often on a nearly daily basis; killing a great number of Syrian civilians, Syrian soldiers, Hezbollah fighters, Iranian officers, and a few Palestinians as well. Hezbollah has been fighting alongside the Syrian Arab Army for years in the eight-year war against the western-backed ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorist invasion of the country, which also threatened the security of Lebanon at one point.

Syria has in all this time never once attacked the ‘state’ of Israel, but has simply in few cases defended itself against Israeli attacks with successful air defense deployments. Iran, too, has not once during the entire Syrian conflict launched an attack against the ‘state’ of Israel, and yet Israel has not only repeatedly struck ‘Iranian’ targets all across Syria, but as of late has reportedly even been remotely blowing up targets inside Iran.

“Israeli intelligence has been responsible for a series of bombings and fires at Iranian military facilities in recent weeks, including an explosion that destroyed much of a major nuclear centrifuge installation,” Business Insider reported.


In contrast to to Israeli attacks across the region, all such recent alleged attacks and attempted attacks by Iran, Hezbollah and Syria against Israel were, if real, only launched against targets within the illegally occupied Golan Heights.

Meanwhile Israel also continues to regularly bomb the besieged Gaza Strip, killing and injuring civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure in the name of fighting Hamas and Islamic Jihad which it also periodically targets. Israel has over the course of this year alone under cover of the coronavirus scamdemic as a distraction, begun annexing more rapidly than ever before large swaths of the illegally occupied West Bank. These include West Bank territories that were specifically earmarked for the new Palestinian ‘state’ according to Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’, which as history demonstrates has amounted to the Steal of the Century.

In the past months Israel has also repeatedly carried out unprovoked airstrikes against targets in Iraq, killing and injuring members of both the Iraqi and Syrian military as well as Iraqi civilians. Israel was also behind the US attacks on Iraq which culminated in the assassination of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, a long-time high-level Israeli target.

And last but not least, in the same time, Israel has regularly violated Lebanese airspace to carry out its frequent airstrikes on Syria, taking full advantage of Lebanon’s lack of any Air Force. Israeli soldiers have on at least one occasion illegally crossed over into Lebanese territory, while Israel has attacked Lebanon on more than one occasion, and has repeatedly sent armed drones into Lebanese airspace, some of which have been downed and retrieved by Lebanese forces. At the very same time, recently imposed US sanctions against Lebanon on behalf of Israel have begun to put a stranglehold on the Lebanese economy, which will now be intensified due to the economically crippling nature of the recent blast.

This is the greater context of the Beirut explosion, which was immediately preceded by the veiled threat of an Israeli attack on Lebanon issued just hours before the port was blown up, and also by Israeli attacks on Lebanon just days prior.

While there is yet no hard proof, there is certainly some evidence and plenty of red flags pointing towards the Beirut blast being caused by an Israeli attack, whether by an airstrike or a remote-controlled bombing such as have reportedly been carried out against targets in Iran.

On top of all this, President Trump also seems to believe it was an attack, for he is at least publicly calling it out as such, which is a most interesting deviation from the official narrative which the media doesn’t seem too happy about.


The President cited US Generals he met with who are apparently confident it was indeed an attack and expressed his certainty that “it was a bomb of some kind,” referring to it as a “terrible attack.”


Though calling it out as an attack, Trump isn’t pointing fingers or naming names, and it would be most unusual for the ultra-Zionist Trump to draw attention to an Israeli attack. On the other hand, the President does have a history of seemingly being just a little too honest and forthright about such suppressed establishment matters, and has on several occasions voiced his intent to scale back Israeli-backed foreign military operations in the region. But in the end, he always seems to tow the Zionist line without question, and is unquestionably the most openly pro-Israel president this country has ever seen. This is a most interesting development to the story, for sure, and may end up serving to only add more confusion and partisan division into the mix.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese President has announced that an investigation into “possible external interference” causing the explosion will be conducted.

“The cause has not been determined yet. There is a possibility of external interference through a rocket or bomb or other act,” President Michel Aoun told local media. - Reuters

At least some in the remaining Lebanese government seem to suspect a potential foreign attack as the cause, the main foreign suspect of course being Israel.

As to the question of who benefits from the blast? It is always a relevant question to be asking about such events, and in this case two entities clearly stand out.

The first we’ve already covered in detail, and the second is the US, which has of late been taking an active part in the Zionist war on Lebanon, by imposing economic sanctions on the country. Sanctions are a cruel act of war which primarily punish the civilian population rather than the governments and entities which they claim to be directed towards (in this case Hezbollah). And we should not forget that Lebanon was one of seven countries on the post-9/11 hit-list, which 9/11 was going to be used as the catalyst to “take out,” according to the infamous Pentagon memo publicized by General Wesley Clark.

The US and Israel have both had Lebanon in their crosshairs for years now, and the pressure to take down Lebanon has only been increasing in recent months. The explosion may not have been a gift “given by God,” but it does certainly appear to be a gift for the Zionists nonetheless.

In fact, the Beirut port explosions became a gift for the Israeli political leadership and its supporters giving them a chance to use the crisis to achieve their goals in Lebanon. The observed diplomatic and media activity demonstrates that Tel Aviv and Washington have already started a campaign to undermine positions of Hezbollah, at least on the political level, and fuel tensions between supporters of the group and the relatively pro-Western part of the population. Clandestine actions to fuel chaos in Lebanon are likely to follow. - SouthFront

Whatever the cause, and whoever may have been behind the devastating Beirut blast, it undeniably served the Israeli interests in the region, and was as a gift “given by God” for the Zionist cause.

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