#2 Analyzing The Top Secret Document "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars"

This is the continuation of the analysis of a top-secret document, which has been discovered in 1986.

Link to the full document: https://highlanderjuan.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/William-Cooper-Silent-Weapons-for-Quiet-Wars.pdf

A quiet war against the American public was started in 1913, with the Federal Reserve Act. Until 1913, the American economy was based on Biblical laws and principles. Charging interest was illegal.

"With an ultimate objective of permanently shifting the natural and social energy (wealth) of the undisciplined and irresponsible many into the hands of the self-disciplined, responsible, and worthy few."

Free the United States of America and you'll free the world - Brendon O'Connell

Over 90% of wealth is controlled by less than 1% of the population.

"Family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents" (employment of women)

"Must be house-broken, trained, and assigned a yoke and long-term social duties from the early age", (public "education" system), the so-called zombie factories.

It is clearly stated that the modern-day structure is a form of slavery. Pastor Peter John Peters called it for what it is: serfdom.

"It shoots situations" (Cov-ID), and creates artificial issues, in order to achieve the disintegration of the society into numerous branches. Divide & Conquer.

Due to sugar-filled diets, which cause the death of brain cells and shrinkage of the gray matter, the IQ is decreasing rather rapidly. For instance, the average IQ of the Republic of Croatia is nowadays 90, which is 7 points above the average IQ of gorillas. In 1989, northern Croatia was the third most intelligent area of the world, with an average IQ of 106. The mental deterioration leads us to the correct conclusion: "The public cannot comprehend this weapon".

"I'll believe it when I see it"...

The business of banks is risk-free since money has no real value, but in return for the loans they issue, once the people lose everything, banks proceed to "collect the collateral through the obligation of contracts". That's how the Babylon bankers got rich. The same trick has been used for centuries.

One clear mark of the Babylon system is charging interest.

P.S. stop assuming that the government has any power.

"War is, therefore, the balancing of the system by killing the true creditors."

"If not balanced in no other way, (debt) will be balanced by the negation of population (war, genocide)."

Rothschild's banking cartel discovered and implemented ways of causing the greatest economic instability and oscillations.

"The final key to economic control had to wait until there was sufficient data and high-speed computing equipment" (Quantum computers, 5G & 6G surveillance systems, Blockchain

All nations/federations will soon launch their CBDCs, which mark the end of financial sovereignty. All transactions will be traced, and customers' habits closely monitored.

I find it rather hilarious that in 2022 the vast majority of the people still believe in democracy, government, and the news media. Warning: if you plan to share this kind of information, expect the people to ridicule you (cast not your pearls if you're not willing to be criticized, ridiculed, and rejected).

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