How much more can the Red army take. Ukraine convoy hit.


Kind of a slower day if you can call the military losses that Russia is enduring slow. 390 human beings as well as a massive amount of artillery at 23 units.

Russia continues to waste military resources on Ukrainian energy infrastructure and grain silos at an attempt to do what little damage. Basically it's just bad behavior really from the Russian federation and highlighting the desperation. It's not like you're actually even seeing military capability from the Red army.

On top of that the destruction of all Russian military assets in Crimea through negligence and as well through Western military equipment has changed this entire situation. Repeat Ukrainian strikes on Russian military leadership really is shutting down the capability of the Black Sea fleet.

And we are also seeing the commander of the Black Sea fleet getting struck as well.

Basically highlighting exactly how badly Russia has screwing up in this conflict.

Centerfront penetration.

This huge stab into the Russian front lines has actually come at a huge price for the red army. Ukrainian forces continue to smash forward and Russian forces report the instability along the Eastern edge of the penetration. Ukrainian forces continue punching through Russian front lines in a very careful controlled manner. While they do advance and take large chunks they don't out of control breakthrough and outstrip supply lines. Russian forces are actually really hoping that would be the case however we don't see the Ukrainian military command allowing that to happen.


Oh this is something that is absolutely going to trigger all the trolls and as well the Russian ministry of defense and the entire Russian front lines. Apparently Russia just doesn't want to learn and Ukrainian forces are getting the cluster munition variant!

Oh yeah don't forget that there's a bunch of different warheads and the United States has actually phased out the cluster munition or head version of this long range missile. Basically that means that the United States would be paying this really crappy environmentally unfriendly business to pollute the environment in the United States or we could ship all of this to ukraine. Yep that's right. Are Ukrainian forces wanted dismissal and now they are actually getting it. As well as they are getting the older missiles from the United States and now the United States gets to see this outdated munition getting put to the test. And absolutely Ukrainian forces do need the cluster munition capability of the variant that is getting transferred over to them. Basically this is a massive shotgun shell that can pilot itself all the way to the Target and then destroy it was a massive multiple blast destruction capability.

No this also has a very slight reach advantage over the Storm Shadow. And United States weapons manufacturers really don't want to lose in the weapon sales department in the future by not having this used and combat proven in Ukraine.

Basically this means that Russia now has no ability to defend itself all the way across not only the front lines but every inch of Ukrainian territory that a Russian soldier is on can be struck. And struck precisely. This has basically turned this entire conflict into a useless war and should have been done immediately instead of waiting. I feel that this war really should have been supported by the international community at the beginning in 2014. However now the Ukrainian people will be paying for this war and the high cost of their freedom for the next hundred years. Russia will be suffering under sanctions most likely for the same amount of time! Ha!

And this missile actually also has more than enough range to be able to hit the Crimean bridge with ease. And in fact just one of these missiles would sever The rail lines or one of the spans no problem.

Ukrainian convoy ambushed.

Ukrainian forces are now beginning to advance on another Russian held settlement.

In the past week we have seen Ukrainian forces push forward and get more than 30 square kilometers of land in the past week making this offensive highly successful.

In a very small pocket we see Russian forces move forward and take a tiny little bit of ground however these extremely limited gains continue to highlight how emasculated the Red army has turned into.

Russian glide bombs hit a Ukrainian train carrying military hardware vehicles and equipment. The supply coming into the front have been targeted. And this is a gosling lesson how I really don't think we're going to see this mistake repeated.

Of course Russian intelligence was alerted to the fact that Ukrainian forces are bringing up massive amounts of weapons and equipment along this rail line. The fact that Russian forces decided to task a Russian glide bomb with hitting this convoy has now ended up setting the Ukrainian forces and were most likely going to see a huge amount of retaliation. A 500 kg bomb has ended up really angering the Ukrainian forces. The fact that Russian forces continue to use the much-hated glide bombs shows exactly how desperate they are.

Kursk airfield drone strike.

Extremely incredibly we see once again Russian forces taking another catastrophic strike. And ironically this territory was known for the extremely heavy fighting in world war two and now we continue to see that legacy continue with the Red army taking an incredible military strike on this Russian airfield.

Wagner group forces in Africa are reported as to being destroyed as well. Geopolitically we watch Russian international relations failing in africa.


Ukrainian drones hunt down and Target Russian front lying Red army soldiers. I'm guessing this is night time operations because we're already starting to see chill in the air and the thermal night vision is easily able to spot the heat signatures from the Russian soldiers.

The fact that we are starting to see tarps as overhead cover doesn't stop the fact that Ukrainian forces can easily see them and retaliate.

Obviously that position was occupied as it was just radiating heat. So most likely you're seeing somebody cooking as well.

The additional videos continued military operations where we see Russian forces take cumulative damage with Russian 30 mm grenades and some 3D printed plastic parts. Then we also watch how it all adds up. The fact that red army forces can't go anywhere without getting hammered as well as having a very large Force discrepancy. Really is adding up into the perfect storm that now most assuredly is going to topple the Soviet delusion. From now on the rest of the world is going to laugh at Russia and communism.

With the different array of munitions that we see hitting the Russian front lines it really makes this conflict something that historians are going to be able to Pour over for the next thousand years.

Ukrainian war full Frontline update.

Is there a breakthrough. Well there have been multiple breakthroughs so far however there just hasn't been another catastrophic Frontline failure like Russia has had four previous times lol technically this entire war is completely insane. I'm not exactly sure why Russia is still involved in this conflict.

Small and very meaningful movements on the front line!

And continually we see the brutalization of the Red army happening unchecked by the Ukrainian troops. We see the resistance of the Red army dwindling and some pretty major ways.

It's not like direction forces are going easily they are fighting tooth and nail however no communication as well as continued precision weapon attacks are reducing them into a defeated army.

How to bridge the Dnipro river.

USA military veterans examine more about how further operations are going to be conducted in the flood zones and how we are going to see military forces bridge The River.

Then on top of the massive amount of disturbed sediment and soil has moved or covered all the unexploded mines and booby traps so you're looking at a massive amount of ordinance that is untraceable and nobody knows where it all went.

Major challenges that anytime you try to put in a pontoon bridge it is going to receive military fire. So we've seen Ukrainian forces push forward and clear out all sorts of territory in the delta between the river banks.

Third separate assault.

I'm guessing because I can't read Cyrillic writing. However heavy Frontline fighting with combined assets being involved this absolutely would have to be those individuals. The fact that we are seeing Ukrainian forces able to push forward and take on the Red army front lines directly. You can hear the drones overhead even all of the indirect weapons like artillery and mortar systems being employed. You can also tell that these infantry forces are getting intelligence as they push forward into a complete zone of destruction where the entire landscape has been shredded.

Also you're starting to see small cultural details coming out of the trench warfare. Like butt protectors. Yep basically it's a flap where it protects your butt when you sit down. When you're living in the dirt such a little mat attached to your ass can actually really change your day and life experience.

As Ukrainian fighters continue to push forward you see very accurate heavy weapons fire hitting just in front of their positions. This definitely means that you have drone OverWatch protecting these individuals and anytime they come up against threats you immediately see Russian forces taking fire from heavy artillery systems.

Basically this is mop up fighting. As you push forward any Russian forces exposing themselves get destroyed.

Of course we also see that Ukrainian forces pushing forward take incredible losses. As dangerous as this job is it's only a matter of time until somebody gets hurt. However Ukrainian forces have had an exceptional amount of Western military medicine investment in equipment and training so basically that means that you're going to see a lot more Ukrainian soldiers being able to return to the front line combat operations.

And then in multiple different times you hear Ukrainian soldiers warning each other about Russian snipers operating here in the area.

Ukrainian forces got The high ground.

Covering geolocated positions micro movements of individual Ukrainian forces on the ground are definitely highlighted.

Ukrainian forces proved that they are capable of making significant advancements and penetrations of the Red army front lines.

Of course Ukrainian forces taking high ground definitely change this entire situation.

We also see Ukrainian snipers active and one video gets very clear range estimation of 1,236 meters.

On top of it we also see for an hour and a half Ukrainian forces sending precision missile strikes to hit Russian command centers. Staggering the hits we see any responding forces getting targeted as well. Making sure that these first responders get taken out is a key element to the destruction of the Red army. Strikes on Russian officers generally mean that a lot of Russian soldiers end up getting tasked due to help recover the injured.

Incredibly easy Ukrainian precision strikes taking out numerous command posts from close to the front lines all the way to the headquarters in Crimea.

We also see Ukrainian forces striking in the middle of the day which basically means that Ukrainian military capabilities are able to directly challenge Russian air defense systems. And also that high level Russian officers only work bankers hours during the day...

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