Day 626. Kherson blowout. The Russian choice. Surrender or humiliation?

Nailed it!

Russia moves in Avdiivka with heavy losses! Ukraine


Russian forces continue to push forward and to threaten Ukrainian supply routes into this area. And we're seeing a Titanic amount of effort being put into this. With absolutely no concrete reason that this will actually even succeed this is a huge gamble for the Russian federation and the Red army. However it's a gamble that is turning into a bloodbath. And there is no military in the world that is more willing to destroy itself in the commission of a war.

Now it's not a lot but the Titanic destruction and losses of as many soldiers as can be thrown into the meat grinder is a specialty of the Russian federation. Unfortunately we're not actually seeing any quality military objectives other than attempting to get to the Ukrainian supply line. As if once again we don't have Ukrainian forces working tirelessly on emplacing camouflaged tunnels into these areas like we've seen in other Ukrainian encirclement operations. Russian forces absolutely cannot accurately cut a tunnel that they don't know exists and if nobody can see supplies getting in to a Ukrainian position Russian forces believe that nothing's going there.


On the south side of the city we see Russian forces attempting to push forward. Bloody fighting is going on and incredible amount of Russian losses as they attempt to assault some of the deepest and most entrenched Ukrainian fortification networks that has ever been constructed. Ukrainian fighting positions here in this area not only are entrenched but they're also camouflaged from the sky and professionally done. Russian forces have no idea how much effort worldwide by professional military fighting forces has gone into this.

It is brutal. Russia gets 100 yards and gets obliterated.

Russian assault units continue to try to push forward and meet wave assaults. And Ukrainian forces are doing absolutely amazing at recognizing the unit formations and delivering continuous strikes before they even hit the front lines. This defensive tactic produces incredible amount of casualties and destruction of the Russian federation soldiers.

Especially pointed is the fact that Ukrainian special forces hunted down Russian electronic warfare systems and delivered powerful precise and decisive.

Quite a massive amount of the Russian military equipment doesn't even get away from the main basis before Ukrainian military strikes start producing significant casualties. In fact an entirely unacceptable amount of casualties are consistently taken by the Russian military forces before they even get to the front lines. In fact Western forces would have called off the attack completely well before sustaining such enormous levels of combat in effectiveness is just known and expected. Russian forces are considered so expendable that they are just going to get continually thrown into the fight.

We watch Russian forces attempting to enter one of the villages and end up getting completely liquidated. The fact this continues to happen to the Russian forces really highlights the sacrifices that the Red army are going to make on fruitless advances.

Russian operational tempo has absolutely increased and incredibly we actually see 1,030 Russian soldiers ending up dead in the past 24 hours. Which many are saying this enters the third operational phase of the Russian attempt at a counterattack.

Sure would be a shame if we continue to watch Russian forces allowing themselves to continually take incredible front line losses in this manner.

Two Russian ships sunk the bridgehead widened and a new kind of Ukrainian Air Force plane!

Ukrainian war full Frontline update.

ATP geopolitics. Only 30 minutes which must mean that there is significant Russian sacrifices to the conflict.

The southern front blow out.

Analysis on how the amphibious assault in the southern front is going. And absolutely we are looking at catastrophic bad news for the entire Russian federation forces in this area. We will see how badly this ends up working out for the Russian officers that are responsible for the collapse of this Russian position.

Even the Russian forces are now admitting that Ukrainian forces are shifting over significant amounts of armored vehicles in this area and along with the large buildup of precision military equipment we see the Russian forces about ready to catastrophically rip apart the entire Soviet advance.

Ukrainian forces have absolutely exploited this entire bridge had opportunity in some extremely significant ways and we only continue to watch the Red army being forced out of key positions and now a key highway.

Things are looking very good in this area and it sure is a shame that these Russian forces left all that military equipment that now has been repaired and is getting transferred across the Dnipro river!

Northeast of here we see the Russians having to react to the threats as well as the other threats all the way across the line of actual control that we see the Ukrainian forces pushing forward. Biggest situation is the fact that Russian forces have lost control of this conflict and have no choice but to be reactive. Now that the southern front is collapsing this is only going to take pressure off of the other front line areas unless the Russian army is are a staging for the next line of retreats. Unfortunately we actually don't see any defensive earthworks for a line of control across the beginning of the Crimean peninsula. And that's because this entire area is probably the worst area strategically for you to attempt to defend. And it's only a matter of time until we actually see the continued collapse turning this entire conflict into an absolute joke. Don't forget that this is going to be the 5th complete collapse of the Red army and it's Frontline military operations in a 3-day special military operation.

Negligently we see Russian forces allowing this to happen as most likely punishment for the previous stampede to freedom and safety by the red army forces last year. Overnight the complete and total collapse of the Russian front line military operations in this sector. Massive amounts of equipment as well as ammunition stock piles were captured intact.

Incredibly we are also seeing Ukrainian forces having control of the entire front line.


Then on top of it here we go with the multi-pronged approach that is swelling out of control and now has cut the Russian ability to move along the highway. This just continues to set up the operational encirclement for the troops in the area. The environmental challenges and the non-proven mess of environment of the desert in this area once again isolates and pins the red army. Having prior knowledge of this entire conflict going down from the Russian major that was captured here in this area it absolutely shifts this conflict into focus. Russian forces have very little space to maneuver or retreat and on top of that there is no further reinforcements or close air support so we can only see it as these Russian units are completely sacrificial and vulnerable.

Reports of Ukrainian made new series of military drones are now taking some serious military involvement and attacking anything that moves. On top of that we've also got reconnaissance drones calling in Western precision missiles from the hiMars launchers.

The entire Russian forces here in this district are highly depleted with massive amounts of soldiers being transferred to the other Frontline areas after the disgraceful retreat. Then on top of it Ukrainian forces have not let up and only continue too seriously attack and destroy the Red army without pause. Russian forces just do not have the numbers or the combat capability to oppose the Ukrainian military's advanced in any way shape or form. And we will see what happens but as we continue to see Ukrainian forces pouring additional military equipment into this entire bridgehead, if it continues this front can collapse. If this bridge had continues to coalesce and cut off a significant portion we are going to see the rest of this territory turn into another stamped for freedom from the Russian red army forces here in this area.

Russian forces are really walking on a fine line with the tremendous losses they've already taken across so many different front lines as well as the fact that they have massive manpower shortages. So it's just a matter of time until we see the fighting sort out the truth.

Once again seeing kind of The perfect Storm and extremely high level strategical capabilities as well as phenomenal logistical coordination between three different bridgeheads. This entire front and it's collapse are going to be studied throughout history as one of the most complicated military operations ever. The fact that Ukrainian forces are splitting this bridge head into three different bridge heads to reduce the risk and completely exploit the entire operational bridgehead mission. At least the Ukrainian forces had that incredible special forces mission where they kidnapped the Russian major and have complete and total information as to the disposition of military forces facing them. That was very instrumental in the beginning of this entire bridgehead before the Ukrainian forces started flying across the river.

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