Cassidy Hutchinson's Congressional testimony: is it even remotely believable?

Cassidy Hutchinson
Image: Gateway Pundit

On Wednesday, 28 June 2022, Cassidy Hutchinson, a Trump era White House staffer, testified in Congress during the January 6 Hearings that on that day, 6 January 2022, Donald Trump had demanded to be driven to the Capitol where his supporters were protesting against certification of the 2020 Presidential Election. Following the refusal by the President's Secret Service to do so due to security concerns, President had yelled at the security officers and then lunged at the steering wheel, effectively assaulting the driver. That, according to Ms Hutchinson, is the story relayed to her by Mark Meadows, the White House Chief of Staff and her boss at the time.

Now I will have to say that standard procedure in an arrangement involved in having a security detail has the person under guard sitting in the back of the vehicle which makes lunging at the steering wheel difficult. I will not even focus on the fact that most specialized vehicles involved in such operations, including the Presidential limousine ("the beast") sport a bulletproof partition between the front seat and the rest of the cabin which would make the action Trump is alleged to have engaged in outright impossible. I will also not get stuck on the fact that security officers, including the driver of the vehicle, are alleged to be ready to testify that no such attack ever took place. I will leave these aspects of her testimony alone.

I will state the following though. A crime of assault has been reported here. And it is completely unacceptable that anyone, especially a President, viewed themselves as being above the law. In light of that I absolutely demand that the matter be fully investigated and Donald Trump be charged with assault if said assault did take place. If it did not and there is fraud and false testimony involved, on the other hand, I expected those involved to also be held accountable. I am sure all the members of the "resistance", those who believe that Trump is a criminal and a menace, are going to join me enthusiastically.


J 6 Witness Claims Trump Tried to Grab Steering Wheel 6-28-2022
DuckHK, 28 June 2022

January 6 Witness Cassidy Hutchinson Claims Trump Lunged at Secret Service Agent on Jan. 6, Shouted, “I’m the F*cking President!” (VIDEO)
Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit, 28 June 2022

DEBUNKED! Jan. 6 Committee “Surprise” Witness GETS CAUGHT – US Secret Service Sources DENY Trump Tried to Grab Steering Wheel — ARE WILLING TO TESTIFY!
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, 28 June 2022

Cassidy Hutchinson (wiki)

Mark Meadows (wiki)

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