ITS WAR!!! The problem with centralisation is one man can alter the course of the entire planet


Well, it is with some dismay and sadness that i read the news headlines today.. To see that one man with very little support has the power to unleash such atrocities on the entire world causing untold deaths, suffering, and great loss in all its forms, including the entire stock market and of course the cryptosphere. Today the world is in crisis, potentially for a long time to come, and it seems there is nothing anyone can do about.

To see Presidents Putins warning to the world that he will unleash consequences "never seen before" if anyone intervenes sends chills down my spine! We all know what this can mean, and indeed how quickly this could spiral into a very serious situation, potentially even nuclear war!

Its not really my desire to get into any political debate, or start lashing down on Russia and their dictatorship. THis is for many reasons, not least the fact that my own government, the UK, have been responsible for more wars and takeovers of other lands than i care to even think about. The hypocrisy of our governments to me is palpale, and one of the most ugly sides of our political landscape.

As i learned in Politics A levels... Politics is about POWER. That is why the west oppose this war and the expansion of Russia to reclaim the Ukraine. They do not care about Ukraine or its people im sure, they care only about having more power and more influence, end of story.

I visited Kiev back in the 1990's when i was just 16 years old. I went on a mercy mission for the Jewish people who at the time had no rights or ability to practice their religion. They were not allowed to leave without invitations, and were not allowed even the basic things that they needed to practive their religion. It was an eye opening trip, and i got to see the level of oppression that these people had lived in. When i visited it was just on the cusp of great change, and whilst i was there i witnessed huge demonstrations by the people for their independence from the Russian state. At first I had no idea what was going on, and at the tender age of 16 was wondering why thousands of people were looking at us all cheering! Were we about to get lynched? The entire crowd of tens of thousands of people had all noticed us kids, we were a group of 15 wearing jeans and western clothes on. Just as we started to get quite nervous they all looked at us and raised their arms and cheered at us. They made peace signs and were SO happy to see us there. I will never forget that moment. It was clear that these people did not want to be under the oppression of the soviet state, as im sure they do not today.

Politics verges on being evil, the the more centralised its power, the closer it gets to the darkest most horrifying acts. The most powerful people can not be challenged, and even the might of the entire G7, NATO, and all the worlds military are meaningless whilst they grapple with the threats of retaliation on unprecedented scales.

What can we do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do because we let centralisation continue. There is only one way out of this mess, and there is one one way forward for this world. DECENTRALISATION of power, of money, of ownership. Decentralisation in all its forms is the only way we can protect ourselves. How can we usher this in, i do not know, other than to say what i have said many times before.

WE have to wait, for the day, that money becomes irrelevant. WE have to wait for technology to become so powerful that it frees us and emasculates power as we know it today. Without money, power becomes a totally different ball game. Who can say what power will look like when money is gone, and the people have everything they need provided by free powerful technology.

Sadly i don't think i will see this in my lifetime, but i do believe it will come, sooner or later. I hope, and pray it wont take the destruction of most of our planet and the senseless murder of each other to get there, and i will be watching this new war unfold with baited breath to see how it resolves. SO far we have not seen a response from China, who despite being great allies with Russia, may well hold the key to resolving this. There is only one country who can put a stop to this, and that is China, in my opinion!

Anyways, with all that said its definitely time to meditate, and find my inner peace. Detachment and surrender are perhaps the greatest gifts we can give ourselves, and the way to get those gifts is through meditation. Let us all remember that this great game of life is just a spec of time in the grand unfolding of this world and beyond. What goes up must come down, and after war will come peace.

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