Deep Dives 17 | Bioweapons, Viruses, Police States and Emergency Powers (Updated Links)

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Deep Dives Research Challenge - Open Archive

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you back to the Deep Dives Research Challenge after a long hiatus. This edition marks the very first Deep Dives Challenge on the Hive Blockchain and we're very excited to get back to digging in the trenches.

DD17 is an Open Archive contest. This simply means that you're welcome to use evidence and material from any publicly available archive and are not required to reference form a specific one.

What does that mean?

Well it means that for this challenge you're encouraged to reference material from variety of sources.
Here's a list of some of best known archives available to you.

In addition to these substantial databases, we're including a lesser known FOIA archive from the National Security Archive and a privately run archive known as The Black Vault.

From the Black Vault website:

You’ve stumbled upon the largest privately run online repository of declassified government documents anywhere in the world. With more than 2 MILLION pages of documents to read, on nearly every government secret imaginable, The Black Vault is known worldwide for getting down to the truth… and nothing but.

Every document in this archive was obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Begun in 1996, at the age of 15, John Greenewald, Jr., began hammering the U.S. Government with FOIA requests to obtain information. The Black Vault is the result of that more than two decade effort.

DD17 - BioWeapons, Viruses, Police States and Emergency Powers

There's no shortage of stories and theories out there concerning the origins and spread of the COVID-19/Corona Virus/ SARS2 virus that has become a global pandemic. Equally, there's no shortage of confusion, misinformation, disinformation and panic.

The aim of DD17 is to dive into several pertinent subjects in connection to the global pandemic. There has already been a lot of discussion surrounding whether or not the origins of the outbreak are a man-made bioweapon. This is a critical question that has not been definitively answered and the origins of the virus remain largely unexplained. Your research does not have to focus on COVID-19, in fact, we highly encourage researchers to explore any cases relating to Bioweapons and/or the engineering and modification of viruses in labs.

What is the purpose of such research?
Who funds this kind of research?
How dangerous is it?
Have there been leaks or accidents at these facilities?
Is it necessary?
Is it safe?

Additionally, the reactions to the pandemic by governments worldwide have been to implement a total shutdown on daily life. This leads many to justifiably fear government overreaction and overreach which may lead to even stricter conditions under emergency powers provisions and police state lockdowns.

This is the backdrop for Deep Dives 17.

Once again, it's time to go delve deep and discover what lies beneath the surface.

Please see the contest Rules Below and make use of the Deep Dives Index to view examples of past contributions.

Recent & Related Posts

Hive Deep Dives | Reintroduction

Deep Dives Index - The Best of Deep Dives #1- #10

Deep Dives Index - The Best of Deep Dives #1- #16

Always Exercise Caution

When engaging in research of government websites, intelligence agencies and whistleblower sites, such as Wikileaks, we strongly urge you to take all necessary precautions.

We recommend that you take the time to properly explore available privacy tools and VPNs.

Check out the inaugural Deep Dives Challenge for tips on protecting yourself, here.

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Open Archive Challenge

  • Search the various archives at listed above or introduce
    new open source in your submission
  • Find an overlooked, underrated, underreported or obscure leak/ email/ cable/ document/ court filing on a topic that interests you.
  • Build a post around your findings
  • Provide additional sources to make your case and strengthen your position
  • Explain the significance of the material and why it’s an important piece of news that should be communicated to the public.

    If you’re having trouble finding a focus, here's a list of search terms you may want to incorporate into your research

  • Bioweapon
  • BioWeapons Anti-Terrorism Act
  • Emergency Powers Act
  • Emergency Management
  • Corona virus
  • Influenza
  • Killer pathogens
  • Fort Detrick
  • Ebola
  • H1N1
  • MERS
  • SARS
  • Wuhan
  • BSL-4 (Biosafety Level 4)
  • Biological warfare
  • Bioterrorism
  • US Bioweapons program
  • Chinese Bioweapons program
  • UN Biological Weapons Convention
  • etc.

These are simply suggestions, you are free to conduct research into any field of interest relating to the subject matter.

You never know what will turn up!


  • Help spread the word, reblog this post
  • Limited to 2 contest entries per account
  • Submissions must be made in a separate post (not in the comments)
  • Submissions must be posted before the deadline at the end of Easter (UTC - Monday, April 13th 2020, UTC 11.59.00PM)
  • This research challenge is open for two weeks
  • Please make sure to post or cross-post to the “deepdives” community page
  • Indicate that your post is a DD17 entree in the title of your post (so we don't miss it)
  • Your entry must include references to a document/documents found in the a publicly available archive
  • Provide a link to the specific document or page
  • Make an attempt to keep your post concise and to the point
  • You may leave a link to your entry in the comments below

  • Please, do not plagiarize the work of others


The Winning Post Should

  • Meet the rules criteria
  • Winners will be announced 72hrs after the submission deadline (we will certainly try)
  • Well researched
  • Fully sourced
  • Clearly presented
  • Original Content (not widely reported on in the media)
  • Significance should be clearly articulated
  • 3 Outstanding contributions will be acknowledged


1st Prize = 30 Hive

2nd Prize = 12.5 Hive

3rd Prize = 7.5 Hive

  • The current prize pool is 50 Hive to be divided between the top 3 submissions.
  • Liquid HIVE (or HBD) earned by the original contest post will be added to the prize pool
  • Example: 100 Hive – 1st place = 50% // 2nd = 30% // 3rd = 20%
  • Bonus @v4vapid & @ausbitbank upvotes and reblogs for exceptional and/or original contributions
  • Winning post(s) will be pinned to the Deep Dives Community page
  • HP earned from challenge announcements and the winner’s announcements will go to the community account @deepdives

  • Contributions

    Those that do not ‘win’ should not view their work and efforts as being wasted. All submissions are valuable and will be contributing to building a body of research on the blockchain. We hope that contributors support each other’s efforts wherever possible whether by sharing tips, links or through constructive feedback to their fellow researchers.

    Be sure to check out some of the great work done by Deep Dives contributors. Past winners and contributors include:

    @palikari123, @krnel, @geke, @bifiracoil, @thoughts-in-time, @direrat, @an0nkn0wledge, @gregorypatrick, @natepower, @deliberator, @angryman, @elchacal6, @richq11, @tarazkp, @valued-customer, @v4vapid.

    Good luck and happy digging!

    Deep Dives Community

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    Deep Dives Aims

    • Promote original content
    • Promote investigative journalism
    • Promote focused and quality research
    • Encourage community engagement
    • Encourage collaboration and teamwork
    • Recognize and reward high quality original content

      Over time, Deep Dives aims to build a repository of high quality research and original content preserved on the blockchain.

      We hope you join us in building this unique resource.
      It truly is a community effort and your exceptional contributions are what fuels this project.


    Open Source (recommended links and leads)


    (Additional links to be added periodically)

    New Additions

    2015 - South Korea MERS emerged out of the Pentagon Biowarfare Labs

    CDC Inspection Findings Reveal More about Fort Detrick Research Suspension


    The Pentagon Bio Weapons

    Wikileaks (2009) - The World at Risk Report - Will It Make a Difference? PartOne of Three

    Biological Weapons
    Biological weapons (BW) sometimes referred to as poor man's nukes, are disease-causing microbes - pathogens - viruses, parasites, fungus or bacteria, or the toxins that they produce. In the truest sense of the term when these pathogens are used as a military weapon, they get refined and processed for optimal delivery to cause death to people, animals or crops, i.e. living things, or to disable groups. Many of the pathogens or their toxins are readily found in nature. Typically a "weaponized" pathogen - one that has been adapted for intentional use - is potentially more dangerous than naturally occurring ones. However that distinction is often academic. Consider pneumonic plague - a naturally occurring illness caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis - untreated it is a virtual death sentence.

    Pathogens, like other weapons have distinct characteristics that both influence their suitability for selection, as well as assist in diagnosing them, such as

    1. The incubation period - the time from exposure to the development of clinical illness. Some pathogens or toxins can cause illness within hours; others require several days.

    2. Infectivity, which underscores the pathogens ability to infect a host (and the type of vulnerable host). Some viruses, for example, are highly host specific, like monkeypox, but crossover to humans is possible, as was seen in Wisconsin in 2003.

    3. Transmissibility, which can be thought of in the broadest sense as contagion (can be spread person to person) or non contagion. Some bioweapon illness can be spread person to person such as smallpox, while others like inhalation anthrax illness, cannot (at least the natural forms).

    4. Virulence is the likelihood of causing severe disease; plague, Ebola, inhalation anthrax and ricin toxin are all capable of causing death in a high percent of those exposed.

    5. Persistence is how long the pathogen can survive in the environment (and the type of conditions to eradicate it). Anthrax spores are very hearty and can survive extreme outdoor conditions.

    Biological agents have been further classified as Category A (most deadly and likely to cause widespread harm), B and C. Anthrax is considered one of the prototypical Category A biological weapons - it is found in nature as well as numerous research labs worldwide, is capable of causing several distinct patterns of illness, and in the most severe forms (inhalational, gastrointestinal) unless treated early, carries a high case fatality rate, and as a hearty bacteria, persistent in the environment.

    Bioweapons such as brucellosis were used in WWI against the animals critical to the war effort. Russia is said to have more scientists working on plague (Yersinia pestis) than the U.S. has on its entire bioweapons program. And, it remains shrouded in secrecy behind layers of Russian military, political intelligence apparatus and denial. Outside examination is limited. Russia is rarely forthcoming about anything relating to their security: when the Former Soviet Union had a small release of bioweapon anthrax in Sverdlovsk, resulting in deaths, denial was the watch word until information leaked out. Relying upon a nation that aggressively guards its secrets, even while not necessarily protecting its facilities, is a weakness in global limitation of WMD diversion, theft or proliferation.

    Numerous other nations have bioweapons programs, too. Relatively easy to procure and develop, it is a growing global threat. Some of these countries, as you can imagine, do not have a great incentive to destroy their stockpiles, since the objective - regional domination or countering the threat of an adversary - make it unlikely biological weapons will go away any time soon.

    Bioterrorism (BT) is the intentional use of microbes or their toxins to cause harm to humans and other living organisms, to influence the conduct of government, to intimidate or coerce a civilian population. Clearly the anthrax events of 2001 demonstrated the potential impact a biological can cause. Consider the "white powder" events and changes in how the mail is handled at high value facilities! Consider the millions of people affected by the "fear factor" even though 22 actually became ill and five died. But a biological was used in 1984 as the Rajneesh cult spread salmonella bacteria at salad bars in the hope of sickening enough local citizens to keep them from turning out to vote! Over 700 were sickened. Moreover, it took almost a year before public health officials, local health care professionals and law enforcement could put all the pieces together and determine these illnesses were part of a concerted effort.

    Biological weapons, if dispersed in a large, unvaccinated or unprotected (i.e. susceptible) population, will result in numerous illnesses, deaths, perhaps disfigurement (smallpox) or disability. If the target is agriculture - the impact economically as well as to society could be significant. Regardless of the target, it will undermine public confidence in the government, and result in a rush on health care facilities from the worried well in addition to the potentially sick.

    And herein rests one of the critical challenges in addressing biological weapons: unless the pathogen is released in proximity to a detector capable of real time detection (not widely available), biological weapons are stealth weapons! The size of dust particles at best...there will not be a bang, mushroom cloud or puff of purple smoke to announce the release! No noise, no notice. This also makes it hard to identify the perpetrator.

    S/he is long gone by the time anyone figures it out. The "event" has occurred and everyone has left the scene, while the incubation clock still ticks away! A common exposure may not result in all victims presenting at the same time at the same health care facility. So not only will the physician have to correctly diagnose the patient, s/he will have to communicate it in live time to other health care facilities in the locality and, if anyone has left the area....even nationwide or regionally. Such communication often relying upon the efficiency of the local health department - public health capacity is inconsistent nationwide, from agencies such as Los Angeles or New York City being blessed with well trained professionals and significant expertise, to thers which have poorly trained directors with few resources. Another example of a government enterprise that has had so much mission creep as to be all but useless in many regions, but more on this in a future article.

    Of additional concern is the number of laboratories nationwide and worldwide that are conducting research on naturally occurring deadly pathogens, as well as genetically altered ones. Research labs handling deadly pathogens are labeled based upon their biosecurity level (BSL) - from "1" being the least secure and dedicated to relatively low risk pathogens, to "4,"+++ which contain the most deadly forms; those without known cures. These facilities, including BSL 3 are not nearly as well secured as they should be. As reported in The WaR Report agents of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found several BSL 3 and 4 labs that had several security vulnerabilities.

    But here's the sobering reality - while it takes resources and expertise to refine a naturally occurring pathogen for advanced or military bioweapon applications, the vast array of these microbes, if obtained and processed properly, could result in less elegant but no less deadly weapons against an unprotected civilian population. Sick people can become weapons in and of themselves if the disease is contagious. Given our inability to secure the borders, and airport security is weak in terms of identifying biological or chemical threats - a terrorist extremist turned passenger with a passport, sick with plague or carrying a simple dispersal atomizer could cause a bit of angst!

    Al Qaeda has made no secret about wanting biological and nuclear weapons.
    Other cults have experimented with bioweapons. And as the proliferation of these materials, the encroachment of remote lands with global expansion and easy travel between nations increases, so does the risk.
    Take home message on biological weapon illness - if we cannot limit malefactors access to deadly pathogens, do not prevent the event, and cannot diagnose the subsequent illness early.....don't make any long term plans.

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