Chinese intelligence criminal precursor chemicals and illegal wildlife


Wow everything from taking wildlife in on trade to marketing banking apps and money laundering services for the Mexican cartel through the Chinese Banks....

That would definitely be one of the reasons why these cartels are still able to operate is the fact that they are receiving massive financial support.

And that would be banking support.

Do not forget that also all of these preachers of chemicals and this massive flood of poison into the United States is absolutely by design and the Chinese military is getting their cut and controlling the flow as well as access of all these precursor chemicals.

And this just opens up an entirely new can of worms. It's not like any of this is actually even being hidden and this information coming out needs to actually be acted upon instead of just reported.

This is a military operation. There is nothing that the Chinese government allows to be manufactured without reasons.

And this is a massive investment into the next level of synthetic opiates so it only stand to reason that you have the assistance of the Chinese military industrial complex to pull off providing enough chemicals to make fentanyl there by skirting Chinese laws saying that you can't actually manufacture it in China.

And they're talking about 11,000 pounds of fentanyl last year making its way to the United States which is enough to kill pretty much the entire population of North America.

And it's kind of odd out China openly brags about doing a repeat to the United States of the opium wars and really there is nobody even worrying about the greatest health crisis our youth has ever seen.

The number one cause of death to young adults these days happens to be this drug and as well the massive amount of psychosis and self-destruction that is resulting from long-term use of fentanyl.

And as much as China says all these things it is just this huge scam and as well quite a bit of a bullface lie that Chinese government officials openly admit they will stop the problem and not actually ever take any action.

Then you've got a Chinese military officer who publishes a book and basically says that drug wars are a non-military war and the Chinese military industrial comment complex can obtain huge amounts of illicit illegal funds from these operations. And this is specifically so that you can spread disaster and health crisis on purpose in another country...

This is absolutely a attempt to repeat in China's favor the opium wars and consolidate enough wealth for China to take over the world.

Which basically is the total idea of China is to take over the world and to control the entire population of the world.

Now you keep saying that these triads are Chinese criminal organizations however this is actually Chinese military operations because no triad is able to be in business unless it is owned. And everything in China happens to be owned by The People's liberation army or the people's liberation Navy.

So this has been very directly attributed and all the skills from these illegal criminal organizations have been fostered as well as protected encouraged and enabled by the Chinese government directly.

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