Yes! Trump dumps.records on hillary and more!!!!!

it is times like this I can't believe that I am alive.

Oh holy cow. This is absolutely legendary and I am pretty excited.



Well if this isn't an amazing and interesting twist.

That is right we are going to see huge dump of public records without any redaction.

Oh wow can we also get the rest of these records released and truly inform the nation as to what's going on.

I bet Hillary is going to have one bad night and most likely the clintons are going to be hiding overseas.

And I really want to know about Hillary's email scandal because this would really ensure that the wicked witch of the West is sentenced to prison multiple times over..

Currently I cannot imagine how much of the news is breaking every single day let alone every hour.

It is long overdue that Hillary and the criminal element in the United States government are held accountable.

However just imagine how much change is coming now that all of these fractions and events are coming to light.

Does anybody really think that they can get away with these crimes forever? And how deep does this rabbit hole go?

Pretty breaking news that I just saw and frankly has me absolutely shocked to the core.

Finally an administration that is going for the source of evil across the globe. And the clintons are definitely high on that list.

So far there has been a huge amount of infamy and allegations against Hillary Clinton in particular. While Bill Clinton is a predator Hillary is said to be quite a bit worse.

Hillary has been in so many scandals that it is completely shocking.

For Hillary to have destroyed servers and phones this would be a charge of tampering with evidence had it been anybody else.

And in fact how about Benghazi and ambassador Chris Stevens who is brutally murdered while receiving absolutely no help from Hillary Clinton? Oh yeah I absolutely remember that one. And they made a movie about it on top of it.

Hillary has been at the epicenter of controversy. JFK Jr his wife and son mysteriously vanished along with their plane and suddenly Hillary was unopposed in that district.

Add in Mena Arkansas and the CIA cocaine and Governor Bill Clinton...

The Clinton crime family has continued on for long enough and it is high time that Justice finally is served.

And for the amount of crimes that this husband and wife have been committing for decades and as well for the entire time they have been in office it is absolutely astounding levels of depravity they have introduced into the government. Or was the government always this way and they are just being caught doing what politicians do?

I would really like to see what happens and this is all happening at 8:00 in the morning

So that definitely has opened up quite a bit of thought on my end and eagerness for this to come out.

Let alone how much fallout and waves this is going to make.

Personally it is about time this has happened.

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