Day 457, 205,720 KIA spyship being towed!


One tank three armor personnel carriers and incredibly 25 artillery systems. This means that Ukrainian forces are absolutely ripping out the major weapons and equipment that Russia has on the battlefield. Nearly 4,000 tanks being destroyed and nearly 7500 armored personnel carriers being destroyed absolutely is a huge Force that is just been canceled. With fact that we have seen 3,384 artillery systems destroyed with extremely high numbers every single day come back. It's only a matter of time until you watch the red army's camel collapse after one straw too many. 205,720 Russian soldiers being sacrificed in this failed war has now completely and totally left Russia undefended as the most recent public relations stunt just proved.



And it really looks like north and south of the city we have territorial losses by the red army. And a lot quicker than it took to take these positions. Meaning that Russian forces are losing massive amounts of men and equipment uselessly to take territory that the Ukrainian forces is easily getting back.

Wagner group prep military contractors claim that they have totally vacated the battlefield however they have left two soldiers that are going to be able to turn the entire tide of this war lol. It looks like this military contracting group has lost 95% of its entire workforce and now is desperately trying to save the last bit of its infrastructure and workforce.

Multiple Russian Amazon serve continued to be hit proving that Russia can't even disperse its forces correctly. Or defend its supplies. Absolutely every single chance that Russia has is about ready to collapse in exhaustion.

Add to that and additional two SU-25 close air support aircraft have been shot down.

Unfortunately while Russia takes major risks it ends up not working out very well as these assets getting lost absolutely are making a decisive turning point for the Red army.

Incredibly reports about the Russian spy ship getting attacked now has it being towed by a tugboat at less than walking speed literally 0.8 mph so this basically looks like we are going to be seeing Ukrainian forces strike another phenomenal naval blow to the Russian Navy once again.

Hit ship comes back to port.

It doesn't look like any damage has been sustained however the shocking reality of exactly how far the Ukrainian forces can reach just builds.

Also positive identification of this thing.

Ukrainian acquisition of f-16s. Are they going to be effective..

Best part about the F-16 is for a 50-year-old combat proven weapon system it is highly capable and in service around the entire globe with a NATO stock number spare parts equipment and capabilities package. Basically you can turn this thing from ground attack to air to air all the way to electronic warfare and back. On top of that we've also got a bunch of different countries about ready to transition away from the F-16 and the four plus generation airframes to the 5th generation. Which will result in releasing a massive amount of these aircraft onto the international markets.

On top of it this airframe is especially needed for the entire glide bomb and drone attacks. Air to air capabilities make these weapons systems.

With the massive amount of these airframes that have been in service worldwide it is now a guessing game as to what is going to happen and when you could see Ukrainian forces finally taking possession of these amazing aerial weapon systems.

Wagner group pulls out of Bakhmut.

Incredible coverage of the war and how everything stacks together everything from the mystery fire at the Russian ministry of defense to the claims Russia got attacked in Turkish waters. Heavy news in the middle of a huge soft defensive that is doing incredible amounts of damage.

Incredibly the biggest news I pick out of all this is right up front and that happens to be Wagner group is excited and eager to encourage informant rebellion within Russia and I think that they're hoping that they can get out of this conflict and become the dominant military force in Russia.

Inflatable ego of the so-called world's second largest army. The lies of Russia are coming out. However the conflict in Ukraine has proven that the Russian military is overhyped and incapable as well as its weapons are incapable of doing what they are advertised as being.

Northern front Ukrainian soldiers battle on the front lines.

Right off the bat you can see how high the Ukrainian morale is as excited soldiers rotate onto the front line.

The professionalism also is noted with a 7-m dispersion spread to prevent individuals from bunching up and taking artillery or mortar fire.

Extremely professional and extremely disciplined moves.

Unfortunately the forces trying to take Lyman have failed and now we watch the Ukrainian forces fertilizing the Russian Red army.

Pretty incredible how the different areas in Ukraine have massively different battlefields. In the northern sector we have trees which really helps to the red army's advantage. It is a double-edged sword that disrupts shrapnel bullets as well as limits sight lines. Anywhere you have static lines you see the trees being destroyed and ripped apart. Some days the Ukrainian soldiers can't even come out of trenches because of the massive amount of artillery fire.

Hearing the pain of loss of the front line soldiers is heart wrenching. The fact that artillery leaves you fractions of the second to react and anything can happen. That you can only pray and hope that things will work out. The psychological stress is relieved with massive amounts of coffee and cigarettes. Incredibly this soldier smokes two and a half packs of cigarettes a day. And pretty much when you are under artillery fire these soldiers end up chain smoking.

Frontline videos like this are absolutely brutal. The fact that we continue watching this conflict ramping up and continuing at breakneck speed just highlights the importance of letting Russia expend itself before ownership of that land is transferred over to the international banking cartel.

Incredibly have also got to say some of the most haunting drone imagery of the northern battlefield is being shown in this video. The snaking trench systems going back and forth connecting the front line with the rear guard areas in the midst of a destroyed Forest is incredibly vivid.

Chilling in artillery fire every day has really broken down the front line positions. However the spirit, willpower of the front line soldiers remain strong in the face of adversity.

40,000 Wagner group private military contractors have perished. Comprising of 95% of forces that this private military contracting group had.

And they're about ready to fall back.


The drone hit ship comes back to port. However there isn't any signs of damage which is really curious and everybody's talking and wondering. We all seen the hit. So we will see if this is the right chip and if this is even a real video. Most likely the real spy ship has been badly damaged and is being towed to Port leaking all this just propaganda.

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