Ukrainian war update.

The above video is probably the best resource that I found for being able to learn about this conflict.

The brutality just continues however Ukraine has been taking ground in certain instances and the battle for the capital has really stalled out due to extremely stiff resistance.

The propaganda videos are just continuing to come out and show some crazy situations.

Massive material losses are starting to add up. With some nlaws being captured and other better technology being especially prized from the Russians and immediately expended.

Close quarters attacks on stray Russian vehicles apparently lost.

It's being noticed that the individual shooting this RPG is not wearing a uniform however I'm not exactly sure how I can confirm or deny that.

This one's next on my list watch today and the title looks pretty good however we're going to see what's all going on and what information they can provide.

Interesting videos here and some information.

Japan now reports that Russian amphibious assault ships are moving past its territory and the trajectory does look like they are going to try going through the South China Sea and all the way around into the Mediterranean. Which I'm not exactly sure why these craft are being utilized and sent in such a late stage of the invasion.

Personally my view is that Russia really didn't have the investment into training their army and the lessons of world War II as well as the generations that were hard enough to make the right decisions have passed on now.

Just because you have a couple of units that do very well. Does not transfer to the entire Russian military. The huge lack of maintenance as well as the logistical issues have really proven highly detrimental to the Russian armies movement. Then also the reaction to contact by Frontline Russian troops really shows very rare cooperation and coordination to repel insurgent attacks.

And a lot of mining has been happening. Basically they are setting up and mining certain positions. Which I am absolutely certain command detonation and remote detonations are both highly effective.

Destroying a tank is extremely easy and cheap. Massive amounts of vehicles destroyed as well as now the national pastime of Russian equipment theft by Ukrainian farmers is giving resistance forces ammunition vehicles parts and supplies to repair non-critically damaged vehicles.

Personally it looks like the Russian bear is getting hit in the nose eyes and front paws every time it moves and is starting to get worried about taking rounds and getting attacked.

In quite a few of these videos you see individuals getting hit and just running from the vehicle. Not even having the ability chance or training to mount a counter attack while in the ambush kill zone.

My prayers go out to everyone in this conflict from the people in the Ukraine to the people in Russia who are not wanting war.

Really appreciate all that support and I'm sorry I haven't been posting.

Trying to get things taken care of on my own gear and goals.

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