Day 397. Has the nordstream bombing been solved.

Russia messed up!

Then of course we've also seen Russian soldiers can't transport equipment over from Russia to Crimea without wrecking and causing massive damage to their equipment.

Russian propaganda also comes out with an amazing video of Ukrainian forces supposedly acting badly. How about room the actors as well as the entire production suffered some glaring difficulties. A special run of vehicles in exclusive Russian body styles was used as well as the exact location was triangulated and it is in russia.

Ukrainian hero predator was actually gifted a AR-15! Thanks dude really destroyed a Russian assault on his position with extreme prejudice.

Russian nuclear weapons in belarus.

Well of course this is legal because Russia has now pulled out of all of the nuclear weapons treaties it was previously a part of. So yes it is legal for Russia to do now however it is completely and totally against everything that they promised as well as told the rest of the world. So basically that means Russia has lied and is completely willing to continue the escalated nuclear warfare threats.

Incredibly we've also seen Russia working on figuring out ways to deploy these nuclear weapons into Belarus even before this conflict began. And basically making sure that Russia has turned into a completely and totally rogue state. This just continues to add enough fuel to fire that we're going to see the rest of the world and as well the international banking cartel address this most likely in the way that Libya was overthrown. It does look like the threat to the international banking cartel has escalated to the point where there can not be a single Russian Stone stacked upon another Russian Stone.

A lot of talk is going on about the upcoming Ukrainian military offensive that everybody knows is coming. The fact that Ukrainian forces are starting this huge buildup and we can all see it is pretty incredible. Incredibly we are continuing to watch massive amounts of arms deliveries show up. The massive amount of equipment arriving in Ukraine continues to grown swell with everyday and the next couple of weeks we are absolutely going to be seeing even more preparations being put into place.

Russia's 50-year plan.

Most incredible part about this entire broadcast is the fact that the United Nations security council permanent membership was specifically only for the USSR and not for the Russian federation so here pretty soon we'll see what all happens. Well what is really going to happen most likely is that we are going to watch recipe removed from the United Nations security council and most likely without even being given a chance to veto it.

Russian forces show what is left of a combat unit. With the massive amount of combat losses the Red army units have absolutely been rendered combat inoperable and ineffective.

AWACS Russian a50 destroyed by 2 grenades and a short range little drone. This massive success has absolutely and completely destroyed any chance that the Red army could have had a successful air campaign.

200 g of explosives per charge and two different charges were placed by Belarusian partisans. Easily taking out and completely rendering this entire airframe into a big huge pile of scrap 330 million worth of military assets and capability have just been removed from even beyond allowed in this conflict. As well as most likely removing last bit of Hope for a Russian offensive.

Russian federation security forces were completely not able to provide any protection and on top of it we're going to say that there was absolutely no countermeasures at all involved in this security penetration. It's like Russian forces just left a third of a billion dollars worth of military hardware completely and totally exposed. And unfortunately rush it doesn't have unlimited budgets like the United States for military equipment and as a consequence have lost this massive financial investment.

USA 6th fleet is entering the black sea with the permission of Turkey.

Because of the attack and downing of the United States MQ-9 drone by Russian federation Jets now we have seen the American sixth fleet gaining permission from the Turkish authorities to enter the Black Sea. This absolutely is going to change everything that is going on as well as securing Ukrainian grain shipments. The fact that Russia has pulled out of the treaty as well as causing numerous situation and diplomatic incidences. This is all gotten enough support from the United States military that now we're seeing the sixth fleet being allowed to ensure the stability of this region directly.

On top of the international incident on downing the United States drone incredibly then we also saw the theft of that airframe by Russian federation Navy assets.


Most incredibly we are watching Russia getting confronted by direct evidence that has been recovering from the seafloor. Apparently we have a mystery device that is being presented to the Russian government. Incredibly I think that we are going to see the ending of this entire mystery here pretty soon and it does look like Russia has been caught red-handed in sabotaging its own pipeline.

And my promotion tag line!

Budo brothers!


I'd definitely like to promote them. They are sending me a pair of these sticks. So in return I'd love to promote them here on the blockchain. Cool gear and martial arts videos that are phenomenal. and they are coming to our Blockchain ecosystem this year!

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