Russia shoots down 8 aircraft! It's own!


Biggest in the news is Russia having a friendly fire incident. Russia took out five of its own aircraft in the bloodiest single Ariel assault and it looks like all of our speculation was completely wrong it wasn't a Ukrainian trap it was just Russians being russians.. two aircraft 3 helicopters and a huge amount of equipment being taken off the battlefield by the Red army itself. On top of it this is 40 miles behind Russian front lines as well as robbing the right army of its most precious and needed equipment to conduct this war. While Russia has been able to shoot its own plans down quite a bit in this conflict we haven't exactly seen the massive amount of Russian losses in this way at all.

Meanwhile in other news Ukrainian forces and in particular their air defense network has taken out 25 Russian drones as well as three cruise missiles. It looks like Russia is starting to run out of capable missiles however we did see some of these missiles got fired come out of the Black Sea.

And with everybody crying about me not listing the Ukrainian weapons Depot that was destroyed again here it is. I did talk about it yesterday and yes it seems like Russian forces were able to finally get some military intelligence location of where one single Ukrainian ammunition dump. In fact it's pretty dumb but Russian forces have only gotten a billion ammunition dumps being destroyed to the point where the farm majority of the military equipment and military ammunition is destroyed before it even reaches the Russian front line.

Meanwhile on the other hand Ukraine got way more destruction achieved even though it's lost one ammunition dump. of course knowing the Ukrainian forces we are most likely going to see a huge amount of dispersion and that one ammunition dump is probably going to have held a very small amount of munitions. Russian forces however have these huge ammunition dumps that get destroyed pretty much on a regular basis to the point where it's absolutely not shocking that these events happen. Wow it is news where are you at Ukraine lost exactly one ammunition dump. Yep that's right it's pretty funny how many ammunition dumps Russia has ended up losing in this entire conflict.

Also reported is the fact that Russian forces were able to take a military strike right next to their Porter incredibly this now means that Ukrainian forces are using Western Long range guided missiles and these missiles absolutely are hitting their target. In fact it's the first confirmed use of the United Kingdom donated Storm Shadow long range military munitions so incredibly once again we have the entire war changing for the red army. Which is extremely troublesome for the Russian forces as now we're going to see an entire new dynamic enter this conflict.


Incredibly or not so incredibly maybe it is extremely expected but now we have seen Ukrainian forces starting to push forward and the Red army now is falling back. Incredibly once again it does look like the Russian forces are getting denied and any previous advancements now are getting removed. Incredibly we have seen Russian forces lose what they have just spent two and a half months trying to take.

Wagner military contractors are actually complaining that they are having to waste munitions to shoot Russians are fleeing the battlefield. Making this absolutely extremely scary for it.


Russian forces decided to hide a bunch of equipment underneath the bridge unfortunately Ukrainian drone intelligence as well as American precision systems decided to show up and really start destroying things.


Russian forces apparently put in a massive amount of beach defenses preparing for a Ukrainian D-Day amphibious invasion which is a huge waste of time as well as limiting resources that could be better spent protecting the front line combat troops.

Incredibly we also see Germany industrial military complex giant sign a contract for Ukrainian forces to make as well as service German tanks. This is definitely going to change quite a bit on the ground.

President Belarus was having some medical issues and didn't look too good at the May 9th parade.

Terra ops

Incredibly they destroy a walk behind tractor as well as motorcycles. And then on top of it the small little ammunition Depot is thoroughly destroyed and wrecked.

The fact that Iranian horses can do this uncontested on the battlefield really proves that they are absolutely and totally winning this conflict. Rushed forces continue taking it over and over kind of just makes you feel really bad for the Red army soldiers that are getting absolutely destroyed on the battlefield.

Russian forces dragged their own military combat robot to the front lines and break it. Most mighty equipment in the world and the best technology doesn't help when your soldiers decide to sabotage the entire conflict.

Fortunately it just lost track however I'm going to just say that there's no way that was the only damage that was incurred. Sending technology to the Russian battlefield is proving to be troublesome and quite an issue.

Russia isn't paying it's returning soldiers..

Massive amounts of returning Russian soldiers have phenomenal amounts of untreated PTSD which is only going to get worse and affect the entire community.


Biggest news of course is definitely the unrelenting force that the Ukrainian army is exerting in Bakhmut.

Of course that fact that four kernels got liquidated and removed from battlefield is going to be a huge hit to the Russian officer corps. Exactly how many of these individuals have gotten liquidated are really up for debate. Russian forces are claiming it's only two in Ukrainian forces say it's four so maybe a couple of guys got demoted post dismemberment. However I guess we will just see what happens.

What I can say is the Temple of this entire conflict is really shifting decisively. Ukrainian forces are being slow and careful and not giving up any chances for mistakes while Russian forces are starting to run out of time as well as also starting to run out of equipment and ammunition. The death of a thousand cuts times a million or more appropriately 198,880

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