Day 547. Wagner group to reinvade russia?

We are seeing Wagner group as well as other Russian military bloggers now calling for revolution and regime change over the murder of Wagner group private military mercenary companies leadership. I'm not exactly sure what's going to go on but it does look like Wagner group might just start another coup attempt.

Incredibly we see the Wagner group getting really upset as well as vowing vengeance and implying that there will be retribution. It does look like Putin really screwed up in this and we will see how long it takes before this really turns into even more of an issue. Russian forces are in the population actually were big fans of these mercenary groups to the point it was even like a soccer team fan club.

The repercussions of the murder of Russian citizens in Russia using Russian military equipment now is going to be a huge situation. A lot of people are saying that most likely we're going to have some kind of repercussion coming from the mercenaries and the Russian population is absolutely aghast at this extra judicial killing. This isn't like a wartime execution and let's see how long it takes before action begins to be taken.

And we will see what's all going on however it does look like Russia was going to take absolutely no chances as they ended up arresting the second follow-up plane just in case the key targets that they were trying to eliminate switch seats.

And of course all modern day dictators as well as individuals that are extremely safety conscious do not fly and only take the train.

On top of this we're also seeing a massive wave of silencing any dissension in Russia over 40 Russian businessman and oligarchs have ended up mysteriously passing away or dying under mysterious circumstances.


Ukrainian naval special forces personnel ended up landing and destroying a bunch of vital key equipment and as well personnel. Incredibly we actually see this successful operation happening just after Ukrainian forces were able to eliminating and destroy phenomenally expensive air defense as 400 Network systems. The more that we see this entire conflict ending so badly for the Russian forces the news just gets more incredible. I'm not exactly sure how this amazing daring feat was able to take place however it does look like we are seeing some very incredible things going down with this.

The Russian installed government of Crimea just explained all this way as a routine destruction of military munitions. Despite the appeals of the local population for further information of course we are not going to see a puppet regime government admitting that the Ukrainian naval special forces are able to breach the defenses of this peninsula so easily.

And then of course the Crimean flag was also flown and pictures were captured of this incredible and brave act.

And now it looks like Norway is getting involved in the entire donation of F-16 fighters to Ukraine which most likely is going to bump up the entire number to and even larger amount. Incredibly seeing this massive amount of international support just continues to show how dedicated the rest world is to avoiding this entire conflict directly and the appreciation for the incredible Ukrainian military that is confronting the Russian menace single-handedly.

Possibly an additional 12 jets are going to be added to the potential 61 Ukrainian jets that have been pledged by the different NATO member states.

M i g 8 transport helicopter defects. Incredibly we actually see a Russian pilot having contacted the I want to live program and ended up defecting as well as bringing this helicopter with him during this entire event. Word is also coming out that Ukrainian special forces operators were actually able to rescue this individual's family from Russia as well most likely we are going to see them also being granted Ukrainian asylum. A six month long secret plot ended up being extremely successful. Also we see that there was an additional two crew people involved and they were not in on this. Both of those individuals had to be liquidated as they were risks to operations security. However once again we see the Russian forces take another massive hit to the morale as well as the incredible loss of Frontline combat resupply missions over losing this piece of equipment.

Russian soldiers are upset that they didn't make it back to a hero's welcome. Yep of course why would you see Russian forces being welcomed home after they have ended up completely failing at their military objectives to conquer the neighboring country. However that just does not stop the whining and crying. And apparently we are seeing basically the same situation as we saw in the Vietnam war with anti-war protesters spitting on the returning veterans and calling the murderers as well as other issues. And then on top of it we are seeing this being a regular occurrence and not an isolated situation. Watching Russian forces wearing their wartime uniforms in public and being mocked as well as these individuals having to go to the Russian army and complain about the treatment they are receiving the hands of civilians. Which there's not exactly very much you can do in this case. Public sentiment is actually turning against the Red army with a vengeance.

Ukrainian forces land in crime me up and humiliate Russian forces. Yep we are definitely looking at quite the situation as we see Russian forces once again failing and being humiliated on the world stage. On top of that we are seeing this entire event happening during the Ukrainian Independence day. Making this even more of a huge situation and just continuing to absolutely embarrassed the Red army.


The bodies of Wagner group leaders are being identified however Russian State media actually stopped before they started uncovering one of the founders of the Russian private military contracting group has Nazi SS tattoos!

Well it does look like Russia finally got it's dead Nazis that they wanted. So basically that makes this entire conflict an incredible joke.

Ukrainian forces conduct night ambush raid on Crimea! Half asleep Russian soldiers flee and panic.

More information is coming out about the Russian Wagner group losing its leader and the Russian air defense attacks on this civilian plane.

Russian forces abandoned vital equipment.

Ukraine celebration of independence day by conducting a daring raid on Crimea.

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