Day 342 127,500 Russia continues nuclear weapons because they are losing.


Three teenagers were arrested for sabotaging railway lines. In an incredible amount of news being reported from the Russian federation. The fact that you have the common people fighting Bob and trying to stop the war as well as mobilizations from happening in such dramatic ways is only a result of the anti-war oppression. Apparently according to the FSB State security spies they were recruited by the internet and most likely are going to be set up. Basically they got busted on telegram.

Reports that the Ukrainian front line is extremely heavily defended are going out across the Russian federation by the informed and capable Russian military officers..

Third special brigade combat.


The most incredible part about this entire threat of this super technologically advanced wonder weapon happens to be they've only got five. Yep that's right only five of these crappy remote control pretend Wonder weapons which is basically a oversized RC car with machine guns and rocket launchers on it. That's right you're looking at smoke and mirrors just like the Terminator APC that mysteriously never actually caused any huge military upsets in this conflict. That's right we haven't seen any of this at all have an impact on battlefield operations.

Rush it has proven itself just to be a paper tiger

Russian propaganda ends up demanding more nuclear attacks. Apparently Western national socialist targets and capitals need to be destroyed to further the Russian federation goal of reunification and world dominance. So of course rhetoric just continues to escalate from the Russian federation. Accusing the rest of the world of being national socialist or just really bad evil people isn't really working for the Russian propaganda except in their own delusion. Western Nations watching this really scratch their head and wonder if the Russian sick offense really believe that they should destroy the entire planet and commit and start nuclear warfare across the globe over their own egos. Because you know if one person shoots off nuclear weapons everybody's going to launch. Basically this means that Russian needs to be held accountable for this rhetoric against the world. Russia can be held accountable at the end of the conflict for its actions in Ukraine as well as the crimes however this crime against humanity has dwarfed everything and with the repetitive continued boring constant circling back to threatening nuclear weapons over the fact they lost a conventional war that has lasted 340 times longer than they thought it would... Lol. Oh yeah.

Russia needs to disarm its nuclear reserve!
The rest of the world will also start drying down our existing stocks as well as China being confronted on its nuclear weapons stockpile which I am sure is going to be quite a crazy situation in and of itself. However the complete and total removal of the Russian federation nuclear weapon stockpiles.

And since of course Russia has made this consistent threat it needs to completely and totally give up every single nuclear warhead it has in its inventory and prove to the entire world for the next thousand years that it will never again utter those words of worldwide Holocaust. Worldwide this needs to be an absolutism. No nukes for the Russian federation.

Only a completely criminally psychotic group of individuals would allow all of these war crimes as well as the continued rhetoric of nuclear war in a conventional conflict. In fact Russia has lost twice as many soldiers in less than one year then the United States lost in 10 years Vietnam and exponentially more losses than the global war on terrorism which lasted 20 years.

Shame on Russian nuclear war threats.

This is bully actions and behaviors and show a individual that's out of touch with the human race. As well as the entire society that allows and condones this individual to be on the air spreading a message of nuclear apocalypse.

And it's not even like Russian forces are going to specifically only Target military installations with explicitly naming civilian population centers and Western Nation capitals in repetitive extremely graphic threats.


Clear threats against NATO countries really needs to be addressed by the international community and I can only imagine what the repercussions of this are going to be.

Threatening a nuclear strike against the capital of Ukraine again just seems like an impotent rampage as well as temper tantrum. The fact that you have a phony fake television actor getting so fired up and running his mouth on Russian propaganda State television really proves exactly what is going on in this conflict and the continued rhetoric and push for using nuclear weapons by russia.

Why can't Russia simply win a conventional conflict as it is the most feared military on the entire planet is because of its own inequity and hubris. There's no other reasons why Russia would be losing this conflict.

Why are there so many foreign operatives in Ukraine?

Well because the international legion as well as other Ukrainian units are absolutely hiring. And in fact training and duty cycles are already being established. You actually have certain individuals that have shipped out as well as are shipped worldwide for different training cycles in the midst of their combat tours.

The history of Georgia and the Georgian legion in Ukraine and the freedom fighters operating in this war. And they are highly effective capable.

Georgia has been fighting the return of the Soviet Union. And having such a movement being suppressed is only going to fan the dissent that the Russian federation is going to deal with.

Speak the truth
Russia loses its most valuable soldiers.

Poland is going to be shipping those tanks over!

And it really looks like this conflict is starting to heat up with the battlefield and different countries getting involved starting to grow. We've got Iran taking large drone strikes from Israel as well as the crazy situations going on in Ukraine itself. It really looks like with all this stress and drama building up this is going to further kick off additional conflicts.

Russian forces are really looking at pushing this entire conflict into a long game to hopefully erode international support in this conflict however I just don't see that happening with Ukrainian forces having the massive amount of seized Russian funds funding this. That actually makes all the difference in the world when you have billions of dollars in seized assets supporting your cause. And that would be the major reason why we see massive amounts of heavy equipment being shipped into the front lines.

Russian State media talking about how they are going to work on dodging sanctions for Iran as well as North Korea and supporting them just continues to underscore the entire State sponsor of terror designation that the Russian federation has earned. Because the Russian federation has earned that, the continued cost of holding that title is going to really affect the Russian population itself. It's pretty scary listening to a known State sponsor of terror talk about aiding and abetting North Korea as well as Iran which both of them have been pretty crazy at causing as much mayhem and violence is possible. The fact that we are seeing Russian State media working on legitimation of this insane idea that helping Iran and North Korea is going to support and prop up the Russian federation conflict with Ukraine is absolute sheer insanity. What they are going to do for Iran is pretty simple which is actually hooking him up with current generation aircraft and more technologically advanced weapons systems.

Korea has been supplying massive amounts of artillery shells and munitions as well stuff that has been stockpiled for such a long time that we're not even sure if it actually works anymore. The fact that Russia has to go back to North Korea and beg them for artillery shells and military aid just shows exactly how crazy the situation is.

And absolutely all of this exclamation of rhetoric as well as continuing just for supply and offer to arm the craziest regimes on the planet is a continued escalation that we are going to see drive a large amount of conflict here in the world.


Apparently the entire Russian world isn't aware of that Russian forces got thrown out as well as the complete and total defeat and destruction of an invading Russian army happened at the beginning of this conflict. Apparently Russian forces just magically think that offensive are one because they are so divorced from the reality of war and the brutality. The fact that 127,,500 human beings have perished in this conflict means nothing to them however the demand that the Red army make miraculous advances with miracle weapons that are only partially developed is just crazy.

The fact that Russian State media actually admits to losing serious amounts of equipment and personnel taking tiny little towns and inconsequential territories is absolutely amazing. I have a feeling this individual is probably going to get executed for speaking the truth however it is really a fact of life. The fact that we are watching such a crazy amount of propaganda and manipulation is the fact that Russian forces are so desperate to cover up what is going on on the front lines that they have to resort to propaganda.

Apparently Russian grand plan is to completely and fully mobilize the entire country and drag this wore out. Because apparently they say next year they are going to come back and completely and totally wipe out all of ukraine. Which is a pretty credible threat by some extremely credible sources on Russian State media so now once again just like hearing all of these nuclear Holocaust threats against the world now we've also got another clear documented call for genocide and the mass murder of the entire nation of ukraine. If this was a small country like say 1940s Germany the rest of the world would get upset and declare an entire world war and then go about prosecuting it successfully. Right now we are seeing the world not able to back up the Minsk agreement promises to the Ukrainian people but we're all so seeing the fact that most of the world is still a little bit afraid of the Russian teddy bear even though it has proven itself to be incompetent at military operations on the large scale anymore.

Dancing around the entire nuclear hot cake issue in this interview for some reason Russian forces seem to think that they are not really in a war and they have a massive amount of capability and ability to continue prosecuting this war. What I see is exactly the opposite I see that Russian forces are starting to have major issues. As well as major supply bottlenecks because the massive amount of munitions that Russian forces said they stockpiled apparently isn't all the equipment that is listed. Basically what this means is the entire Russian war machine scammed itself and a lot of corruption happened which led massive amounts of stores of military equipment firearms and ammunition to being sold lost for just an entire scam to begin with. Which means now at the time that Russia needs military equipment most they are opening up a bunch of storehouses to find out it's full of rats and no military equipment capable of being issued to the front lines or being serviceable to the soldiers.


Russian State media host decides to just say what they are all thinking. And directly threaten European nations once again.

Because of course what are you going to do when you are losing a conflict in such horrible ways. Of course you could always just decide to throw a temper tantrum and threaten everybody as well as the everybody in there extended family and everybody across the entire world if you don't get your way which shows the lack of willpower by the Russian politicians. I mean we can say that because we are being led by a pedophile and a complete moron for our country so Russia being led by a spy master that is about ready to die with some kind of terminal illness as well as power mad dictator for life...

Or you could just totally and completely insult the entire world and say that it is their propaganda that has completely and totally brainwashed 90% of the entire world into being set against Russia and that the entire world is brain damaged and not capable of understanding reality. This actually would absolutely be what mental illness looks like.

Of course this entire thing just evolves into a shouting match where apparently the Russian people are the only ones upholding European values as well as succeeding European culture. All of this is sheer Insanity mental illness and make believe on the level that is pretty incredible. However I do have to say that if you paid these individuals to say all of this and put them on television is paid actors saying they're part this absolutely makes a lot of sense. You might as well recruit the most stupid idiots that are willing to say anything and absolutely believe it.

Apparently the one amazingly brain damaged idiot wearing the z t-shirt happens to say that Russia is the Pinnacle of European society and they oppose their anti-european anti-culture European brethren. Basically saying again that the Russian people are better than the people in Europe as well as apparently I guess Russian people need to tell Europe how to behave and what to think because Russia of course is better than the rest of the world and especially Europe which makes absolutely no sense. However Russia is still being 20 years behind the rest of the world because of the entire Insanity with totalitarianism and it's police state just shows what is really going on. Don't forget 20% of Russia still doesn't have indoor plumbing. Far majority of Russia is rural. In fact that actually is going to help Russia survive the nuclear apocalypse because there isn't a massive amount of human beings inside of large cities and sprawling suburbs so in the event of a massive nuclear attack it's a lot easier for the population to survive if a large majority of it still doesn't even have running water or indoor plumbing.

One of these Russian State media idiots demands that Ukrainian forces assemble in a specific area and battle it out so that Russian forces can slaughter all these Ukrainian soldiers or they're going to threaten to war on large cities in these close proximity border areas. Apparently Russian forces are threatening to bomb and shell these cities for the next hundred years in their words.

This entire delusion hinges on Ukrainian forces obeying the Russian will. However this entire idea that a super secret super offensive counter-attack is being planned.


In this mental delusion apparently Russian forces have only taken 1/8 or 12 and a half percent of the casualties that Ukrainian forces have. Absolutely incredible some of the things that comes out of these idiots mouths. I'm not exactly sure if they could believe what they are talking about themselves.


A slightly radioactive Ukraine is worth more to him than losing his soldiers. Actually that isn't a bad thought other than the fact that we circle back to the complete and total nuclear Holocaust at that point and should this happen you can only expect Russian people to become targeted worldwide over the decision to attack the rest of the world. It is such a shame that listening even to a couple of minutes of Russian State media talking and the only thing you get out of it is a massive amount of threats for nuclear warfare.


Well it sounds like 400,000 soldiers need to be sacrificed in a tribute to how many Red army soldiers had perished taking a massive amount of Ukraine. And apparently this is now going to be the benchmark against what the Russian military says is appropriate for losses that the Red army can take. It looks like the lack of caring for the common Russian soldier and his well-being is shared by the far majority of Russian media personalities.

Just to take the Zaporizhzhia the Red army ended up losing 400,000 soldiers. So apparently the expectation is for Russian forces to be able to absorb and commit the same amount of casualties in this conflict as it did towards the conflict in world war II.

All the sudden on the news broadcast they had an idea that all Russian people could unite in this war with athletes scientists industrialist and everybody other than the politicians going to the front line and sacrificing themselves for the greater Russian federation good in human way of attacks. Because of course nothing shows loyalty to your government like senselessly wasting your life in a conflict that you didn't even start and that trapped the Red army for nearly an entire year.


40 to 50% losses

This news actually would render the elite Russian airborne core as being a combat ineffectual unit. Meaning that Russian forces have just sacrificed its units to grievous losses. The fact that this information is starting to be reported on and now the rest of the Russian population is going to start hearing about the phenomenal casualty counts. Now I'm getting kind of scared as to what's going to happen in the power vacuum during the fall of the Russian federation. You're looking at a huge amount of territory that is being eyed by China and other countries who would be able to quietly shift their borders to gobble up extra territory in the event the Russian federation collapsed.

Ukrainian forces have really been working exceptionally hard and watching them tie up as well as shut down the majority of the Russian offenses and turn the huge push into a slow plod, is something that rest of the world wouldn't be capable of doing.

Yep that's right the Ukrainian military is doing a phenomenal job that absolutely is getting drastically noticed by the rest of the world's military forces.

And I'm gonna do the promotion tag line!

Budo brothers!


I'd definitely like to promote them. They are sending me a pair of these sticks. So in return I'd love to promote them here on the blockchain. Cool gear and martial arts videos that are phenomenal.

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