I spy cyberpunks nft and update for Ukrainian resistance.


First off I love that nft that he has framed and hanging. Can anybody confirm if he's on the blockchain?

Next up he is able to easily break the Russian encryption and it's been known for quite a while that Russian communications have been compromised.

This is reported to be on the outskirts of the capital and first thing I noticed right away is the vehicle is used as barriers as well as the common citizens fleeing deeper into the defensive structure due to incoming tank fire which apparently results in a huge blaze.

Which this is definitely a zombie apocalypse type of defensive situation where you are using working vehicles to form a physical barrier.

This would be another reason why the delays and halts as you're going to need a massive amount of heavy equipment to move and create a path through these obstacles as I'm sure losing vehicles in the mud it's just not acceptable at this point.

Next step I'd like to point out the case as well as individuals running around carrying Molotov cocktails. And it does look like one BMP was able to be captured on film and it looked like multiple Molotov cocktails were deployed.

Numbers of people willing to do violence count. When you're facing an entire city and the entire populace starts fighting back.

Now the issue really is tactics. And this learning curve has been extremely steeped with individuals starting ambushes without proper cover teamwork and communication.

However these people have been at the front line of combat in their own hometown and their home land for the past 12 years.

I am expecting horrific casualties on the Ukrainian defensive side with individuals willing to lay down their lives just for a pause.

Assassin attempts.


Well it's pretty apparent what is going on and who is doing what. It looks like the professionalism of the protection units is working out very well.

Then we've also got this nuclear issue with Chernobyl being taken and then another nuclear power station has been taken with military assault which is absolute insanity.

Which is adding another Domino to the stack of falling Domino's and that is growing this entire fuel of Nato intervention.

More Ukrainian propaganda showing captured Russian weapon systems in action.

Putin Warn's not to escalate situation...

Helicopter assault practice which seems to be the next phase coming up here for Capital assault.

Footage captured by a drone showing some severe damage from heavy fighting as well as effective material losses by the Russians.

Video also shows how much gear it takes for just a couple of vehicles.

Pretty shocking.

My prayers going up to Ukrainian people and wondering why we're having so much drama on this when the international community seems to be so powerless.

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