Hillary Clinton was involved in the Watergate investigation. Yet what she has done makes Watergate look amateur.

This will be a quick post. I am just reminding people again of old news that may not be out there. The proof that Hillary Clinton and the Department of Justice were illegally spying on Trump before and during his Presidency has been exposed by the Durham Investigation. Many of us knew this was highly probable before, but it has been confirmed.


I find it interesting. Very interesting.

Hillary Clinton (at the time Hillary Rodham) was a junior member of the House Judiciary Committee’s temporary Impeachment Inquiry staff during the House of Representatives’ investigation of Watergate.


Imagine that.

Then consider some of the following news stories of today...

New Docs Reveal Tech Firm Used by Hillary to Illegally Spy on Trump’s Internet Activity Was Also on Biden’s Campaign Payroll in 2020

“Did You Pay to Spy on the Trump Campaign?” – Hillary Clinton Hides Behind Her Mask, Dodges Questions About Durham Investigation (VIDEO)

Hillary Breaks Silence on Her Spying on Trump – Claims Innocence Yet Her Attorney Was Indicted for Lying?

Donald Trump Jr.: “This Is Actually Worse than Watergate and Yet All of Those Clowns Are Strangely Silent – They Know They’ve Been Caught” (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton Responds To Trump Spying Scandal

Two-Thirds Of Democrats Want Hillary Spying, Fake Russia Charges Investigated; New Poll Finds

NBC FINALLY Discovers Durham, Touts Denials From Clinton & Sussmann

“This Is Further Evidence of a Coup Involving Not Only Hillary But These Other Government Agencies” – Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton on Steve Bannon’s War Room

Flashback: 2019 Media Chant ‘There Was No Spying’ on Trump : Those frequently demanding "Misinformation" be censored it turns out have been spreading actual "Misinformation" for years. Projection is an Alinsky tactic.

Also consider the constant "Russia, Russia, Russia" when it came to Trump.

FLASHBACK: The Worst Promoters of the Russia Collusion Hoax

Then consider her mentor was Saul Alinsky who wrote "Rules for Radicals" which is a nasty book when you consider it is basically a book about "How to do whatever it takes to get what you want." The methods it proposes do not concern themselves with ethics, morality, etc. It doesn't even pose that a person should consider whether their goals actually are "good". It doesn't indicate a person should be a good Humanitarian, a good shepherd, etc. It is basically a treatise on how to manipulate and get your way.


It also doesn't say what the "Radical" should do when they become the leader. They still know and use these techniques but if they are now the establishment can their actions still be considered Radical? They also having been radicals know these rules and squash any actual radicals early in their uprising when they notice them attempt to use any of these techniques.

It would make for a good book in the Satanic Bible if they ever reprint it. I use it as an example because it would fit right in with the book Anton LaVey wrote decades ago.


I am a bit tired of investigations. I am a bit tired of talking.

They've been caught committing crimes long before this. Some people are protected. Other people have no rights at all. This is what observation is revealing.

Will that change? Will there be accountability for the criminals based upon actual evidence?

I admit that at this point I am very skeptical.

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