Day 429, 189,460 KIA. The red army is now the Pink Army over blood loss.


18 artillery systems. There is a big huge pile of secrets in that. And it does look like Russian forces are starting to be extremely limited on armored vehicles and my possibly are scraping the bucket bottom if not completely out already. There's only so many times you can abandon your vehicle and or tanks.

Nearly 190,000 human beings so that's this month another 10,000 human beings being sacrificed and if we go five to one... It's not hard to see the Ukraine military losses.

Especially with the extremely smart fighting a new equipment tactics and observational capabilities are allowing the Ukrainian forces to really integrate information and knowledge to the front lines.


Pretty much the entire city has been leveled and then re destroyed. In fact there isn't anything worth fighting over now. Russian forces really are adding up a bunch of destruction to its list of achievements however a victory is not one of them. Apparently it took the Red army 10 months to get the 54th largest city in Ukraine. And actually not really a extremely tactically significant one minus the entire part about the massive morale boost that the defense of the city and the destruction of the Red army has caused. If you want to talk about that the Ukrainian forces have actually completely and totally won over the moral of it's troops.

Ukraine nuclear power plant armed by Russia.

Pretty funny we see it even more coverage of the Ukrainian nuclear reactors with the Russian heavy weapons and placements on top of them in an attempt to bluff their way into not being attacked.


Once again the crossing of the famous river here has actually proved that Ukrainian forces are bold enough to even throw down a Ukrainian flag on the other bank. Basically making this absolutely and 100% confirmed valid we've got the river crossing established and slowly a huge shift of Ukrainian special forces individuals are working to destroy ambush and liquidate any Russian resistance here in this area with all those Western precision assets backing their play from a ways away. The fact the Russian forces aren't able to keep up is really well known and it definitely isn't the best situation with Russian forces spread extremely thin here in this area as well as continually brutalized. And then on top of it we've also got the peninsula that has been tying up a massive amount of Russian forces over there which has once again even further spread the Russian forces thin so you're not looking at a Red army you're looking at it as more of a pink army.

China phone call.

Brought up is that really interesting conversation between the Ukrainian president and the dictator of china. It might actually be that we are seeing China deciding to play all sides of this conflict. And in fact because China is the number one supplier for all DJI drones it might possibly end up that Ukrainian forces end up buying out the entire Chinese drone supply.


Ukrainian German Shepherd just wants to play with his toy while his dad flies a DJI drone. Super awesome dog love! Dogs are awesome!

Sending out prayers for that puppy dog and all the puppy dogs involved in the middle of this entire conflict.

Russia steals more Western assets.

Germany as well as Finnish power stations are getting taken from the people that own these as Russia decides to take them by decree. Glad more Putin is deciding to alienate you're from all chances at being able to have a peaceful russia.

We now have Russia proving this entire conflict is about seizing assets that don't legally belong to you. Which I can absolutely understand. The fact that Russian forces decided to invade is one thing however the entire situation with seizing German and Finnish companies.

In fact that rushes guilty of war crimes within the past 100 years and as well as crimes against humanity cannot be ignored. The fact that Russia decided to starve millions of human beings to death in Ukraine to steal a land kind of just revolves around the entire point of Russia does and what it is. The fact Russia is still doing the same thing that it did 100 years ago just shows that it is a repeat cycle once again.

Human beings absolutely have a very long memory and this absolutely shows it.

Front line update.

37 minutes long I really don't think I'm going to be able to get through all of today's Frontline update. However I definitely have to include this guy's information as I really love the depth and quality that he goes through the front line actions.

Advanced precision kill weapon systems deployed on the Ukrainian battlefield.

Ukraine pulls out more advanced weapon systems. And this is actually right in the middle of the big huge River crossing that we are seeing coming from the Ukrainian forces as well as absolutely wrecking havoc on that Russian Red army front lines once again.


This is just going to expand Ukrainian forces in taking over a big enough bridgehead for the upcoming huge counter offensive and this careful fighting is doing a massive amount of damage. Russian Frontline units are getting hammered by precision weapon systems and we only see the highest of quality military equipment getting sent to the Ukrainian front line.

Incredibly this munition is able to travel around on the backs of Humvees. And the fact that it's only got a 5 MI or kilometer range isn't an excessive reach however 5 km is a pretty decent distance away. Ukrainian special forces have an exceptional extremely precise weapon system in their back pocket that they are brutalizing the Red army with.

The ditch of death part 3.

Russian soldiers have taken a Frontline bunker and part of the trench system. Ukrainian forces pushed forward and immediately take control of the majority of the trench however right off the bat immediately suffer a killed in action casualty. Brutal point blank gunfights continue until Ukrainian forces run out of grenades.

Apparently this trench has not been captured and the Ukrainian forces are going to retreat and get more grenades and then be back in an hour. Unfortunately we see Frontline Russian soldiers not being allowed to retreat. The incredibly high losses mean that the Russian soldiers have to continue fighting.

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