Bakhmut battles. But holds against the Russian Wagner obituary list..

Russians weapon dump absolutely destroyed and it really looks like you were staring at the Moon walking through this devastated area where billions of dollars worth of bullets artillery shells and munitions have totally been destroyed.

And anything left over may or may not have been damaged and may or may not be okay to shoot in your weapon system because it could possibly explode prematurely and destroy your equipment as well as the operators.

The destruction of these different areas is absolutely phenomenal.

Just to imagine that military intelligence that had to occur for this highly clandestine very targeted site to have been uncovered as well as then destroyed. And the more that we look into the situation most likely you are going to see Western precision munitions with the ground effect tungsten submunitions that are able to burn through engine blocks transmissions frames as well as anything else to increase the kinetic effects. Rendering anything that was contained at this site to now be scrap.

Northeast Bahkmut
Yes combat army veteran is a little bit behind once again however he absolutely does break down a phenomenal video of the incredible Ukrainian international legion showcasing exactly how professional military soldiers efficiently react to contact.

Apparently this is called the black team. And they are probing forward with reconnaissance trying to find Frontline Russian trench systems with 5 to 10 Russian troops however apparently there was tanks involved.

A point man was able to confirm 30 to 40 soldiers plus a camouflage t90 Soviet tank and a heavily fortified Frontline.

While the soldiers were patrolling they were using excellent cover and moving along the road however they were in the forest hiding among the trees.

On the infiltration you watch the camera guy make excellent use of cover as slowly advancing towards what I'm going to guess is a checkpoint along this road that is soon going to get it pretty hard.

If you look carefully you can watch the white man gesturing to the rest of the group just before the line of contact kicks off and we watch react to contact.

Without verbal cues we watch the entire Ukrainian Force a duck behind cover and then start to establish a base of return fire which absolutely is going to have a cumulative effect keeping anti-personnel forces down and now resulting in only the tank having much of an impact with the counter ambush being sprung and fire superiority being engaged.

Fire superiority a quick lesson

First priority is an American invention modeled after the native American battles where you had extremely quick reloading firearms being employed to overwhelm single shot breech loading United States army cavalry and infantry. In fact six shooters were so highly prized up until the point where we started seeing even more repeating actions starting to take place with United States military forces attempting to catch up however this idea of fire superiority was then immediately snapped up with the United States realizing the effectiveness of the technique.

Back to our checking out of this video.

I was previously talking about how reaction to contact was so seamless with the entire team taking cover and starting to establish base of fire superiority.

Automatically the appointment as well as the other leading elements that are in a very precarious position now have the entire team providing covering fire allowing them to extract and regroup with the unit. While he might have been drawing the initial shots having the incredible ambush of multiple individuals dropping rounds directly into these fortified positions near instantaneously is allowing for survivability as well as incredible amounts of damaged being dealt on top of the brutal fact that Russian forces absolutely are not safe even in an area where it is nice calm, quiet and in the middle of the forest.

Russian forces really screwed up and they did not clear any fields of fire or had adequate security to watch these different flanks and once again showing how much equipment and gear these Russian forces are lacking.

Watching the individual recording this combat video being extremely highly aware of his surroundings and being able to look back and forth shows an incredibly high amount of skill. And a massive amount of training on top of it because you absolutely do not want to get tunnel vision and blocked into a narrow distorted sense of reality in the middle of a combat of encounter.

And especially I am wondering if Ukrainian indirect fire assets like artillery and drone assets were able to be provided during this offensive action.

Incredibly that camera guy is a British dude. And he's got a really cool accent.

As you are also watching the appointment linking up with the rest of the ambushing force camera guy calls out indicating distance and direction for the rest of the forces to start concentrating and making further fire even more highly effective.

Watching the staggered formation as the camera guy extracts really does show an incredible amount of training skill and knowledge by all of these warfighters being able to hold their positions at the moment of contact as well as starting to return fire and allow individuals that are further forward to peel back while multiple individuals are preventing cover fire and decisively engaging. As this is already most likely pre-planned and this fallback idea is been explored quite a bit in the pre-planning stages I am guessing that this is just a textbook day at the office for these incredible soldiers as I'm watching them working efficiently.

Watching these other individuals perfectly prone position and then after forward elements have retreated and cleared firing Lanes in front of them then are able to start engaging and employing even more devastating fire in what looks to be like a c-shaped ambush.

Incredibly also you are watching careful movements from these train soldiers nothing is hurried everybody is calm and collected while they move back and forth setting things up properly. As we are watching all of this getting put together and all of these individuals bound back and forth this is really where the quality of soldiers in this unit really starts to shine. You absolutely can see the quality and time they've taken to train for reaction to combat as well as to support each other.

Previous intelligence that there was 5 to 10 armed Russian soldiers when there was obviously a huge amount more than that there as well as a t90 tank was a huge shift in how this plan was supposed to go down. Taking this position and assaulting and attacking the men would have been easily accomplished by the entire platoon that we see deployed as well as the anti-tank weapons being essential to holding this area however it suddenly having a t90 tank involved and most likely one of the last t90s and with exponential more forces involved. The proper decision to retreat absolutely was conducted and the orderly withdrawal of the probing attack actually was able to extract behind enough tree cover for safety. However the entire knowledge of exactly where these Russian forces are and now that there is a tank there qualifies this as a high value Target which then most likely is going to call down artillery fire on top of this emplacement killing and destroying this entire element and necessitating further reinforcements to be flooded to the front line while whatever unsacrificed soldiers suddenly realize they are being reconstituted and have to hold that position.

Patriot weapon systems coming to ukraine?


Russia has slowly been pushing into the ruins of the city after destroying it completely with massive amounts of artillery barrages.

The main bridge crossing into the downtown City area has been cut preventing Russian forces from crossing the river however it just looks like Russian forces are working on taking as much a territory as possible while sacrificing as many lives as needed for this.

The city center is being absolutely brutalized however Ukrainian forces continue falling back as well as identifying even more high value targets consistently adding up so many losses and destruction it is impossible to see anyone other than the Russian army accept these kinds of losses. Absolutely this is a war crime in of itself for us to watch the complete and total destruction of all these Russian men.

I am seeing a significant return on investment during these attacks over the past couple days and over the past week or so which seems to be sending itself up for a massive Ukrainian attack with Ukrainian forces once again being extremely quiet and quickly rotating different forces around. You really never know what's going on and then all the sudden you get hit with this massive penetrating attack. So you're very shortly as we see the winter freeze locking the ground in place, then we are going to be able to see a phenomenal amount of action happening.

Russia is getting ready too test fire a super large intercontinental ballistic missile that can reach the United States in another saber rattling attempt at psychologically manipulating the rest of the world after we've already seen what's happened in the past conflict here.

Not to mention having additional Western air defense systems the United States has completed negotiations to transfer over Patriot missile systems and I'm going to guess we have already trained proper Ukrainian teams to be able to operate them which now you train one of these teams and then the Ukrainian forces train the rest of the units.

Another big huge wave of Iranian drones was unleashed against the Ukrainian capital and phenomenal amounts of them were dropped. I'm not exactly sure if it was grand total of 100% finally, but we all know that we can't get them all however the capability that Ukrainian infrastructure will start to be defended against terroristic Russian attacks.

In another video which I believe I had posted yesterday or the day before you can see Russian forces really swimming through the massive amounts of mud. I am not sure if it would be a possibility for it Ukrainian forces too use roads built out of wood chips to be able to negotiate and get through.

However the second that we start seeing this situation get figured out let alone just for the ground freeze so that Ukrainian forces can't get bogged down and are able to get around will end up being the beginning of the new offensive. As right now just simple combat movements are really tearing things up and the excessive mud is pretty difficult to get around in when it gets worked up.

I can see that most stable areas being in forested areas and anything with a root system that has been implanted through it and grass matting.

30 more t72 modernized main battle tanks are getting donated by the Czech Republic. Which just continues adding up the amount of forces that we're seeing stockpile around the Ukrainian front line.

Don't forget that modernized main battle tanks that have gotten a massive amount of Western component upgrades is vastly superior to the Russian weapon systems that once damaged sensitive systems cannot be replaced due to international sanctions. Ukrainian forces have an open supply ticket with lend lease and the international community to be able to fix up massive amounts of these broke down Russian captured equipment as well as being able to provide parts and service to the current acting battlefleet of armored weapons.

Russia has pretty much just declared all of the separatist forces are actually red army forces so let's just get around the entire proxy war idea. Unfortunately Russia is directly attacking Ukraine and the United Kingdom while sending in British SAS and special forces individuals to recover British citizens and embassy personnel during the evacuation of Ukraine. Absolutely that is something that I would expect from any first world nation. And I would think that if Russia was a first world nation then they would respect that. However all the Cry-Baby behavior from Vladimir Putin just really shows how scared they are of coalition forces actually being engaged in this conflict however trying to blame coalition forces for being involved is ludacris. Absolutely yes there are a bunch of ex-military individuals who may or may not be getting funds directly from the Ukrainian army however absolutely are engaged in the conflict. And this network has stretched worldwide with retired military operators being able to rotate in and support operations on a part-time basis. However that does not mean that these are actual coalition units because as it stands if coalition forces decided to show up on the battlefield there is nothing short of using nuclear weapons that will be able to help the red army. Unfortunately the Russian army doesn't have a deity to beseech for a miracle. Well not one that is going to actually do anything in this conflict.

We are looking at Ukrainian forces having more resources as well as support internationally. As well as a huge spawning of non-profits and humanitarian aid groups being able to show up the front line. Which actually should really scare Russian forces even more than having a bunch of ex-military veterans show up and donate time.

In an incredible international move apparently Iran is going to get into a massive amount of trouble for providing weapons to russia. Absolutely this could be a huge situation. And having Iranian shipping being challenged as well as impounded would put a huge precedence however with the state sponsor of terror label being held by both Iran and Russia now this means that all Russian shipping as well as all Iranian shipping and aircraft absolutely art not allowed to show up at the far majority of normal airports. And they can't exactly buy fuel at those airports either with no access to international banking.

Turkish next generation drones have been tested and absolutely are phenomenal with that new jet engine so I expect those are going to land here pretty quick on the front lines for further refining.

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