Ukrainian Media black out and also grain shipping is opening for Ukraine

Well to prevent world famine we're going to have to see some huge action taken and it looks like it is finally here.

Apparently turkey will be now be guarding Ukrainian Grand shipments.

This is of course to prevent world famine. Ukrainian grain supplies feed a huge amount of Africa and other countries across the world. Already the rest of the world is feeling the economic impacts..

And apparently the situation is so dire that Turkish AKA NATO forces have to escort grain ships through black scene and to the Mediterranean.

And of course once again we are seeing the fact that turkey is really exacting a toll and getting a cut of this conflict not only with the massive amount of funding for the drones that are so highly successful and publicized in this conflict.

But now they've gotten two payoffs one from the entire Finland and Sweden joining NATO as well as now this contract too escort Ukrainian grain ships.

And of course don't forget turkey is invading its neighbor to the South Syria. And forced an end to any support that's the Kurds are getting which now places the Kurdish people in severe risk and will continue ethnic cleansing in this part of the world.

I'll be honest not all NATO members are above reproach however the truth needs to come out.

Between the Russian military corruption absolutely destroying any and all chances that the Russian military offensive could take place within the original time frame that was quoted of only a couple days. Now 150 days Plus. It looks like the operational pause is over with Ukrainian media blackout on most of the Southern offensive being pretty intense so it will be reported here pretty soon as to what offensive actions and movements have been happening.

I'm sure that the exclusive breaking news after the fact will be pretty important and the only reason why the media has not blown up what's going on..

And of course still from the Russian side there is no adequate Media or information coming about about what's going on in the conflict from them.

Well... Oh well.... LoL.

Definitely pretty interesting exploring this conflict.

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