There is no FREE to be given to you. Quit asking for FREE, and quit falling for the FREE stuff scams.

When the government says they are going to give you something for FREE you should not only be running the other way you should tell them "If you do I'm voting you out, recalling you, etc." They have zero ability to follow through with these promises. They keep conning you into thinking it is real because they know most people live their lives with very short memories and very few people seem to think in terms of long term.


They hand you a stack of money and you think "Wow, I'm going to go buy a TV!" Your taxes don't go up but a few months later suddenly eggs cost twice as much, hamburgers cost twice as much, etc. During that time your job did not start paying you twice as much. You can buy less of everything. That FREE stack of money has translated into you having less money for the rest of your life.

In fact it is much worse than that. You and everyone else is paying for that FREE thing you got for the rest of their lives. Future generations are paying for your FREE stuff.

When a politician offers you something for free they are LYING every single time.

Free education?

Does that mean books suddenly cost nothing, janitors have no wages, and teachers are forced to teach you without any wage? Did we just suddenly enslave all of those people?

Free health care?

You mean the medicines, electricity, salaries for nurses, doctors, etc. just suddenly no longer exist? Did we suddenly enslave them?

Even if we enslaved these people they still eat right? They still need to use the toilet right? Did their food suddenly become free? If so where does this food magically appear out of thin air as free? Who is taking care of the sewage and dealing with plumbing issues? That stuff just became magical and fixes itself right?

Are you starting to see the lie yet?

Someone has to be paying for all of that... Who do you think that might be?

Well the government only has three ways I can think of that it can make that happen.

  1. It can tax you. You'd see new taxes and they know taxes are really noticeable so they try not to do this. They might get you to support taxing the rich or middle class at a higher rate yet for things like this they can only spend that money until that money runs out. You can't steal the money endlessly from these people because it will run out. If the people think in short term they won't care.

  2. They could go to war, implement asset forfeiture and other techniques so they can effectively steal wealth from people, countries, etc. Then they can redistribute it. This is something that can end up being pretty obvious plus it is not something available in infinite supply.

  3. They can print more money. This can be physical, or digital. They essentially add more money to the money supply. This is their preferred method because most people are oblivious to it. However, of the three it is perhaps the most insidious. It is worth expanding upon this point.

I'm going to give you some simple math to explain this.

Let's say there is 1000 dollars in the world. You and your family happen to get 100 dollars of that. Imagine now if a meal cost you 1 dollar. You could afford 100 meals for your family. You decide you can survive with 50 meals so you put the other 50 dollars into savings for retirement and emergencies.

The government comes along and promises some free stuff. They don't create new taxes and they don't start a new war, or steal peoples things. They decide to triple the money supply because that will give them 2000 more dollars to work with. There is nothing backing that money. They just print it out of thin air POOF. They made Monopoly money essentially negotiable.

Now there is 3000 dollars out there but nothing to back it. It takes a little bit but eventually all the market adjusts to this. Now a meal costs you 3 dollars but your family still has only 100 dollars. 50 dollars for food, and 50 dollars in savings.

You can purchase 16 meals. If you rob your savings you can actually purchase 37 meals which is still less than your 50 dollars would buy before.

Furthermore these prices are permanent. People that come after this will not know what it was like when they could purchase more.

This happens every time the government forces a minimum wage increase. For a brief period anyone that was making less than the new minimum wage thinks things are good because they can buy more goods. This doesn't last long. Eventually things adjust and they are right back where they were. Yet it is worse because after the adjustment there are even more people in this situation. You see anyone that was just a little bit above the new minimum wage can suddenly buy less goods than they could before the minimum wage increase as they didn't get any kind of increase. This means every time they increase the minimum wage it gives the ILLUSION (LIE) that it is fixing things. That is short term. In the long term there will always be more poor people after the adjustment than there were before the increase.

Any promise of free goods, services, or money from the government should be challenged strongly. They can only achieve that with lies and deceit. The end result is after the short term is over not only will you be in a worse situation so will everyone else.

This goes for the reparations nonsense as well.

You shouldn't get paid for something your ancestors experienced. That is lunacy.

The only reparations anyone should ever receive are from the perpetrators of the crime and be paid to the people who directly are victims of it. We are not victims of what happens to our ancestors. You have no clue how the life of your ancestors would have proceeded if what you want reparations for did not happen to them. That is something that is imaginary and a guess. You thus do not have anything that was actually done to YOU.

If you can make foolish claims about your life and demand reparations for what happened to your ancestors then ALL of us can regardless of skin color.

Furthermore in the U.S. reparations are based usually on skin color and are often being offered to people who never had ancestors that were slaves, and in some cases their ancestors were the people enslaving the people in the first place. Example: Kamala Harris ancestors were slave owners.

We need to not do pre-crime, and we need to not do reparations for imaginary land. You can't know what would have happened had your ancestors not been in the situation they were. It could have been better, or it could have been worse. They could have been a slave in a cabin at night or they could have been free and had a tree fall on them. You can't say simply because it didn't happen. You are owed no reparations for things that did not happen to you and you should not demand people who did nothing to you should pay you extra.

It is evil, criminal, and crazy.

EDIT: It was the following sickness that inspired me to write this.

San Francisco Reparations Committee Mulls Paying $5 Million to Each Black Resident and Granting Total Debt Forgiveness

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