A pro-Ukrainian group is likely to blame for the destruction of the North Stream

Hello community! This is your mastermind speaking...

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The brazenness of the secret services, whether American or British, has no bounds nowadays; people now consume everything, even the most lavish; and they know so much that knowledge is their uncritical megaphone.
Even a nation of idiots understands the absurdity of such an accusation: first they claim that Russia would have been put to death by sanctions against the sale of gas and oil, and then they claim that Moscow has sabotaged its pipeline. When Seymour Hersh's investigation came out, attributing this attack to the USA with an impressive series of details, every effort was made to bury the news in silence, and when that proved to be impossible, attempts were made to discredit the investigation with absurd and spurious claims, all the while all the governments involved remained silent. Today it is recognized that inventing a different tale was required in order to salvage the nonexistent dignity of the USA and try to dispel the notion that they are the greatest enemies of their allies. And what a lovely morning surprise, even though it is completely unbelievable: a group of Ukrainian citizens attacked the gas's tubs. They left Germany in a small sailboat and traveled directly to the gas pipelines, where special sommozzators attacked the tubing while eluding the Nato's comprehensive security measures.
The story is false and completely unrealistic, but this is not a problem for western media outlets.

Beyond that, this story was reported on by both German and American media on the same day despite the fact that it refers to several different, all-top-secret sources.
Everyone with even a passing familiarity with journalism understands right away that these are improbable coincidences and that a well-planned campaign is hidden behind them.
If services had those informations, why wait months to reveal them? The fact that this story takes place exactly four days after the visit of the canceller Scholz to Washington is also intriguing. This element of secrecy gives timekeeping a key role in understanding what is happening in relation to the fact that, starting from the Rand corporation, information about a cautious, but growing distance from the Ukrainian War has either implied or explicitly suggested it.
The United States is warned that they are not prepared for a protracted war against a powerful adversary, and they fail to recognize this painful reality by pretending that China is the real enemy and directing attention away from the United States. So they made up this tale of the boat filled with Ukrainian divers to fill in all the gaps: it absolves Scholz of the charge of being silent about the North Stream's sabotage, especially after this has been authoritatively attributed to the American ally; it absolves the US of the embarrassment they are experiencing and for having also hurt their friends; and finally, it grants Ukraine one last sensational but false victory given that by this point, everything has been resolved. In other words, an effort to negotiate a settlement without seeming weak or conceding defeat, at least in the eyes of the public, which is becoming less and less familiar with this battle.
It is unclear whether the Kiev regime will agree to give up Crimea and Donbass and maintain demilitarization, which are presumably Russia's requests. If it does, however, the great victory boat story, which is theoretically expendable at the peace table, may soon result in acts of international terrorism by sparking an arms delivery and escape from war that would be fatal to the Zelensky regime.

Don't believe the lies! The truth sets us free! Have a good day !
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