China grows nuclear weapons..


Well and now they are upset we are selling Taiwan weapons for self defense.



So the one thing that China hates is to buy firearms and other armaments for self-defense.

Which means that they're really upset over this one.

Between issuing threats towards Taiwan as well as the rest of the world we are just seeing an increase in rhetoric from the Chinese Communist party with absolutely nothing to back their claims.

On top of that they are trying to bully India and still haven't acknowledged the fact that Chinese communist party soldiers from the people's liberation army of dumbass country got there butts whooped.

Yep that's right China got the crap kicked out of them by the Indian army which actually is highly proficient very well trained. As well as highly motivated.

Well with an increase in nuclear weapons on the Chinese side we are now looking at a rogue nuclear armed state.

With their stockpile only increasing we are looking at quite a world issue.

Question is when is the world going to challenge Germany taking Poland oops I mean China and gaining function research Organ harvesting and liquidation of their own citizens for profit or just even Petty political beliefs.

With the dictator of communist China working to consolidate control within the party on the eve of a historic war against the entire world? Only time will tell if the Chinese people are willing to to abandon the communist oligarchy. I have a feeling they want a life of freedom and a country that doesn't make slave labor a national asset.

Let alone the 4 billion dollar deal for Chinese children.

Let's see what happens.

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