Ukrainian drones attack Russian naval base AGAIN!

Ukrainian seaborn drones restrike Russian naval base.

Absolutely incredibly we watch security opening fire and attempting to stop what is coming however it is impossible. The fact that they are taking such phenomenal losses and just continues to show the quality of the Ukrainian military operation. It's just a matter of time until you watch the report come out on how extensive damages but I highly doubt there is any chance that we're going to see that ship actually being combat effective ever again.

Absolutely huge reputation loss for the Russian forces to take this kind of attack. Huge proof that Russian forces don't have the capability to defend one extremely important naval base from the Ukrainian war machine.

The fact that we're going to see the news coming out very quickly it is also really telling. Russian forces can't hide the truth about the impact.

And of course even in this broadcast Russian t-55 tanks are coming out which I absolutely are striking fear in the arts of all Ukrainian forces. The entire European continent trembles over seeing the infamous t55 tank being pulled out of Soviet museums all the way across the world. The fact that we're seeing the massive amount of these getting shipped over to the Ukrainian conflict is pretty amazing.

Most incredibly the key 55 series of tanks is showing incredibly vulnerable too pretty much everything in the NATO inventory it is like watching the Russian Red army purposely sending some standard equipment to the front line and losing this. Maybe Vladimir Putin just wants to get rid of all this old equipment before he actually commits the real Red army military fighting force.

Russian propaganda claims that Soviet t62 tanks or on par and more than a match for any European tank. Which is a horrible misconception that is going to cost a massive amount of Red army personnel. With the way this entire conflict is going it isn't going to be much longer until we start seeing Ukrainian forces being able to have a massive amount of scrap metal to build anything they want this is a huge amount of equipment that will be turned into farm machinery.

Russian rocket forces continue to shoot missiles into residential and populated areas.

China's president for some reason bailed out of a bunch of meetings in Russia I'm not exactly sure what's going on but this is an interesting new development. Does the signify China is bailing out on supporting its communist partner?

T55 tanks! Let's just use equipment that was from the beginning of the cold war. Yep absolutely quality work from the Soviet federation in pulling out a massive amount of equipment from the museum to use in this conflict. Pretty incredible and absolutely I think this is going to be the key to the Soviet conquest of the entire world. Yep I think that pulling out the historical equipment will terrorize Ukrainian forces into fear as well as surrender.

I'm not exactly sure if these pieces of equipment are going to come with any ammunition and I highly doubt that enough ammunition has been saved and stored in these museums to be of any use however you never know.

Ukraine lunches counterattack.

T54 tanks. Watching Ukrainian forces absolutely destroy massive amounts of Russian Red army armored assets is definitely in this video. The massive amount of these extremely low technology but massive numbers just allows Ukrainian forces plenty of military targets to destroy. And then on top of it the precision of these drones to continually just go over there and keep dropping ordinance into open hatches or on exposed subsystems? Multiple hits ensure total destruction of all this equipment.


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