Trudeau takes full dictator moves and controls crypto?!?!?

Well I am just going to have to start all this off with I am astounded shocked upset and floored and support the Canadian people and taking whatever action they need to to dispose of this horrific leader.

So apparently they are working on season control of the bank accounts they are going to remove any licenses prevent international travel prevent you from working your job and in general just a huge war against the people because he is scared of the power that they hold as well as the resistance to this Draconian push for a Canadian dictatorship.

Let's just say this is medical authoritarianism. And people of all things in Canada are coming together in a fight against this tyranny.

Nothing warms my heart more than watching Canada come together and fighting for their freedoms.

Actually it's pretty awesome watching them. And how much everybody contributes together without the fake rainbow veganism pretend drama that I always saw at the rainbow family national galleries.

And there isn't the crazy vegan people fighting and arguing about their different philosophies.

In fact I'm seeing an incredibly peaceful amount of human beings as well as families and even more people flocking to protest and refusing to comply to these mandates.

2 weeks 2 months 2 years and it's been too long.

I pretty nearly refuse to wear a mask except for in certain stores where I'm trying not to get attention and I just need whatever I need and to leave.

However the sheer amount of mass that we had bought and was just going to rot as well as of course the news articles showing the destruction of old stock.

If it was so deadly why is it that we have all these used masks laying around on the street and casually discarded in regular garbage cans when it's such a highly contagious disease...

And the concerted unified push to shove vaccine mandates as well as vaccine passports down the throats of the public and the common citizens.

That needs to be investigated somebody has been paying musicians politicians corporations and all of that in this push.

I think that all of these organizations need to be investigated. We absolutely need to return to Law and order. We need an example set of all of these individuals and most likely to make them ineligible for any public office again.

Since the leader of Canada wants to abuse the citizens maybe it is time he enjoys exactly what he wished upon the society and maybe he deserves the entire impact as well.

I am absolutely disgusted that this leader would behave in such a fashion and self-destruct his own career.

And on top of it we are looking at the Canadians refusing to bend the knee.

I think there might be a huge revolution in Canada.

Ottawa police chief resigned...

Truckers are pissed... They want the freedom back and the rights they were denied for so long

And this is going crazy...

Absolutely what I need to see from these truckers is more demands now that more violence and threats have been laid out Canadian citizens need the right to keep and bear arms as well as their first amendment rights which they don't have those in Canada because it is in America and they don't follow the Constitution..

Well definitely need to watch this developing situation.

Absolutely disgusting that we would see Canada acting like this however it really is exposing the coordinated attempt at medical fascism by the elites.

And this is an ongoing fluid situation so we will continue to try to stay updated with the current situation however I see Canadian citizens coming together and addressing this threat.

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