China bioweapons research was on Corona virus.



China bioweapons research at Wuhan institute of virology. And this was busted and outed that they were discussing this about 5 years ago with the people's liberation army of communist China wanted the next generation of bioweapons.

This is against the Geneva convention. Let alone a crime against humanity.

No one can trust china.

It will be the world against this huge evil in the world.

And China is claiming that there is a conspiracy theory that this sickness was imported. But is only a baseless claim.

And yeah. Who else is china gonna pin the blame on so they don't have to shoulder that responsibly?

China has never been able to hold it's word let alone be able to stop stealing.

It's like angry mob of monkeys scampering around the world stealing anything they can get their hands on. Or raccoons?

Chinese people as a whole? Amazing history and culture until the communist China government decided to crack down. Oh that's right when they got power wasn't it.

Yep. Power drunk communist china is a shame to the human race.

And they are committing genocide and organ harvesting.

The bane of human civilization is here and a larger evil than national socialism in the hands of the Germans during the 1930s.

I guess it would only stand to reason that the Communist Chinese would dare to take the lead for the world's greatest atrocities.

Not only do they think that gain of function bio warfare research is absolutely acceptable, but also hacking human beings apart and selling their organs is acceptable as well especially if the state profits greatly.

In closing that's absolutely the most honest explanation. The greatest evil that humanity sees today is motivated solely for the Communist party of China to enrich itself. And of course it's decadence will allow the people to overthrow the ruling class.

Which is something that the Communist Chinese party is absolutely scared of.

And I can just see how badly the Chinese people would take their revenge against vegetarian, I mean totalitarian leadership...

Yep I think vegetarians are in this conspiracy as well....

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