FBI Announces Findings on Investigation into January 6th, 2021 Capitol Building Riot: Conclusion "Not Preplanned"

Now I don't think we should blindly trust any entity. I also don't consider the FBI particularly trustworthy at this time. I am presenting some news that more closely fits what I personally believe is the actual narrative from January 6th contrary to what to mainstream news networks, celebrities, politicians, and social media movers and shakers have been pushing. With that said this is still coming from the FBI. Take it with a huge grain of salt.


Link - Zerohedge

Link - Summit News

Link - Infowars


Now whether you trust any of those news sources or not is not really my concern. I don't think you should trust any source without question. I am just presenting the news as I am encountering it. Of those four listed above three of them have relationships, and two of them are simply different outlets for the same source. The first one though is not affiliated with the other three.

If you remember the narrative that has been pushed by talking heads on the screen and at the pulpit since January 6th I have a question for you.

How well has their narrative withstood the test of time?

Link - The Wall Street Journal

Link - Liberty One

Link - Hill Reporter

Link - BPR

Now not everyone is accepting what the FBI is reporting today...

Link - NBC News

Then there have always been those that saw it a Set-Up and the January 6th protestors were simply unwitting dupes in the set-up... Democrats benefitted heavily from it.

Link - Geller Report

Link - American Thinker

Link - Fox News


Where you stand on this issue is ultimately your CHOICE. I'll never advocate from removing your right to choose. My only desire is that you listen to as much information as you can find and you don't simply choose things because they are more comfortable and less upsetting. Facts don't care about our emotions.

Truth not based upon facts is often known as a delusion.

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