Ukrainian news today...

Wow... Aircraft are getting hammered.

Tanks that were captured.

Captured Russian pilots further complicated situation.

Countering armor at close range is brutal work...

Pretty much everybody that I talk to is convinced that this is going to spiral into a much greater conflict.

Apparently Russians continuing to threaten the rest of the world with war if there is any intervention.

Which I would really laugh if a bunch of countries decided that they were going to say that they were going to get involved.

Just whatever you do don't ask Germany... Seriously the German people wanted in writing the demands of the United States and the liberal idiots about building their army and attacking Russia again...

You do remember that the last time this happened in the 40s Germany ended up getting beat up by everybody.

However in this day and age our government and our leadership is so lacking that they won't even stand up or what is right.

This is like if we decided to go into Mexico and just start randomly shooting at the civilians and bombing the hell out of the civilian population centers...

Which unfortunately needs to happen with the cartels but that's besides the point.

We don't need to be involving ourselves in the conflict however there is ways to end conflicts without major bloodshed and that would be called negotiations.

Unfortunately we do not have a legendary negotiator that is willing or capable of dealing with this situation.

And unfortunately we do not have somebody with such a negotiator that has military power to back it up.

And it looks like we are going to see the true capabilities of the Russian army which are severely lacking not only from logistical standpoints funding motivation as well as actual capability.

It looks like we've been super scared and working super hard to get better than ourselves. Apparently a war with Russia really isn't going to be that big of an issue.

A war with China is going to be even more of a joke.

Russian knows that when the population finds out The butchery of the children has commenced they are going to get upset and there is no public support for this war.

There might be a new change in leadership in Russia here very quickly.

Thousands have been jailed for anti-war protesting.

Which is something that the United States doesn't do. In fact we are freely able to peacefully protest wars.

And that should be something that is encouraged and supported.

Catching forces have been deployed and Syrian forces are being recruited because apparently Russians do not have house to house combat fighting experience anymore and have totally forgotten the lessons of Stalin crap.

Which ironically is kind of the backwards lesson that they are using from Stalingrad of just pushing cannon fodder in front of the real army and letting them get shot up and expending the enemies munitions.

This is absolutely a new chapter in this conflict that we are seeing rushes unable to bring capable fighters and must recruit and pay Syrian forces.

Which that's actually going to pull a lot of the violence out of Syria and just drop it into the Ukraine.

So as we see this Russian deployment of external forces from the Middle East and especially Syria this could fire up tensions.

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