Biden commits impeachable offense! However this time it's real!

Busted and ironically this is the exact same situation that led to the impeachment that failed of president orange Badman Donald Trump!!!

However president pedophile here decides that he is going to go tell the Saudi government that they need to not cut projection until after the midterm elections as a desperate Gamble and bid to achieve some kind of political victory when all he did was set himself up for impeachment which I'm kind of wondering if this wasn't completely and totally masterminded behind the scenes as a reason to get president pedophile out of office.

This is an insane amount of corruption from already known corrupt leader that just needs to be completely and totally removed from office however we are facing a massive crisis in form of Russia's nuclear war threats.

And because Saudi Arabia wouldn't play ball and be a part of the corrupt system with the Biden crime family all the sudden we are now seeing massive threats of removal of military aid and other enormous threats that are just going to end up backfiring extremely bad and further deteriorate relations with our allies however now this absolutely is a real thing and now needs to absolutely be acted and moved upon because this kind of lawlessness criminality and corruption cannot be tolerated.

So if this is the reason that they used to ban impeach Donald Trump then it is only fair that we watch President Biden not only end up impeached but also as well let us see him also hang for the mismanagement of the entire country.

For you too demand that Saudi Arabia put off the cut really shows what a big situation this really is. And of course this is going to backfire because there is absolutely no care for the well-being of the American people specifically in regards to the massive amount of corruption involved in this massive amount of gasoline price gouging so basically the president allowed and even agreed with the cuts provided that Saudi Arabia waited until after the election because that is going to mean that gas prices are going to sort up to most likely 6 to $7 a gallon and it seems like it is only the rich and the government that are going to be able to survive let alone thrive.

Ironically we are now upset because we are having to ship in massive amounts of oil from Saudi Arabia when we happen to have the ability to be completely energy dependent and not enrich the Saudi government.

don't forget this actually is some of the most blatant disrespect and as well crazy attitude from the Saudi government in regards to this situation however it is just showing how weak of a leader that we have when this is happening right in front of our eyes.

And Joe Biden went to Saudi Arabia in this big huge publicized trip saying that he was going to have them increase production however that is not what happened and completely the opposite now the Saudi government is announcing cuts at the same time the entire White House administration was declaring victory and talking about how successful and amazing this trip was and then pedophile Joe creepy Biden ends up going back on his word and completely screwing the American people while making it extremely clear again he is the most corrupt president of the United States has ever seen.

Having Saudi Arabia coming out and saying no president creepy Joe pedophile Biden is wrong and he didn't do anything for the American people other than engage in a massive quid pro quo and clearly out himself again as the most corrupt politician in our government currently.

I can't wait until the American people will finally gotten tired of this entire situation and we end up getting rid of this entire administration as a whole because really this is an entire shred and set up so that the prostitute that is currently occupying the vice presidents seat finally is removed from office.

The American people can see what's going on and very much right in our face corruption needs to absolutely be addressed with a resounding demand of accountability while making an example of this criminal crime family that has been involved in politics for way too long.

It looks like finally there's been enough evidence coming out not only from Hunter biden's laptop from hell... All of the business dealings as well as the business partners now coming out and testifying against Hunter Biden and the big man. What about all the drug and gun crimes Hunter Biden has been doing as well as corruption prostitutes and continual disregard of the American rule of law with an idea that being the president's son absolves him of any responsibility for his actions.

Well I know it is absolutely and completely the time for a change of government and seriously with the complete ineptitude and idiocy of our current government I am only going to continue saying that we absolutely deserve better not only as a nation but also as a people.

The American people deserve way better than the current leadership that we've been getting and it is time for us to take back our government from these horrible leaders.

So I see some sacrifices are going to have to be made upon the altar of Liberty and freedom. And personally I would be holding the entire administration accountable rather than just executing President Biden and moving on while I'm not actually doing anything to clean up the entire government. Absolutely there needs to be a massive amount of effort spent on dealing with this and at the time where we are currently facing possibility of world war 3 I'm not sure if we can find a leader for the interim that is able to manage this crazy situation.

I do know that the American people are not going to stand by anymore and watch the destruction of our country and of our middle class.

Currently right now I am paying 100% more for gas to be able to live and survive then when President creepy Joe pedophile Biden got into office and price for gas was half what it was now.

And as well absolutely everything has at least doubled in cost very quietly.

Lunch meat cheese diapers infant formula gas and the only thing that is actually not rising in cost is computers electronics as well as vehicles.

This country is in trouble and absolutely needs Liberty as well as the Patriot citizen to stand.

Where are the warrior spirit of the American people.

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