The ongoing Psyops of Social Media ft. the Alleged "Suicide" of John McAfee

The Ongoing psyops on social media

The blatant psyops being used against our people is sickening, it's like black magic and should only be used against the wicked. They are instilling fear in our people by putting our heroes and other public figures on display, showing you the power they hold... the power of being able to murder anyone holding intel on the powers at be can and will be silenced and it will look like a suicide.


Notice John says "I have nothing yet, I regret nothing" 7 days before his death and he found it so important that he pinned it to the top of his Twitter. Leaving us a message that the fear-mongering elite knows no bounds when it comes to snuffing out any chance of their power being questioned. They will burn anyone's world to ash, turning it to ruin before taking your very life, making it loud and clear that this will happen to anyone. This kind of psyops brings fear to the minds of any induvial who would want to stand against them with vital information that "we the people" need.

If this continues "we the people" will lose everything that matters, everything that keeps us human... we won't have freedom of speech, we won't have freedom of the press, we won't have freedom of information. WE THE PEOPLE of this planet must maintain these freedoms, it's up to all of us to keep our freedom intact. Everyone matters your thoughts and your rights are on the line here. You must become aware of the ongoing psyops they are performing on the entire planet before it's too late.

I will be writing a series on the science of detecting psyops and finding the truth and knowing when something is miss information, I am here to aid the people with my various skillsets and spreading the methodology of being a "jack of all trades, master of none". Join me in this operation of sorts to spread more love, spread more peace through the beautify of truth and real data. Stay tuned my brothers and sisters more is coming.




will we see this activate?


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