Day 485. 223,330 KIA Wagner group announcement of marching on Moscow!


44 artillery pieces have been removed from the battlefield. I think this is one of the most ultra high scoring days of any conflict since world war ii. It absolutely is higher scoring than the previous Ukrainian daily high score of 40 artillery pieces back in May during the headlong retreat and total humiliation of the Red army as they were cut off and outgunned. And it looks like there is no slowing it down at all with Ukrainian forces starting to really capitalize on their success. The fact that Russia lost four tanks 15 armored personnel carriers is actually a very significant event on top of it the three and a aircraft warfare systems 9 drones 30 vehicles and fuel tanks as well as an additional six special equipment just stacks up a massive amount of losses however 223,330 human beings have passed away. That is going to be quite a situation for the Red army.



Ukrainian forces are diving straight for the throat with the advance here in the area as well as an attempted encirclement starting to form up. It might look like Russian forces are going to have to significantly retreat here in this area.

The entire world is absolutely shocked at the Ukrainian military forces resoundingly taking back large areas of Russian held territory in what appears to be a sweeping encirclement for that really threatens to completely cut off Russian military supply.


In an area where Russian forces have been holding the front line since 2014 we have watched Ukrainian forces penetrate over a kilometer deep into historically Red army occupied Frontline.

Russian divisions widen.

Russian forces try to attack Ukrainian position however the K2 unit of the 54th battalion has actually managed some extremely successful defensive maneuvers against the red army. Unfortunately the human way of attacks and attacking from known directions really isn't providing the Red army with the results that they are seeking.

Overhead drone footage definitely shows a completely different situation than what Russia would hope to be looking at. You watch the artillery strikes happen and you just know that Ukrainian forces are continuing to decimate the entire area. However for all the distraction we actually get a first hand view of all of it. And then on top of it you're also seeing battle damage assessment racking up phenomenal capabilities as well as being able to instantly deliver feedback on the accuracy and effectiveness of the red army forces.

Directions do pretty well at holding their position in the midst of an artillery barrage however you can also see when they pop out very clearly and start running while dragging the wounded comrade. The absolute incredible ability to be able to see such a long distance and from overhead really changes the entire conflict. Target selection and discrimination ends up being extremely easy where normally you'd have cover and concealment. Now you have very little ability to cover and conceal anything. Any foliage in these areas has been ripped and shredded or the trees are just completely and totally died in these areas. You never know we might be seeing herbicides being applied to these different avenues of approach rendering a barren landscape.

No human being can survive that and very graphically that is completely and totally illustrated.

Wagner group private military contracting force is now making a power play for dominance of russia. Unfortunately this fracture is going to do more damage to Russia then Russia has already done to itself. I guess it's just a matter of time until we see Russian forces finally end up attacking each other and officially engaging in a full civil war for what is left of the power in russia. In fact I only might even see United Nations peacekeepers having to head to Russia to stop the destruction of Russian society.

Having Russians call the entire fact of this special military operation as being a waste of time as well as lead embarrassment that absolutely true. Biggest one that I could say is that this entire conflict was started for no reason.

Of course being directly called out for the complete over exaggeration of military losses in favor of Russia as well as all of the crazy situations just means that we are not going to ever see a Russian win from this conflict.

Wagner group starts the coup. A lot of really inflammatory allegations are being spread around by Wagner group private military contracting leadership.

Apparently there's going to be a parade of Justice which most likely is going to be a military overthrow of Russia. It just definitely sounding like place the entire situation is really escalating.

Russia apparently has put a big huge pile of checkpoints and called in special forces as well as FSB intelligence agents. Meaning that basically what we see is not only Russia dealing with being invaded by Russians but now Russian corporate military contractors AKA mercenaries are also advancing on the capital. And really what is Russia going to do when the entire Red army has been committed in Ukraine?

Pressure might after withdrawal military forces from Ukraine in a desperate bid to protect capital from an enemy that's already within the borders. Don't forget where you are also seeing a lot of inflammatory and potentially seditious comment being made. Somehow Wagner group is able to hack into the State security broadcasting Network and also spread this entire message all the way across Russia potentially making this a national as well as international humiliation for Russia.

Ukrainian reconnaissance surprises Russian Frontline soldiers.
Wow some soldiers push forward and other soldiers are evacuating Russian Frontline troops. Incredibly forcing them to surrender peacefully without a shot fired. However that also comes with some absolutely unrealistic footage. The unrealistic part being that there's no way that a forest could turn into the Moon and a lunar setting. However in this conflict that's exactly what you see. Russian soldiers incredibly ended up getting talked into surrender without them even knowing it.

Russian mercenary Chief calls for armed rebellion.

ABC news. Oh snap. The humiliation of Putin and the breakdown of Russia into a civil war is happening... Russian forces try to allocate more equipment and soldiers to prevent Wagner group private military contracting battle-hardened veterans from advancing on the capital of Russia.

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