New York State court restores employment of NYC employees fired due to their refusal to receive the COVID vaccine

Image: Michael P Senger

In a recent ruling, a court in New York State has ruled that all New York City employees fired due to their refusal to take a COVID jab be reinstated with back pay. It also ruled the mandate for the jab illegal on the grounds of it being "capricious", which in this context basically means random and not based on solid logic. Which does seem to be the case as data set after data set and study after study seems to be showing that the vaccine advertised as "safe and effective" is marginally effective at best and quite far from safe.

Typically, I don't like courts getting too involved with employment matters - especially when it comes to private business - but in this case I am quite glad the court ruled this way. After all, in New York City municipal employment is tightly regulated, and hence it is perfectly fine for a court to rule on such regulations. Essentially, the court has ruled it illegal for the city to mandate its employees' participation in a medical experiment, and for that the court deserves recognition and praise.

In addition, the city does not have its own central bank, hence back wages it will have to pay to the employees who have been reinstated by court order will hopefully amount to a hefty enough fine to the city leaders to know not to engage in such dictatorial activities in the future.


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