Ukrainian Donesk Frontline. The soldiers that stopped the RED ARMY!

Frontline in depth analysis of what's going down in the front lines of the central pocket. Fighting has been incredibly brutal and difficult. In this video you actually get to see a lot of the reason behind fortifications and how they are built. Incredibly we see a massive amount of engineering involved in this defensive position. As well as coordinated rally and ammunition stashes.

Bulletproof glass and forward positions allows Frontline troops to be able not only to see but also to be able to engage open ground targets in a clear Field of fire as they advance.

Reports of massive amounts of substance abuse and Russian forces that have been drinking for some reason doing drugs before an assault are becoming extremely common.

Apparently the report is Russian forces are using extremely old school doctrine and tactics which is absolutely known and very easy to stop. Massive amounts of antipersonnel mines have been laid in these defensive positions so that any area that looks like it's going to be good cover most likely is going to be seated with massive amounts of antipersonnel minds. In an incredible amount of force projection these dangerous areas continue to get assaulted by the Russian forces and constantly liquidated.

Russian forces immediately deploy in an area and then send sappers and engineers out to spend a couple of days the mining the area and crawling around digging up a bunch of these mines. However this sounds like a very interesting and known tactic that can't be taken advantage of. You can't even forces then crawl out there and replant a massive amount of mines in preparation for the next offensive push by Russian forces. Incredibly this tactic was only going to continue resulting in Russian forces being completely disrupted on the battlefield.

Incredibly this tactic is a massive and decisive blow to Russian personnel that are convinced the entire area is the mind so about 70% of the assaulting force will revolt and refuse to advance through the recently mined area.

Setting traps and having a intimate knowledge of what is going down with the Russian units directly is a huge benefit for Ukrainian forces. Knowing that recently mobilized forces have a massive lack of training and experience absolutely is being taken advantage of by the Ukrainian units that absolutely are extremely highly trained as well as very well equipped. It is this kind of knowledge that allows Ukrainian forces to set up traps mines and other area denial munitions as well as Ukrainian forces absolutely are willing to get into it close combat shooting environment whereas a lot of the Russian mobilization and military forces really don't want to engage in such direct confrontations and fighting as knowledge that Ukrainian forces have the skills and capability to stand their ground.

As we look at the bunker that has been built by stacking ammo crates on top of each other as well as other sandbag engineering. You can tell a high amount of quality has been placed into these positions and only quality effort but also knowledge and skills as you see air cracks have been filled with expanding foam and a lot of these different areas look to be extremely dry with overhead cover from the rain as well as shrapnel.

Absolutely none of these positions would survive a direct hit however it is well known that Russian forces while they have a massive amount of artillery it really isn't accurate enough to be able to pinpoint one of these targets.

Ukrainian equipment shows a lot of care effort and time being placed into a lot of the AK-74 builds with optics Western stocks grips forends. Western quality slings as well. However you can absolutely turn around and see a bare Bones antique AK-74 sitting around as a spare rifle just in case yours ends up a catastrophic disaster.

Absolutely having hidey holes all over the front line and being able to access spare ammunition even if your original position has been hit, as well as quick reaction drills and known contact drills. Again watching the extremely capable Ukrainian military in action really shows the professionalism and quality of the defensive Frontline units that have completely and totally shut down the world's most feared military..

And Ukrainian forces in a gesture of amazing respect for the Russian military personnel allow Russian units to approach to collect dead without firing. Something that absolutely is a one-sided situation with the entire world knowing that Russian forces most times do not even attempt to pick up the Dead or collect their remains. We must not forget that Ukraine currently is saving and working very diligently on identifying all of the Russian war dead and also is saving the remains of these individuals for eventually returning to Russia and to their families.

Really this exemplifies some amazing humanitarian actions by the Ukrainian forces.

Incredibly Ukrainian forces even have a shower built on the front line in a specific bunker. Actually the specific bunker in question with the shower got hit recently and was in the process being repaired.

A huge amount of Western gear and equipment being shipped to the front lines like LED light strips and building materials allows Ukrainian forces to be incredibly creative and put in a massive amount of amazing infrastructure right on the front line. Having a shower right there is really important and actually very much needed in a forward position I was very aware of that rearward positions had showers and laundry facilities however I didn't know they had them on the front lines here.

Also another incredible one is the tiny little dining room kitchen area. There is no large Russian formation community dining area at this position and we see a rotation of units getting food and then replying back out however having access to hot meals directly on the front line is a huge morale boost. In fact you really don't see this on American units in the war on terror as they had to survive with meal ready to eat. This actually is professionalism of a first world military.

Also incredibly you get to see a little bit inside of the command structure. With the main individual interview being the commander of this and four other positions. Having a localized highly experienced Commander in charge of that Frontline unit is exceptionally smart. Having a extremely clear and known chain of command is highly important for any units and the division as well as breakdown, is extremely important and a critical component of this military success.

Also extremely notable was a huge lack of intelligence for Russian forces to take advantage of very limited in trench and inside in bunkers as well as that tiny little front line Cafe! There was absolutely no geolocation able to be conducted from that video interview of the front line and it really looks to be extremely recent as with the leaf drop and rain being well known weather conditions that are going down in Ukraine presently.

Don't forget we are just about ready to see the next phase of this war kick in as soon as the temperature gets down far enough and we start seeing the ground solidifying up for vehicle movements.

Definitely one of the most impactful interviews and insights into this conflict.

Wagner group chief ends up taking a suicide drone to the dining party they had in one of these occupied territories and now he's suffering from a life-threatening shrapnel wound to the bunghole. Yep that's right in a karmic twist of fate if you were watching somebody have to get evacuated all the way back to the Russian Capital because that's the only way they are going to get quality medical Care from a western equipped Russian hospital. It is definitely pretty scary to get injured however to get injured in the butthole definitely shows quite a situation.

1.85 billion in additional security assistance for Ukraine is being shipped out which in the grand scheme of things actually is an incredibly small military package in the entire amount of resources used in this war however this will easily be enough to break the Russian military as I am sure there isn't going to be 1 million Russian casualties even though we have approached the scary day that 10% of that might have already been liquidated on the field of battle in Ukraine.

However a lot of this actually is going to go to employing United States military personnel in the forum of further advanced specialty military training. Basically that means that a lot of this support now is direct Ukrainian training cycles with necessary military educational specialties. Advance artillery and advanced integrated weapon systems technicians as well as increased electronic warfare operators are going to be certified by United States military forces.

For some reason Russia thinks that it can hold out with a massive amount of fun being dropped and spent in this war however Western pledges and the entire international community has come together too support Ukraine on this. Basically since we are scraping the barrel with Russian forces not able to continue supplying their troops with the necessary and needed gear only a further breakdown of


Incredibly we have seen 100, Russian dead happen already. It is a grim Day in human history that we are seeing the massive amounts of casualties in this conflict and complete meat grinder of untrained military soldiers.

Huge news in Russian oil price caps as well as the denial of service for Russia to export their oil now it just not being profitable enough for shipping services to contract anymore.

Ironically the only Russian air carrier in the fleet ended up catching fire in another miraculous anti-smoking ad as apparently Russian forces still haven't learned how to safely protect such important investments as the only aircraft carrier they have. Incredibly you are watching the complete and total destruction the entire Russian military in ways that we really couldn't have expected and most likely the further destruction of the Russian war machine permanently as I'm not sure how much more that Russian population is going to take with the total economic ramifications only starting to kick in.

And the most incredible news that we are continuing to watch the elimination of the central pocket Russian advance. However we are watching another Titanic struggle as well as the complete and total collapse of the Russian army directly with this battle.


This incredible steady defense of this city as well as accumulation of high quality capable military combative capability has now been able to seriously take the fight too the Russian forces as currently we are watching an amazing amount of resistance to the Russian front line military operations. Apparently Ukrainian forces are absolutely refusing whatsoever to any part of this city rendering the Russian offensive to be a complete waste of time effort equipment men and what looks to be like the complete breakdown of the Russian Red army.

American combat veteran...

Russian forces get repelled in the center pocket. Other assaults really fall apart with Russian advances getting thrown back and smashed.

A lot of these units are small groups that are attempting to draw Ukrainian fire and AA disposable artillery scout trying to get Ukrainian positions to reveal themselves. Basically this is killing off a bunch of these Russian reserves or whatever they are because obviously they are not valued members of the red army.

10-15 people assault elements is just an incredibly tiny force and only able to push out three to five individuals because you need three times the amount of forces to overwhelm a defensive position.

Crimena and dontesk has a massive amount of probing attacks and it looks like the northern part of the central sector is really starting to heat up with a massive amount of brush and probing attacks being conducted as well however once again they've all been thrown back.

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