District attorney mike schmidt actually doing his job! Antifa charged in mayday riots.

And there's a new rule of law in Portland now thank you Andy Ngo for the amazing journalism.



WOW. So we're going to go up to a bunch of cops and flash a butterfly knife in front of them. I wonder how this will turn out. And a reasonable person would think that should go up to an officer and pull out a knife that things would end pretty badly.


And I do believe I was wondering what was going on with this chunk of metal here and apparently it is been used vandalize the city and businesses of Portland.




And of course Mr hey let's get arrested multiple times and be violating the conditions of release for rioting and then continue to riot.

Oh yes I do believe that he also has completely free lawyer representation with the national lawyers guild.

Oh yeah that's right somehow the national lawyers guild happens to think that protecting these individuals with the law is the best thing to do.

Supporting political terrorism and political terrorists is not exactly the best use of young lawyers time.

Like they could be helping some inner city minorities navigate to court system. Or helping out single fathers in custody cases that deserve to be in their child's lives.

Nope instead we want to go support a bunch of terrorists and criminals rioting in the streets.

Personally the entire antifa movement can be made into a criminal organization and it wouldn't bother me any.

All of these antifa types advocating for destruction of property and the overthrow of the local government?

Personally I don't think they should be allowed to call the police should ordinary citizens have to defend themselves and resort to fisticuffs to defend against Marxist educators who are getting away with this whole thing as well as burning down the government?

What about the improvised explosive devices being used and the fact that I should I do them to use one of these against police officers not only is it arson but we're also looking at destructive device charges and as well involvement with bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms. Or also known as the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives, or if you listen to Joe Biden it is called the AFT!

Well we will see however district attorney Michael Schmidt actually doing his job and prosecuting these criminals needs to be of the highest importance in our society.

What is a civilization if there is no rule of law?

So far not only have I covered these riots and absolute wonton destruction of paid agitators. But now we are also starting to see more of their behavior day by day escalating and increasing.

At one of these events that I wrote about a young girl got given a psychedelic drug called Molly also known as ecstasy. The only reason why a grown man would give a little girl a drug like this is to gain compliance for sex. So basically an adult man gave a child drugs and this sounds like a pretty serious situation as well as crime.

Hopefully the rule of law will come back. During the riots there was quite a bit of crime going on especially during the wildfires.

Law enforcement did an excellent job of community policing and support.

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