Bakhmut still hasn't totally been lost.

Russian special forces operators fail to secure their positions. Reportedly get overwhelmed with the counter attack.

Bakhmut it's an absolute blood bath today. Rushing forces are extremely frustrated about having to take some territory and then losing it resulting in them randomly shelling Ukrainian front line positions. Luckily Russian Red army artillery is extremely inaccurate so that really helps Ukrainian military individual survivability. But you never know when Russian artillery can get lucky.

Meanwhile on the flanks of the city operations are starting to increase.

In the middle of the city Wagner group prep military contractors are using human wave attacks in an attempt to force breakthrough. Unfortunately it's really not working out. 72 different separate attacks what is absolutely starting to add up.

Russian units with 100% casualty rates..

This is absolutely known however it is no less shocking than if it was just figured out now. There are actually quite a few of these different Russian units that have taken exceptional amounts of casualties. And those casualties are adding up in phenomenal ways.

And just like I've said speaking out or desertion is the quickest way for you to get sent to the front line. They brought 10 deserters and one officer up and then sent them all forward. Deserters or prisoners it really doesn't matter especially if they don't come back alive. Solves a lot of problems and they don't even have to worry about jails.

The larger issue is we're actually seeing these soldiers accept their fate. Incredibly there's not much you can do other than follow orders without risking immediate execution.

Incredibly this individual was also taking fire from Ukrainian snipers as well. And most likely he could have been one of the deserters. Or he could have been chosen to be one of the Russian blocking forces to prevent the deserters from retreating. Unfortunately they are saying that this individual most likely didn't survive the upcoming operation that he was involved in. Apparently this individual is not even going to be able to make it through a 6-month contract. The battalion Commander even tells this poor guy that there's no one to replace anyone he has no more forces at all.

Terra ops has another big video. They are making vog Russian 30mm drone munitions. As well they are also hooked up with a mk19 40mm grenade launcher! Oh wow. And they got anti armor shaped charge ammo for that belt fed blooper. The most awesome thing in the world and they got one... I'm jealous. That's cool.

Even more people are starting to talk about the destabilization of Russia and the fact that we could see a revolution or overthrow of the current government... Yep! We are looking at some major upsetting crisis is going on in the Russian federation with the leadership and it's only a matter of time before some major events start taking place.

@baah here you go the best way to explain why Russian forces have completely and totally screwed up in this conflict..

Absolutely amazing amount of information about this entire conflict and how it has shifted around.

Incredibly this guy breaks down the simple and down to earth reasons why this entire offensive has been completely and totally destroyed. In the beginning of the entire conflict we see massive amounts of Russian advances and phenomenal tactics and strategy. National advancements going through this entire conflict are absolutely hallmarks of the entire Soviet doctrine of combat. I'm watching massive amounts of advances it really shocks me that.

However as the war progressed last year we started watching fresh horses taking massive amounts of casualties and slowing down. At the beginning of this war and the first parts of it we saw sweeping Red army operations capturing massive amounts in Ukrainian territory however now we've seen the rest forces grind into a slow brutal wrestling match with a pig in the mud. The only problem is is that pigs like wrestling in the mud. And unfortunately the Russian forces have forgotten what it's like to have quality military officers and tactics.

Incredibly Russian artillery fire in November of 2022 ended up dropping nearly 75%. Basically that means Russian troops are working their best at shifting all this ammunition to the front lines only to have Ukrainian forces attack supply depots. As well as directly attacking Russian artillery systems which has incredibly shifted this entire conflict into a situation where we will absolutely see.

Russian artillery supplies are absolutely running low. And it is absolutely a fact. Rush is now forced to start looking for artillery shells from North Korea and other countries in an attempt to make up for all of the Ukrainian forces destroying all of that Russian equipment and military supplies. And this guy really sneakily is able to include a ad in the broadcast haha.

Then on top of it not only do we see Russian artillery shells becoming extremely limited and scarce then we also see United States precision weapons hitting the ground in Ukraine and dealing tremendous amounts of damage.


And then this happens. Yep that's right. We end up seeing the Ukrainian forces cutting through the red armies front lines like it doesn't even exist. Incredibly this penetration is so exceptional I really don't think that we've ever seen anything like this during this entire century.

The entire Northern breakthrough campaign by the Ukrainian army is a phenomenal amount of military capability and strategy. We watch the Russian Red army having to fall back over and over and over again as well as quickly losing its entire amount of gains.

Incredibly we watched the change of Russian tactics from using artillery to completely smash and level everything in front of its army and then sending in troops to using human wave attacks that are taking exceptional amounts of losses. All the sudden Russian casualty counts start to explode.

Ukrainian front line update.

Very careful detailed analysis of all Frontline operations in the Ukrainian conflict.

Incredibly this guy can actually track specific pieces of equipment in this entire conflict. And as well also track the impact of its weapons. Watching him go over this with a Russian thermobaric weapon system is absolutely incredible. This weapon system is tracked to be just outside of Red army front line in the middle of the gray zone. It looks like this is just going to continue being a completely new situation.

Wagner group military contractors apparently give the right and left links to the Red army as they are starting to run out of capability and need to focus all of their efforts on one very distinct area.

Urban fighting in the hell hole city that has withstood the Russian assaults on it for 5 months. Incredibly we watch brutal fighting going on. Rocket propelled grenade as well as rifle fire seems to just continue raging.

People are starting to compare this battle to the legendary battles of stalingrad. Urban fighting is really no joke and you can see burned up houses rebel everywhere and an extremely gritty as well as violent operational area.

Ukrainian horses are going to get 21, 000 Canadian M16 rifles. This is going to be a huge amount of capability upgrade in fact I think we're actually going to be seeing a lot of military assistance coming out across the world.

Ammunition is absolutely going to be a good decisive Factor battlefield. Ukrainian forces have enough ammunition to seriously conduct some major offenses.

Ukrainian forces pushed back and is Western forces in ukraine.

Absolutely we can see Russian forces slowly advancing however for the most part these are proving to be exceptionally rare as the entire Russian offensive starts to collapse.

And absolutely we are saying United States special forces in Ukraine as is on and to report. We're also seeing special forces trainers and other United States personnel being involved however none of these are in an official warfighting capacity. So yes absolutely there is United States military personnel on the ground observing however there isn't any United States military units involved in combat operations..

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