A Contrarian in Crypto and Life

Picture this. It's 2009, and I run across the white paper about this new thing called Bitcoin from some dude named Satoshi Nakamoto.

Everything just clicked for me, and I grasped the concept immediately, saying "of course!" out loud, and realizing that nothing would ever be the same after this. As I tried to share this exciting new discovery with the friends and family around me, I came to the conclusion that not everyone has that far-field vision to see beyond events in their immediate field of view.

As I said on a different subject in my last post, they couldn't see the forest for the trees...

If you've been reading me for awhile, you know I'm not a crowd follower. I'm usually one of the few in the room who've read-up on a subject, with a fuller picture and more information to work with when the time comes to make a decision.

Many People Are Sheep, Or Better Yet, Lemmings

My never-ending thirst for knowledge has helped me on many occasions in my life. Most illustrative was in late 2019, when I saw the first harrowing videos of people collapsing on the ground into convulsions and dying of this new affliction, in China.

I researched everything I could about this subject, and was able to get vital information back in a time when the phrase 'vaccine skeptic' was not a part of the regular lexicon. My pleas to those around me to to prepare for the fallout of this new crisis were met with deaf ears, and the refrain of "that's over in China," as if it wasn't just a plane flight from making its way HERE.

This taught me a lot about the deafness of the masses, and the willingness to be led by the nose instead of researching and coming to their own conclusions.

Here's just one example; the story of Michael Jackson:

I'm the type of guy who has no problem reading a 350-page research study. Here's just one interview with his nephew Taj Jackson defending his uncle, and another interview with nephew Siggy Jackson, which you likely haven't seen. When Michael Jackson was facing his accusers, I was one of the few people in my town who'd actually taken the time to read the police reports, the trial testimony, and his travel itinerary during the times in question.

I noticed how the accuser (who was dying of cancer until Michael paid for life-saving treatment), changed his story and it became more titillating with each questioner. The first time, "Michael picked me up out of my wheelchair." Next: "Michael picked me up while grabbing my ass." Then: "His hand was between my pants and my underwear. Then it starts getting sexual with the next tellings: "His hand was between my shorts and my ass." Then: "he was caressing my bare ass."

Problem was, Michael wasn't there...

And unless you read all of those reports in sequence along with the trial testimony, and all you had to go on were news headlines, you just wouldn't know.

But I did.

I knew where Jackson was on those days. Its kinda hard to be doing something to someone in California, when you're making an appearance in Europe. Its kinda hard to be having sex with someone at 2AM, in a room with six other people in it, including one nephew, 2 adult security guards (one sitting in a chair AWAKE), and Michael sleeping ON THE FLOOR next to the OTHER security guard in-between him and the bed, AND with the child's PARENTS right across the hall.

I knew that Michael Jackson endured a 10-year investigation by the FBI based on these allegations which came up empty.

Did you know that?

But many people got their information from the one-sided Leaving Neverland "documentary" instead of doing even the most basic research.

the other thing is that in this TikTok age, many people refuse to read anything longer than a meme or a news HEADLINE.

If it's longer than a couple of paragraphs, they skip it. I've run into brick walls in my locality trying to be helpful and share information that can help improve the lives of those who almost always end up rejecting it.

But when things head south due to their ignorance, here they come running expecting miracles be performed in order to save them.

But it's too late.

So I don't waste my time anymore, and just let them flail about, hopefully, until they come to the conclusion that the information is out there just waiting for them to find it (instead of having faux info spoon-fed to them).

There Are Two Kinds Of People In The World

Two kinds of people exist on this planet. Those who wait for "information' to be shaped, then handed down to them, and those pioneers brave enough to cut through the bullshit, in order to get at the heart of the matter.

Often, that involves reading peer-reviewed studies (keeping in mind that many of them contain conclusions that are bought and paid for by big pharma). It's also wise to cast your net wider, and peruse "non-traditional" news sources, in order to get a "boots on the ground" report.

Recall that back in 2011 across Europe, those that were against the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi were known as 'peace activists' while here in fortress America, those same people were branded 'anti-war protestors.'

Notice the "ANTI" in that label.

See what they're doing there?

That's called "framing"

It's designed to work on your subconscious...

To make you hate those "Anti" people.

How do I know all this? I took a course in framing and media training. There's a reason Bill Clinton uses his balled fist to emphasize a point rather than his finger.

He's been trained.

I also worked at a newspaper, and regularly grilled the journalists about their coverage. I'd ask: "Why did you print the photo of that politician with his eyes closed and his mouth open when there were better pictures of him out there?" The answer: "It's designed to subtly turn people off to this person who has views that we don't like, it's part of shaping the narrative."

I learned a lot about the "news business" during my year there, and could often be found huddling with reporters and photographers only too willing to share the secrets of the trade.

I had no idea that the news was all so managed...

But now I know, and I can see through all their bullshit.

What kind of person are you? I hope you're the type that always questions the official narrative. Who doesn't cave to peer pressure, and who's strong enough to chart your own path in life, and taking the red pill in order to learn what the actual fuck is really going on.

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