Russian Pipeline false flag attacked by Russia? Russia nukes its own pipeline?

Honestly enough who really benefits in this situation and really the only key player especially with all of the sanctions going down and all the threats and hostility towards Germany I really only see that Russia has committed a false flag attack.

And all three lines saw unprecedented damage in the strike and now we have all of the speculation as to who did this.

Pipeline operators Tuesday detected something going wrong and some f-16s were visually able to see a massive amount of bubbles coming up from the seafloor and the pipeline.

And all of these pipelines run from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea providing a huge amount of energy to Germany for massive revenues.

So you have Denmark Sweden and Germany right there in the localized area.

And this has been a continued flashpoint in looking continued argument between Russia and Germany about the situation going on in Ukraine and Germany supporting Ukraine.

In 2011 Nord stream one started supplying gas Germany and started Germany's dependence on this so-called perfect cheap energy source.

Then we have the additional lines that have been halted because of this situation and again this continues to circle back to Russia sabotaging this line to completely deprive Germany of energy and to force Germany to back off any support which for some reason recently a huge order of German tanks were denied into this conflict.

And the criminal one says sabotage cannot be ruled out however I think that this is the perfect false flag sabotage event especially with Russian federation kaliningrad being right next to this area and this entire situation being absolutely possible.

And really now with the sabotage event happening we absolutely are seeing Russia taking a massive amount of financial loss however that is really not being addressed by Russia which circles me back to believing that this is a false flag attack with Russia being directly behind this.

And I just discovered that Ron Paul has his and issued this video about the situation which I'm going to try to get through as much of that as I can before adding another link here.

I would like to quote Rand Paul saying sanctions are an act of war and I completely agree with this.

And the analysis that you just absolutely is a war and puts the entire idea such as this is not only possible but more likely being probable.

So really the biggest question is who did it and what's the motive and as much as I'd like to say that this was a western operation Germany actually really needs that energy and there's going to be a massive amount of people freezing because the resulting massive energy crisis going down in Germany is going to be very catastrophic and completely ridiculous.

Then again personally as much as I want to think about this with the very clear Russian federation state that is completely isolated and now has ended up joining the war with this what I see to be is being extremely clear attack either saboteur form that isolated Russian federation enclave. Which would push this absolutely into a hot war with such an aggressive act...

And one of these leaks happens to be a kilometer in diameter which and this happens to be close to but just outside of Danish Waters which again is a very interesting detail here that I would like to include because again it really wouldn't be that hard for a local Russian enclave to be able to access this area and it would not be patrolled by local coastal defense Forces...


And the explosion was registered as a 2.3 Richter scale event which is a incredibly huge explosion.

Which the easiest explanation for 2.3 Richter scale seismic event would be a nuclear explosion coming from an underwater nuclear torpedo!

Russian ships were seen in this area and most likely could have placed divers and charges however with a 2.3 magnitude explosion happening there is no way that ship was able to carry multiple tons of explosives. And really who is the craziest country ever who would try to skirt international comedian by kicking off a nuclear device under the Sea so absolutely my total analysis hinges on Russian false flag attack and the fact that they are committing War directly against Germany.

And absolutely with Russian forces skirting and testing all of the NATO forces in the area with useless maneuvers this again looks too solidify and now really serve for all of us to question and not blindly react however personally I actually see this as being a catalyst for Germany to start sending further weapons and supplies to defeat Russia during their Ukrainian invasion.

Watching CNN continue to say that we really shouldn't jump to conclusions personally I think that satellite imagery as well as quite a bit of technological advances are going to uncover exactly the truth of this...

Absolutely I am extremely afraid right now that Russia decided to use a smaller yield tactical nuclear device in this Maritime environment which would be pretty easy to just wander over to these coordinates and then drop a nuclear device into the water and allow it to sink to the bottom and then drive off. Oh I mean sale off but absolutely we are talking about what would happen if Russia took out and deprived Germany of 100% of those pipelines.

And I'll be honest I do believe that this pipeline has been primarily funded by Germany and let alone the blow with the loss of energy but this being a very clear false flag sabotaging strike with the clearest motive being rushing denial of energy to Germany as well as destabilization of NATO with a simple Russian strike on the German funded engineered and built nordstream pipelines.

And let's just look into exactly what the fax are however for a 2.3 Richter scale event to occur you are talking quite a few tons of explosives which really I don't see that massive amount of ordinance being able to be unleashed covertly without us involving a tactical nuclear device with limited yield

And if that happens I can only imagine what's going to happen when those local individuals start discovering if there is an increase in radiation.

And we still haven't even had a conversation as well as acknowledgment of the phenomenal ecological catastrophe that is currently being unleashed on the environment without us understanding who is the individual that is responsible however initials are including a v and a p...

And I have a feeling he is absolutely coordinating with that tiny little Russian federation enclave and is currently cut off and isolated from this entire conflict however they are probably extremely eager to join in and have some kind of idea that there is going to be an assault through NATO territory to rejoin them with the Russian federation and increase their physical territorial gains.

Right now Germany is extremely tied up with trying to just get down to the sabotage site and physically assess what damage is as well as starting to collect evidence of cause of this explosion?

So until I know more my initial knee-jerk reaction is this is a clear Russian attack with a tactical nuclear weapon right next to the territorial water boundary of a NATO country.....

That is pretty clear.

No one else has the capability or the motive.

And it seems like I'm not the only person that shares this idea that Russia would sabotage its own pipeline...

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