The guy harassing me just murdered someone. How am i not shocked.

Wow. So. I've had a few run INS with a guy in this security office.

Violent tattooed it's some questionable symbolisms and an attitude that he is wanting to get into a gunfight.

Wow. I had complained a few times.. his behavior wasn't professional and more of a bully.

And now questionable for murder.

Normally. This is cleared pretty quick. For the cops to reach out for any additional witnesses? There is a issue.

His history is one of bully behavior and pushing others around with authority.

And now there is a life changing situation and he isn't a police officer and of course an idiot.


I have a feeling the identification of this individual is going to go through pretty quick.

Now and also must be said that armed security in this area is needed because of the massive amount of criminal activity from the hordes of homeless tweakers stealing from the stores and going crazy.

However is an armed security guard you're not supposed to block people in and get into a shooting.

Personally I'm going to say that due to the circumstances involved this is a very questionable circumstance and I have a feeling I know exactly who the trigger man is.

Sad to say but I saw this coming a long time ago and even had warned against employing this individual due to his unstable behavior.

Well looks like this company is now going to be in all sorts of trouble and now the company is liable for a lawsuit brought against by the family of the deceased..

I'm just going to sit back and watch to see what all happens from here.

However with violence of local area exploding astronomically here in Portland area. It is only a matter of time before that push starts shoving these tweakers and criminals into Washington.

However due to the history of the security guard and his unstable behavior the blame completely lies with company providing security.

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