Day 316 and 109,720 KIA Russian Christmas ceasefire! Tomorrow til day after tomorrow.

810 more losses in the past 24 hours.

Three tanks two armored fighting vehicles.

12 artillery pieces.

And incredibly another Russian ka 52 attack helicopter was eliminated in combat of operations so this is just stacking up some huge situations and issues for the Red army.

Also shut down SU 25 Grand attack aircraft.

First News starts off with Central Russia and somehow a military camp was set a place most likely from unhappy conscripts that were promised money or just straight up kidnapped lighting base on fire. You know it's really bad when Russian forces keep fire bombing their own bases as well as military recruiting centers.

In a Russian Port City apparently air defenses were activated and shot down a balloon showing the incredible might of the Red army in its last days that we would see such crazy behavior coming from the Red army.

Apparently also having Russian partisans shut down troop movements coming from the Trans-Siberian railway is going to continue impacting and really shutting down or effort.

Hey Russian anti-war group called stop the wagons is really starting to have serious effects and I am sure that it is just a limited amount of time until we see even more actions with these individuals taking out a bunch of rail lines. It's only a matter of time until we see a huge crackdown as I'm sure the Russian spy networks are going to be extremely upset.


Apparently an intercepted phone call from the northern area here has now showed that Ukrainian forces are outnumbering Russian units as well as outclassing them with phenomenal casualties being taken daily. Operational security being blown like this is absolutely going to result in this young man getting charges. So 40 people per day in your unit getting smoked definitely changes this entire conflict from a war into a slaughter and Russian forces absolutely can push forward if they can get enough operational momentum. however Ukrainian forces giving way and Targeting all available combat effective units is too strong to compete with.
Tell roughly 120 wounded as well as 40 killed in action per day adds up especially in tiny units. And it basically adds up to the fact that combat operation effectiveness is quickly lost as well as overwhelming morale crushing effects are felt on Frontline infantry.

Clearly it looks like Ukrainian forces are grinding out the Russian combat effectiveness wherever they decide to show up on the battlefield and throw more soldiers into the meat grinder.


Russian forces are attempting to encircle this tiny little area and advancing however this really looks like a huge trap with the continued encouragement of Ukrainian forces to allow the Red army to push forward and then end up cut off exposed and easy prey.


Apparently a military command post was targeted and will see what all goes down however it looks like being a Red army officer is the most dangerous profession on the face of the planet of the current moment.

Further information on the Russian military base that piled up a big huge amount of munitions right next to the conscript barracks is coming out. Russian military and ministry of defense are coming out saying that there were losses however the proof that there is way more losses is extremely prevalent and this might be the straw that finally ends this conflict.

Russian forces are starting to prepare for the southwestern Frontline collapse by starting to move troops into key positions that hopefully will be effective enough for slowing down the Ukrainian attack that we all know is coming here very quickly however Russia really is dragging its heels and is extremely lacking on manpower. The fact that these defensive emplacements are just starting to be put in his now really showing the lack of initiative that they could have already been preparing. And the Crimean bridge is still being repaired is looking like up to another 6 months before full operational use is going to be achieved especially with that rail line and the need to move heavy equipment over that bridge. Let alone any further attacks from sea drones as a couple of those with shaped charges on the front end would be able to consecutively ram the supporting structures and cause further construction delays. The fact that Ukrainian forces are completely and totally able to reach such distant targets effectively as well as precisely is going to be a extremely decisive fact. Russian forces are unable to match this capability. Defending against it is just trying valuable resources away from Frontline trench warfare.

Another Crimean situation is more mysterious explosions going on in this occupied territory and apparently it was all explained off to be a bunch of faulty gas cylinders. So we can only Wonder in speculate as to what's really going on.

Russian offensive leak

Yep even though we've got all the indications that everybody knows that it's going down it is just wondering exactly where these lightning penetrations are going to start occurring. Yeah we've got a lot of softening up and destruction of equipment and personnel that is making this entire breakthrough possible. It is just a matter of time and wondering which front is going to explode. Especially with the massive amount of new light tanks for the offensive that has been pledged by France as well as other military vehicles that are now starting to show up as getting all these troops moved and advanced is going to be extremely important. The most important part of all of this is the logistical supply lines that are going to have to be set up for one of the largest coordinated tank and armored fighting vehicle battles this world will ever see. I highly doubt any future conflict is going to be as large as this one ever again.

Red army mobilization blunders

Apparently the Russian man got a conscription notice with a deployment date of tomorrow and he promptly recorded this and posted it online.

Further reporting of Belarus and national call up of soldiers is now underway. However everybody already knows that should this happen all of the rotating combat forces are going to be able to call in quick reaction units and then just retreat and fall back and let the layered defensive positions start liquidating advancing forces.

Belarus demanding all citizens show up to clarify their data and most likely get shipped out to the Ukrainian front lines would undermine national security and most likely lead to the overthrow of the entire government if it was left unguarded which is exactly what the people of that country have been waiting for as they've been suffering quite a bit.

Ukrainian forces booby trapping border seven ways to Sunday and digging in heavily is going to be a military blunder should any invading Force decide that it wants to push in. The onion layer defense is starting to prove it's worth as the world's most feared military has been exposed as a paper tiger and a teddy bear. And now the greatest military loss of our generation is going down before our eyes. Put it into context the only thing that has completely and totally United Europe was the fear of that Russia would steamroll its way right on through them alone. The fact that Ukraine has held the front line alone for 8 years as well as now resoundingly shut down the entire Russian advance four times and made them retreat four times in completely humiliating fashion. Let alone racked up the phenomenal amount of equipment losses and supply depots being hit. And complete war upon the office of class which leaves all the smaller units in total disarray once again shows how intelligent things can be.

In an incredible ballsy move the Ukrainian spymaster and intelligence coordinator a major general had his birthday and cut a subdivided Russian cake which in reality is exactly what's going to happen to Russia here very quickly with most likely the entire Russian federation falling apart and then the large Russian State being carved up into administration zones and now have to figure out some way to pay for this entire war when only 20% of the Russian population has indoor plumbing.

Once again we are seeing the complete and total destruction of the Russian population as the losses for them to help the United States and the Allies to defeat Germany overshadowed everything.

At the end of the video the fact that so much of the Red army has been caught in wholesale looting and focusing more on economically leaching whatever they can to survive in a very systematic approach as well as supported obviously by the entire Red army. We see a continued internal war where Russian commanders are forced to loot and ship back as much contraband as possible to be able to have access to Western technology for weapons building as well as luxuries that now are unable to be sold in russia.

The economic sanctions alone as well as the state sponsor of terror label is going to last for the next several generations and European Banks now not only have funded Russia in building this big huge army but have now also funded an army to destroy that and seize the resources.

If managed correctly at the end of this conflict would mean another solid piece for as long as it takes until the world has to confront and take down China. That is if the Chinese people do not suddenly decide to overthrow their own government and get rid of becoming a Chinese government before it decides to invade the eastern half of Russia and claim it. Which would be a huge benefit to China and it's huge need for resources and oil.

Huge news apparently Russian military bloggers are getting upset at the Kremlin for covering up and screwing over the different military units that were hit and covering this entire thing up. So now we've got a big huge situation and more of a rift as the Russian federation isn't as solid as they all say appearances really are showing how fractured even the support for Putin is.

Apparently rush it is completely blaming directions soldiers by saying that they were defying a ban against the different regulations saying you can't have a cell phone on the front lines. Incredibly that is actually extremely true as the targeting capability of Western forces is very well known. And the fact that anywhere on the front lines of the Ukraine territories happens to be an extremely valid Target.

This is extremely significant attack. Huge losses and even if we're not talking about just the cost we also are absolutely seeing huge riffs happening.

Incredibly Russian military bloggers are also calling out the fact that Russian forces stored a big huge pile of ammunition right next to this big huge pile of soldiers destined for the front line. Which is really going to disrupt plans to recycle and reset. Having pro Kremlin military bloggers getting upset now and even more situations with these conflicts is just a matter of time until we start seeing larger fractures and divisions happening.

There's no way that you should have an ammunition dump next to your base however Russian forces are absolutely not fixing the mistakes they are making. And now they start to make even larger mistakes.

The Kremlin currently right now is running the same kind of risk that it had during the Afghanistan conflict. Mother's groups are now starting to join forces and demanding return of soldiers remains as well as the ending to this conflict and further anti-war protesting is now reaching more intense levels even with the phenomenal impact that we see happening.

The Russian people are starting to demand accountability from their government which is starting to be a very inconvenient situation.

Lack of discipline and awareness being shown by Russian horses in this conflict is highlighting a huge problem. And it really looks like it is going to be a war ending problem. Continue failure to instill and keep discipline is just going to result in continued Russian military losses through poor leadership.

Too many Russian men have already been lost and I can only pray for the families in Russia and I absolutely can empathize with them for being lied to.


Since the pressure to take territory as blown up and the incredible defensive posture in the city Russian forces decided to shoot North and see if they couldn't do a quick little land grab and potentially a breakthrough however onion defense to the rescue. Multi-layered defensive areas now have increased behind this penetration with quick reaction forces being shipped to take advantage of the new Target opportunities afforded. Don't forget precision United States and NATO firepower is being directly employed and it's just a matter of time before we watch this little bit of an appraising melt away like the snow and springtime. Unfortunately the Russian Bear decided to take on a wolverine and now is getting thoroughly schooled. Calls on Western Nations to finally support Ukraine attacking Russia is completely valid however I've got to say that during this entire conflict Russia has been incapable of defending its own order let alone being able to protect itself on the battlefield which it is clearly not capable of in the least. Russian forces have clearly failed on operations in urban environments and now are shifting focus and attempting to conduct operations in rural Ukraine. Which is not going to be working out very well at all.

So we will see how they all this turns out however hopes are really not in Russian forces favor.

One of the main takeaways from this crazy advance and pocket is the fact that it is extremely exposed and has been shifted and turned around as obviously the main penetration forces lost steam and capability.

If your goal was to create casualties this is the salient you would occupy!

Wow the words of this combat veteran channel really ring true here. Ukrainian forces can hit this exposed pocket from three sides inflicting maximum casualties while these forces are out on a limb and probably exceeding precision artillery close air support and close in support. Absolutely a Target Rich environment that is going to bring in the most highly capable of the Ukrainian warfighters.

Ammo holding area

Incredibly logistics breakdowns are absolutely described properly as rushing units do not have the proper trained military occupational specialty to handle these equipment and the phenomenal amounts of munitions that are stored there so we might be seeing a couple of these huge supply Depot strikes actually being complete accidents in the future and poorly trained munition specialist from Russia might have been liquidated by themselves..

I mean it's not wrong to blame poorly trained troops and it is actually a completely realistic possibility that some of the Ukrainian supply Depot destructions have been just by accident on the Russian side and not a waste of precision munition.

In Western Nations as well as the United States military the entire ammunition supply chain is handled by very specific specialists that have a massive amount of control within their world as to ensure the safety of personnel active in a war zone. An entire military core has been built around this entire idea with distinctive chains of command and procedures for units to withdraw munitions. I've driven past several of the United States military munition storage depots that are spaced around the United States here and absolutely you see a huge sprawling spread out base with billions of bunkers to contain and isolate only a certain amount of munitions in each area to minimize loss. Russian logistical support with munition basically is a massive train load of munition suppose in and then get shipped to the front line by trucks and stockpile enlarged centralized distribution points. Which is completely backwards and it's definitely open to being taken advantage of. Which absolutely watch Ukrainian forces being smart enough to pick up on these details.

Russia and Russians are extremely smart however in warfighting since with having absolutely no communications or close air support or precision weapons. I can absolutely see how futile this entire conflict is.

Basically right now we are seeing Russian forces doing the best I can and an incredible fight for survival as units are being pushed directly into the front lines by other units under threat of execution should there be anyone who retreats.

Of course the house goes on a huge rant about why Russian forces are pushing so many untrained individuals to the front line without teaching them anything about this conflict.

And of course the prophecy of the next Ukrainian offensive comes out.

Dennis really kills it with an exceptional and incredibly knowledgeable breakdown of this entire situation. We really do see an extended amount of information coming out in the best however my biggest one is a word about Russian ceasefire this would be pretty interesting and we will see.

Wow absolutely incredible Russian forces demand Christmas ceasefire and today break from the war to recover. Ukrainian forces said forget that they are going to not stop or take a day off until Russian forces of completely left all territories of Ukraine.


Incredibly we are now seeing Russian anti-war protesters burning draft cards in an incredibly powerful video that I got a quick screenshot of here.

While Ukraine is not getting m1 Abrams tanks apparently a bunch of old Bradley's and of course the new French tank killer armored personnel vehicles coming out are going to be inflicting some phenomenal damage as well as mobilizing Ukrainian forces for this next big huge push I'm sure we're seeing the continued buildup of supplies and vehicle equipment transportation to make this happen.

Hey Russian worship was just launched with the hypersonic weapons however it is completely locked out of the entire conflict and a sitting duck. Which doesn't really surprise the rest of the world because even though you roll out this wonder weapon and crazy capabilities they are not able to be tested in this conflict and can only sail around uselessly.

Basically a complete waste of time effort and resources.

Biggest news on all of this happens to be the fact that Vladimir Putin refuses to come out of his bunker over worries that Ukrainian special forces or assassins worldwide are targeting him.

Announcing a long-distance naval voyage by a weapon system that isn't even going to interact with the entire conflict, is just continued useless posture.

Russian propaganda demanding that all Russian men stand and fight to the death in Ukraine or be inglorious traitors goes out once again. In the most idiotic call to arms and delivered by some crazy lady. This is beyond funny and more along the lines of just crazy and sick.

Wagner group mercenaries recruiting from prisons have offered 6 months contracted deployments to commute sentences in an effort to bolster Frontline units however it is now coming out that Wagner group completely lied and any surviving criminals have to continue fighting on the front lines with Russian forces. It is either total liquidation of the entire Russian war effort or nothing apparently as even Vladimir Putin cannot demand a ceasefire for Christmas.

In an incredible shock video we see Wagner group cemetery absolutely filled to overflowing with freshly dug Graves of all of these conscripted prisoners.

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