Antifa firearms crime! Total cover up.

here we have the totality of videos.

Wow. And the police video.

Well as you can see we have a massive crowd of individuals and apparently multiple individuals have gotten injured and as well having an individual opening fire in a crowded area as part of a terrorist organization. Yep antifa uses violence for political gain.

The so-called shock troops of the Democratic party are actually wild animals that do not listen to anyone during these violent rampages unless you have hired these paid protesters.

Don't forget these are the same individuals that counter protested their own protest because George Soros stiffed them on pay. Which these kids do not believe in the crap that they are writing on banners.

Yep that's right. Shooting 5 rounds add another human being just get you assault one paperwork.

Personally I would have been those charges to be assault one and swell as an enhancement for the riot and since this is a felony all antifa members in that group should share in the exact same punishment as this individual.

If we have an individual car jack a car and they're using a gun in the process and they shoot and injure another person. All of the criminal gang is charged however in this case for some reason this individual is being blamed for the entire episode.

Nope that's not how this law works if you are in the commission of a violent felony all partying members of this group deserve the same charge.

And this is definitely specifically targeting one of The proud boys members. Mr tiny apparently got shot.

So we are seeing more political violence here on the West Coast and as well finally some action being taken by law enforcement even though it is sorely lacking.

And here we have an individual who directly brags that he is affiliated with the Democratic socialist party which sounds very closely aligned to the national socialist party...

He also brags that he is a thug.

And it's also proven exactly what he believes antifa is and also believes in the command and control structure of a terrorist cell and as well actively takes steps to prevent law enforcement from arresting him and his little buddies.

The more that we look into this entire situation the more that we find political structure is more that of a terrorist organization dedicated to harming others and using violence to perpetuate their political agenda.

After over a year of riots violence and destruction of the community we are seeing just the beginnings of our society standing up and saying this is not acceptable even though the community leaders are protecting these individuals and most times complicit or involved.

Personally I am seeing ordinary Americans having to take the law into their own hands and fight back and protect themselves while being attacked by this criminal organization.

This is mental illness not only by our elected officials but also by these crazy individuals using violence for political gain and as well accessing firearms when clearly they have been advocating for violence times you would think that these red flag laws would be used against these clearly violent clearly unstable and clearly uncontrollable rage and mental instability...

You would think that these laws for gun control would actually apply to these individuals.

How is it that this individual was able to purchase a firearm.

Also where did he get this firearm because in Washington state unless this was a weekly bought firearm then we are talking about a felony charge for transferring the firearm into his control.

Yep that's right apparently Washington State should you hand your best friend your rifle as You are crossing a stream or a fence. That technically means that you have transferred to firearm to your friend and you currently both are guilty of a felony.

That is right you are guilty of a felony for just handing your gun to another person so with these laws in mind.

What do you think that this individual has had a firearm this entire time and wasn't using it?

How did this deranged individual end up with firearm and as well able to start attacking other people?

Not only his girlfriend was at this event who knew that he had the firearm... But also all the rest of the individuals who are his friends and criminal companions.

This is a violent criminals engaging in systemic violence targeting specifically and especially in this case a minority and person of color.

This clearly shows the racial bias of antifa and the willingness to use deadly force to achieve their goals and to murder other people.

And I find it quite the coincidence that the shooting happened after the Portland murderer from antifa shot a human being murdered him in Portland Oregon and ran up in hid in Olympia.

This is clearly censorship and biased news working in favor of this criminal organization to protect them to minimize the incident and protect the aggressors and perpetrators.

Our communities demand our rights which this antifa idiot was quick to assert and hide behind.

We demand the ability to peacefully assemble and sleep about what we feel is important without threats of violence.

Any political party using violence to achieve their demands needs to be removed and placed in prison.

As well these individuals are perpetuating hate crimes upon people of color. In the past years I have watched antifa abuse assault and attack even their own people of color membership. If we will remember the Portland Winter riots that were uncovered to be insurance fraud and the targeting of specific antifa friendly businesses that had proper insurance was uncovered by one of the local news agencies. Willamette week.

I remember hearing about this and as well how the young lady who risked her life and well-being to uncover these pretty low and morally questionable crimes. And then on top of it this young lady who happens to be a minority and person of color and then is targeted specifically for assault and as well immediate attack upon her person including threats of gross bodily harm and murder.... Yep Rose City antifa before they closed down, they ended up posting numerous times trying to Target this young lady as well as inside violence from their antifa followers.

Evil is present in the world in so many different ways. And clearly these individuals are the exact same individuals that had the exact same ideals and motives as the national socialist brown shirts of the 1930s did.

It actually is kind of ironic that these flags are exactly the same. However this is direct truth and them flaunting their motives in your face and then lying to your face.

You cannot trust these communist operatives working to overthrow certain areas of the West Coast governments. I will say this again...

This is a specific funded operation by The People's liberation army and communist Chinese party.

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