Day of Wagner leaving Russia after failed coup!

And right away we have the Russian civil war starting with Wagner group at military contractors getting fed up with the ministry of defense and outright threatening to revolt. So it really looks like Russia is about ready to end up losing a 25,000 man mercenary army.

Then on top of it somehow Russian helicopter got into a shooting skirmish with the Wagner group... Incredibly Wagner group happened to have anti-air capability and was able to shoot down a Russian helicopter inside of Russia!

Then on top of the entire reports of Russian army soldiers defecting two the Wagner group just to be able to escape from this entire conflict! It's only a matter of time until we see Russian before she's finally label wagon recruit as a domestic terrorist group.

Vladimir Putin having to resort to going on air and making a heartfelt Russian plea for stability and for Russia to not panic over a 25,000 men army about ready to march on Moscow...

Wagner group, now it takes two cities and really terrifies the Russian ministry of defense in its march on russia.

Yep some pretty incredible events that we've now seen multiple invasions of Russia and now a Russian military invasion marching upon moscow.

Vladimir Putin was forced into acknowledging Wagner group advancing on the capital and now the fears that he can be overthrown as well as exactly which side effect he's going to be on are extremely clear. The fact that Russian ministry of fence and letting her Putin are upset at Wagner group at military contracting units isn't new and this rebellion has been forming for quite a while now.

Of course Wagner group has been attempting to gain more power and to become the dominant military force of Russia. However unfortunately there wasn't any sharing of power planned for russia. So the only thing that can happen is civil war. Which might just end this entire conflict with Ukraine just to save the Russian capital. Or the Russian Capital might end up getting invaded and the Russian army might end up getting captured within the Ford crane. That's starting to become something that is extremely clear. What I didn't expect was for Vladimir Putin 2 be forced into addressing this entire threat.

Actually had their impairments in Ukraine and we're not challenged by any Russian border guards. The fact that Russian State security or FSB as well as the border guards were unable to do anything is absolutely shocking. I don't think that the entire world would have expected to see this entire turn of events. Now as the Wagner group civil war faction is starting to move its influence from just one Russian city and there was some shooting however now we are seeing two cities fall under control of the Wagner group. This is a big huge situation and most likely another reason that we are going to see Russia attempt to destroy its Ally on Russian territory.

There's only two large cities in the middle between Moscow and all the sudden we are seeing a huge amount of military vehicles being shifted over to block the advance of the Wagner group with it s tanks. That's right armored personnel carriers are now going to be pressed into service to defend the Russian Homeland...

Wagner group also captures 180 Russian soldiers and reportedly is starting to expand its numbers as well as strength. Something that Russia is really fearing. However it doesn't look like there's going to be much happening.

On top of that we're also looking at officially in a couple of days Wagner group by military contracting forces will lose all Russian state funding.

25, 000 experienced Network and capable Russian soldiers actually looks like either Russia has to stop fighting the word you could and immediately pull out a massive amount of soldiers. Basically most likely we're going to see Russia give up the Caribbean peninsula in its entirety. I really think that the shifting of forces explains exactly what is going on with that right now.

And then they let me discover Russia is about ready to execute them and now have started making plans to flee to Belarus for survival. Making this incredibly hilarious.

Wagner group private military contracting group now doesn't want to start a bloodbath after vowing to die fighting to free russia. Trying to get a pass for him and his military contracting company to leave Russia is going to be very difficult. I'm not sure how much thrush is going to put up with this.

So apparently Russia has now lost its most effective army and is now looking at some major issues.

Incredibly it looks like Russians were actually really supportive and excited for the Wagner group private military contracting security company to remove Russia from power by the common citizens upset with the way the war is being conducted. And it'll just be a matter of time until we actually see even further divisions of the Russian federation supporters.

And I'm not exactly sure how some way Wagner group was able to negotiate out a settlement to allow them to escape to Belarus. Apparently it was either that or Russia was going to outlaw Wagner group and attack them. Which basically is another way of saying that the entire conflict is pretty much over for russia. Every time we turn around rush it is having even more problems and issues so it's just a matter of time until we actually see the full and complete collapse of the Red army.

Russia is having quite the useless amounts of drama right now!

A lot of people are really wondering what's going on with the day long negotiations between Belarus and the head of Wagner group. A lot of speculation is coming out and it seems like quite possibly Russia is going to go out the retreat of the Wagner group.

And how the biggest question is what's happening to the massive military column of Wagner group mercenaries that is in Russia. And which direction are they going to turn. Or if the Russian military is just waiting about ready to attack. Which I'm absolutely going to say is that the most likely event that's going to happen. I think that we're going to see Russia once again stab Wagner group in the back. There is already been the attack as Wagner group was pulling out of Ukraine and it's just a matter of time before we watch Russian federation full civil war as much as Wagner group and the Russian legion would like to tease everybody.

Let alone then we've got all the Russian civilians running away hoping to not get caught up in the middle of a Russian civil war.


Frontline news

Ukraine continues to score some pretty serious battlefront advances and penetrations into Russian front lines. We can definitely see the tide turning even if Russia isn't going to go full out civil war just yet.

So basically all we can do is just sit around and wait and tell news is released on what has happened. Is Wagner group going to attack Moscow or is it now defecting to Belarus?

It looks like Wagner group ended up getting too big for its britches in Russia.

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