Russia pushes. And against the prepared defense.

So we are just not going to have much moving on the front lines however you are talking about a phenomenal amount of casualties.

Ukrainian technological combined asset Uber for artillery has changed the entire battle space allowing precision strikes to Target even mobile vehicles as well as static line positions and trench systems.

Overall the conflict today has been at a slow simmer with minor skirmishes back and forth except for that huge center push right into the middle of prepared defenses that was repelled.

And to be honest really when you start to lose momentum of forward progress is going to be extremely hard to pick it back up.

So I'm not exactly sure how this offensive is going to shape up.

Preparing defenses and then having your attackers continually run forward upon them sets up all sorts of really bad things to happen.

Directional anti-tank mines as well as improvised explosive devices and as well artillery.

Then having the oversight and overview of these drones monitoring the entire battle space and even more advanced longer range 155 mm howitzer shells.

The Ukraine is a defense department and military industrial complex testing ground with real-time feedback.

Absolutely this is turning into a stalemate as well as static linear defense.

The farther we try to get away from the history of conflicts and the tactics of previous conflicts the more that we see the lessons from world War I. Again.

And really there is no end in sight.

And of course the hits just keep coming.

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