Gov. Kate brown covid crackdown and tyranny continues! Breaking news today.


As if they attempt at medical tyranny cannot get any deeper...

Then we have Governor Kate Brown coming out and saying she is now going to close indoor dining and as well I bet you anything all fitness and sports.

Yep that's right let us continue the idiocy of a fake pandemic. Let us abuse small businesses and crush whatever economic growth is going on.

How about let's close down the fitness areas for people to work on their health and make sure that their bodies minds and immune systems are stronger.

And on top of it also the abuse of the mental health of the citizens.

Yep that's right all of this shut down is contributing to the massive amount of suicides self-harm and as well destroying any social contact that a lot of people absolutely rely on.

Yep that's right why don't you go for a while without human touch or contact. Human contact is a very basic need that most people have completely glossed over.

Oregon seems to be absolutely the most backwards area in the nation currently not only with the rioting and support from Governor Kate Brown and Portland's mayor Ted wheeler.

I absolutely do not see anything about these riots not being allowed to take place due to the pandemic.

Personally I have gotten the sickest in my life just before all of this happened in October and November.

Basically what that means is this has already been a situation here in the United States and it is moved on.

The more that we really look into the situation the more we actually find out that this was from the United States and transported over to China for the continued gain of function research to be allowed by the Chinese communist state which is a crime against humanity in of itself.

Basically what this would mean is that the Wuhan institute for virology is complicit in the leak from their laboratory of a coronavirus that has been given gain of function.

Basically the research that has been committed by this institute completely repugnant to all of humanity and should stand as a testament to the evils that can be allowed to flourish when good men stand by and do nothing.

This is an absolute shame upon the world and will end up having some huge consequences.

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