Day 434. 195,620 KIA. Putin's depressing single tank parade day.


The most embarrassing Russian victory parade ever. Yeah what the humiliations of the Red army in the past a days I'm not exactly sure if we're going to see any relief as this entire conflict continue to circle the drain. Russian forces decided to parade on the cadets and old farts. So basically there wasn't any actual troops there was just a bunch of kids and old guys. The Russian embarrassments just keep building and growing. As well as providing an exceptional example of what you're really not supposed to do in a conflict.

The biggest takeaway from the military parade was there is nothing modern left in the Russian inventory as it was a bunch of historical equipment from world war II getting shown off. Cold war era equipment? Absolutely however there is no heavy rocket artillery no precision missile systems being towed through the streets. And it really speaks volumes as to how badly this entire conflict is going as Russia usually shows up at these parades with absolutely everything they can possibly put together.

Absolutely humiliating we see only one tank. And it's a t34 tank from world war ii. In fact it's one of the most ancient surviving relics of world war II from no kidding 83 years or so ago 82 years?

And unfortunately now we're going to see what looks like more of a small European nation parading its entire stockpile in a parade. So take away from this definitely isn't a strong Russia that we are seeing.

Then on top of it the parade only lasted 30 minutes most likely to prevent Ukrainian forces from attacking the parade with a drone! And yeah going to say that the entire drone attack absolutely was Ukrainian just it wasn't done by an official Ukrainian government. I've reported on numerous builders and independent individuals piloting drones in a race to build a long range drone that is able to hit extremely long range targets.

This behavior is really proving that Russia is a failed state in every way and this policy is just continuing the process of liquidating the Red Army.

Wagner disappointed!

Oops apparently the screwing of the Wagner group private military contracting mercenaries hasn't received any more artillery shells. Basically this means that they are getting choked until there isn't anything left.

Ukrainian forces start countertacking and pushing Russian forces back. On the south side of Bakhmut Ukrainian tank operations start pushing forward and Russian soldiers immediately abandon their position and start to flee.

Wagner present military contracting forces are losing massive amounts of troops trying to stop the advance of the Ukrainian army however, it's looking like a losing battle for the Russian army.

And then on top of it you're also watching the first time the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle is being seen in combat against the Russian Red army and the panic that you see from the Russian front lines is massive.

Ukrainian forces then encounter Wagner group private military contracting forces armored infantry fighting vehicles and immediately the destruction of the Russian btrs begins.

South of bakhmut Ukrainian forces ended up taking three square kilometers. Basically this is really endangering the entire Southern advance that is threatening this down and might also end up proving how capable the Ukrainian army really is.

Wagner group military contractors still complain about no artillery shells and the entire lack of logistical support. It really doesn't look like the rushed military is going to help anymore after the massive amount of international embarrassment Wagner group has been able to do to the Russian ministry of defense.

And absolutely this entire division inside of the Russian Frontline troops is going to continue to make massive problems for the Red army leadership.

In another part of the front line it looks like Ukraine forces were also able to push forward taking even more territory in spite of Russian white phosphorus attacks.

Quite a few years ago we actually seen Ukrainian forces marching in the May 9th Moscow parade however this year with the war going on that didn't happen.

The 9th of May has ended up turning into a celebration of the Soviet victory over the Nazis. Unfortunately the Soviet victory has eclipsed the rest of the world. That's right apparently the Soviet idea of ultimate victory means more then the fact that the entire world came together to fight Nazi germany.

Ukrainian forces go on the offensive and punch through the Red army front lines. Apparently Russian forces are unable to keep up.

Wagner group military contractors also complaining about at a lack of ammunition as well as undefended flanks. These undefended flanks are now leading to public images and videos of Russian forces fleeing their positions. Once again the right army gets humiliated in front of the entire world.

Ukrainian third assault brigade is now really seeing results from their activities..

The Cascade of failures is starting to happen on the Russian front lines as we watch military collapse happen as well as Russian forces fighting amongst themselves passing not only to blame but also the facts that the Red army is about ready to completely abandon ed their positions in the face of the third assault brigade.

Russia has lost battle for Bakhmut.

The world celebrates the end of world war II and Europe is also paying respect to Ukrainian efforts in holding back the Red army.

Unfortunately Wagner group got denied the opportunity to retreat and now it does look like they are going to end up having to fight until the last man.

I'd have some more pity however leadership has upset their employer. Went basically means that now they are in a lot of trouble.

Marshall plan 2.0 as well as rebuilding Ukraine after the war. The experience of world war II is absolutely going to come into play.

World is waiting for this conflict to end and absolutely supporting reconstruction efforts in Ukraine as well as an economic reboot has been planned. In fact getting to know exactly what's going on in this conflict is pretty impressive as well as the amazing opportunity that is afforded to the Ukrainian people at the end of this conflict by being allowed not only to join NATO but being welcomed into the European union.

In fact far majority of Russian seized assets are going to be spent in rebuilding Ukraine. And the entire world will see if that's going to be enough. As the conflict could very well end up taking up an additional massive economic impact.

However Ukraine absolutely does have the ways and means to be able to pay back it's military debt.

This war has absolutely caused endless suffering as well as economic hardship. The endless destruction as well as all of the deaths absolutely could have been prevented. International calls to support Ukraine are only continuing to grow.

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