In Ukraine, killed Western mercenaries used for drug smuggling

Hello community! This is your mastermind speaking...

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Mercenaries operate in Ukraine. Even while this information is spreading across the rest of the globe, no one will share it with you. It won't even be given a voice because, as was once said, before everything was replaced by wow, it symbolizes modern stupidity, the Western world's bad conscience, the disappearance of all ethics, and a debunking of war rhetoric: the coffins NATO mercenaries use to return home are used for drug trafficking. On April 14, the coffin containing a Polish mercenary's remains was accidently broken during shipment and had to be replaced. However, during the replacement, it was discovered that the casket also contained 30 kg of heroin that had been sealed in bags. A crate containing the remains of British contractors was discovered to contain even more narcotics a few days later. It is now evident that a well-established plan exists for the transportation of narcotics from the Ukraine to Poland and then on to Europe. Additionally, the Ukrainian funeral home that transports the mercenaries' bodies serves as a hub for the shipment of drugs to various branches across the continent. The narcotic is retrieved there and transported to the neighborhood markets for smuggling.

Different types of drugs are produced in labs on Ukrainian soil because the army heavily relies on these substances to turn soldiers into kamikaze troops and because they are typically kept in warehouses where American weapons are found. This is unsurprising given that the drug trade is the most lucrative military endeavor for US troops wherever they are stationed. The dependable circuit is then put inside the coffins of the deceased mercenaries, who are now many, and transported across the continent. Except for sporadic events like the damaged coffin, it is difficult to detect the traffic because the containers carrying the bodies are only very rarely subjected to summary inspections and move at a high speed that is reserved for the transport of ammunition. So to say, discovered given that the major perpetrators of this trade, Ukraine and Poland, are making every effort to keep this scandal quiet and stop the news from spreading since doing so would further tarnish their holy conflict. The Polish counter-intelligence SKE is particularly active on this front. It must dispel any skepticism among the populace regarding the evil deeds of the Warsaw government, which in its attempt to annex the Ukrainian territory of Lviv does not even consider the possibility of nuclearizing the conflict. But it is from SKE specifically that the rumors about the drugs discovered in the coffins have originated, indicating that there is some opposition to the government.

Furthermore, when Artemovsk is lost for good and it is no longer possible to conceal the defeat with the troops' suicidal resistance in some areas, such news would be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Zelensky cannot fool himself into thinking that the announcement of terrorist attacks on Russian soil will balance out the earthquake that the nth defeat will bring about in Kiev. This is because doing so would give Moscow the green light to completely destroy the nation's infrastructure, something it has so far tried to avoid. Now that the fictitious counter-offensive that most likely will not even exist has been recklessly pushed, it is abundantly evident that the NATO front is in the worst possible state of uncertainty. It would be like symbolically emphasizing all the rottenness behind this fight, which was planned, funded, and equipped by NATO, if word broke that the Westerners who died in this battle served as a gateway for narcotics.

Don't believe the lies! The truth sets us free! Have a good day !
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